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Some Basics of
Machine Learning
Sidik Soleman
Email: sidik.soleman@prosa.ai
1. Machine Learning
2. Linear Regression
3. Logistic Regression
1. Machine Learning
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Definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
1. Acting Humanly
¡ð The turing test approach
¡ð Computer should to be able to do
¡ö Natural language processing
¡ö Knowledge representation
¡ö Automated reasoning
¡ö Machine learning (ML)
¡ñ To adapt to new circumstances and to detect and extrapolate patterns.
¡ö Computer vision
¡ö Robotics
Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach by Peter Norvig, Stuart J. Russell
Definition of Artificial Intelligent (AI)
2. Thinking Humanly
¡ð The cognitive approach
¡ð Understanding human brain by means
¡ö Introspection¡ªtrying to catch our own thoughts as they go by;
¡ö Psychological experiments¡ªobserving a person in action; and
¡ö Brain imaging¡ªobserving the brain in action
Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach by Peter Norvig, Stuart J. Russell
Definition of Artificial Intelligent (AI)
3. Thinking Rationally
¡ð The ¡°law of thought¡± approach
¡ð Logic ¡ú correct inference
4. Acting Rationally
¡ð The rational agent approach
¡ð Act rationally is to reason logically to the conclusion and then to act on that.
¡ð But, correct inference is not all of rationality; in some situations, there is no
provably correct thing to do, but something must still be done
Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach by Peter Norvig, Stuart J. Russell
Machine Learning Paradigms
1. Supervised Learning
¡ð Learning based on experience/examples, e.g. classification task
Training Data
Machine (Model)
Machine Learning Paradigms (Cont¡¯d)
2. Unsupervised Learning
¡ð Finding hidden pattern from data, e.g. clustering task
Machine (Model)
Machine Learning Paradigms (Cont¡¯d)
3. Reinforcement Learning
¡ð Learning based on the interaction with environment to achieve a goal, e.g. to win chess game
¡ð Decision will be rewarded or punished
Machine (Model)
(state, reward)
Machine Learning Algorithms
Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Support Vector
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- Naive Bayes
- Deep Learning
- K-Means Clustering
- K-Nearest Neighbour
- Apriori Algorithm
- Principal Component
- Latent Dirichlet
- Deep Learning
- Temporal Difference
- Monte Carlo
- Q-learning
- Policy Gradients
- Deep Reinforcement
2.Linear Regression
Based on machine learning course in Coursera by Andrew Ng
Linear Regression
¡ñ Predicting the price of house
What is the price of a 200m2 house?
Finding the best linear function
f(x) g(x)
Linear Regression (Cont¡¯d)
¡ñ Predicting the price of house
What is the price of a 200m2 house?
The best linear function
¡ñ Finding the best parameters
so that is close to y
General Setup
¡ñ m= # of training examples
¡ñ x = input variable/features
¡ñ y = output variable/target
¡ñ (x, y) = one training example
¡ñ (xi, yi) = i-th training example
Linear Regression (Cont¡¯d)
¡ñ Predicting the price of house
What is the price of a 200m2 house?
Finding the best parameter
cost function
Gradient Descent: Cost Function Derivation
¡ñ Predicting the price of house
What is the price of a 200m2 house?
Finding the best parameter
Repeat until convergence {
Simultaneous Update
Derivation Intuition
Positive Slope
Negative Slope
Derivation guide the direction of
should be adjusted.
¦Á is the learning rate to control how big the
movement of
Gradient Descent Algorithm
¡ñ Predicting the price of house
What is the price of a 200m2 house?
Finding the best parameter
Repeat until convergence {
Gradient Descent Algorithm
The Answer of the Prediction
¡ñ Predicting the price of house
What is the price of a 200m2 house?
Multivariable Linear Regression
Previous linear regression function
Multivariable linear regression
¡ñ m= # of training examples
¡ñ x(i) = input variables/features of i-th
¡ñ y(i) = output variable of i-th example
¡ñ x(i)
j = value of feature j in i-th example
repeat {
Cost function
Gradient descent
3.Logistic Regression
Based on machine learning course in Coursera by Andrew Ng
Classification Task
¡ñ Linear regression issues
¡ð Prediction score can be more or less than 1
¡ð Not suitable for classification task
¡ñ Solution: logistic regression
Parameter and x
as matrix
Score is also probability
Regression Model
Training Set
n parameter
repeat {
Gradient descent
Multi-class Classification
¡ñ Binary vs multi-class classification
¡ñ Handling multi-class classification
¡ð One vs Rest /One vs All
¡ö 4 Class Classification ¡ú 4 Classification Model
¡ö Label with maximum score is the answer
Machine Learning Problems
¡ñ Overfit
¡ð Hypothesis fit well with the training data ¡ú high performance
¡ð But fail to make generalization ¡ú poor performance on test data
¡ð High variance
¡ð Too many features
¡ñ Underfit
¡ð High bias ¡ú low performance
¡ð Fail to make generalization ¡ú poor performance on test data
Some solution for the problem
¡ñ Reduce number of features
¡ð Select features to keep
¡ð Model selection
¡ñ Regularization
¡ð Keep all features, but reduce magnitude or values of parameters (theta)
¡ð Works well when having a lot of features
Lambda high ¡ú underfit and high bias
Lambda too small ¡ú overfit
Take Home Message
¡ñ Machine learning is to adapt to new circumstances and to detect and
extrapolate patterns.
¡ñ Linear regression for predicting real continuous values
¡ñ Logistic regression for predicting class in classification

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Fundamental of Machine Learning

  • 1. Some Basics of Machine Learning Sidik Soleman Prosa.ai Email: sidik.soleman@prosa.ai
  • 2. 1. Machine Learning 2. Linear Regression 3. Logistic Regression Agenda 2
  • 4. Machine Learning in Everyday Life Search Engine Machine Translation Spelling Checker Spam Detection Chatbot 4
  • 5. Definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 1. Acting Humanly ¡ð The turing test approach ¡ð Computer should to be able to do ¡ö Natural language processing ¡ö Knowledge representation ¡ö Automated reasoning ¡ö Machine learning (ML) ¡ñ To adapt to new circumstances and to detect and extrapolate patterns. ¡ö Computer vision ¡ö Robotics 5 Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach by Peter Norvig, Stuart J. Russell
  • 6. Definition of Artificial Intelligent (AI) 2. Thinking Humanly ¡ð The cognitive approach ¡ð Understanding human brain by means ¡ö Introspection¡ªtrying to catch our own thoughts as they go by; ¡ö Psychological experiments¡ªobserving a person in action; and ¡ö Brain imaging¡ªobserving the brain in action 6 Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach by Peter Norvig, Stuart J. Russell
  • 7. Definition of Artificial Intelligent (AI) 3. Thinking Rationally ¡ð The ¡°law of thought¡± approach ¡ð Logic ¡ú correct inference 4. Acting Rationally ¡ð The rational agent approach ¡ð Act rationally is to reason logically to the conclusion and then to act on that. ¡ð But, correct inference is not all of rationality; in some situations, there is no provably correct thing to do, but something must still be done 7 Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach by Peter Norvig, Stuart J. Russell
  • 8. Machine Learning Paradigms 1. Supervised Learning ¡ð Learning based on experience/examples, e.g. classification task 8 Training Data Machine (Model) Input Cat
  • 9. Machine Learning Paradigms (Cont¡¯d) 2. Unsupervised Learning ¡ð Finding hidden pattern from data, e.g. clustering task 9 Data Machine (Model) Output
  • 10. Machine Learning Paradigms (Cont¡¯d) 3. Reinforcement Learning ¡ð Learning based on the interaction with environment to achieve a goal, e.g. to win chess game ¡ð Decision will be rewarded or punished 10 Machine (Model) Environmen t (action) (state, reward)
  • 11. Machine Learning Algorithms 11 Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning Reinforcement Learning - Linear Regression - Logistic Regression - Support Vector Machine - Decision Tree - Random Forest - Naive Bayes - Deep Learning - K-Means Clustering - K-Nearest Neighbour - Apriori Algorithm - Principal Component Analysis - Latent Dirichlet Allocation - Deep Learning - Temporal Difference Learning - Monte Carlo - Q-learning - Policy Gradients - Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • 12. 12 2.Linear Regression Based on machine learning course in Coursera by Andrew Ng https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning
  • 13. Linear Regression ¡ñ Predicting the price of house 13 What is the price of a 200m2 house? Finding the best linear function f(x) g(x) h(x)
  • 14. Linear Regression (Cont¡¯d) ¡ñ Predicting the price of house 14 What is the price of a 200m2 house? The best linear function ¡ñ ¡ñ Finding the best parameters so that is close to y General Setup ¡ñ m= # of training examples ¡ñ x = input variable/features ¡ñ y = output variable/target ¡ñ (x, y) = one training example ¡ñ (xi, yi) = i-th training example h(x)
  • 15. Linear Regression (Cont¡¯d) ¡ñ Predicting the price of house 15 What is the price of a 200m2 house? Finding the best parameter h(x) cost function
  • 16. Gradient Descent: Cost Function Derivation ¡ñ Predicting the price of house 16 What is the price of a 200m2 house? Finding the best parameter h(x) Repeat until convergence { } Simultaneous Update
  • 17. Derivation Intuition 17 Positive Slope Negative Slope Derivation guide the direction of should be adjusted. ¦Á is the learning rate to control how big the movement of
  • 18. Gradient Descent Algorithm ¡ñ Predicting the price of house 18 What is the price of a 200m2 house? Finding the best parameter h(x) Repeat until convergence { } Gradient Descent Algorithm
  • 19. The Answer of the Prediction ¡ñ Predicting the price of house 19 What is the price of a 200m2 house? h(x)
  • 20. Multivariable Linear Regression 20 Previous linear regression function ¡ñ Multivariable linear regression ¡ñ m= # of training examples ¡ñ x(i) = input variables/features of i-th example ¡ñ y(i) = output variable of i-th example ¡ñ x(i) j = value of feature j in i-th example repeat { } Cost function Gradient descent
  • 21. 21 3.Logistic Regression Based on machine learning course in Coursera by Andrew Ng https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning
  • 22. Classification Task 22 ¡ñ Linear regression issues ¡ð Prediction score can be more or less than 1 ¡ð Not suitable for classification task ¡ñ Solution: logistic regression Parameter and x as matrix 1 0.5 Score is also probability
  • 23. Regression Model 23 Training Set n parameter Cost repeat { } Gradient descent
  • 24. Multi-class Classification ¡ñ Binary vs multi-class classification ¡ñ Handling multi-class classification ¡ð One vs Rest /One vs All ¡ö 4 Class Classification ¡ú 4 Classification Model ¡ö Label with maximum score is the answer 24
  • 25. Machine Learning Problems ¡ñ Overfit ¡ð Hypothesis fit well with the training data ¡ú high performance ¡ð But fail to make generalization ¡ú poor performance on test data ¡ð High variance ¡ð Too many features ¡ñ Underfit ¡ð High bias ¡ú low performance ¡ð Fail to make generalization ¡ú poor performance on test data 25
  • 26. Some solution for the problem ¡ñ Reduce number of features ¡ð Select features to keep ¡ð Model selection ¡ñ Regularization ¡ð Keep all features, but reduce magnitude or values of parameters (theta) ¡ð Works well when having a lot of features 26
  • 27. Regularization 27 Regularization Note: Lambda high ¡ú underfit and high bias Lambda too small ¡ú overfit
  • 28. Take Home Message ¡ñ Machine learning is to adapt to new circumstances and to detect and extrapolate patterns. ¡ñ Linear regression for predicting real continuous values ¡ñ Logistic regression for predicting class in classification 28