The Pet Pooja app is an Android application that aims to spread awareness about complementary feeding in rural areas through animation and voice support. Based on the date of birth entered, mothers will receive one of three messages - for pregnant women informing when they can use the app after delivery, for mothers of babies under 6 months informing when they can use the app, and for mothers of babies over 6 months showing ingredients for complementary feeding. The app then provides instructions on how to cook nutritious foods, consistency checks, appropriate quantities, and feeding frequencies.
2. Objective
An Android application that helps spread awareness through a Rural activation
program on complimentary feeding.
We recommend that the app uses likeable animation and voice support across
the app to ensure every user understands it.
4. Message
Once the mother submits the Date of Birth of the baby,
one among the below three messages, in the form of
animation, would get displayed accordingly.
? For Pregnant Women - Please try Pet Pooja after –x– months
once your baby is six months old.
? For a Mother whose baby is less than six months of age -
Sorry, it will take –x– months for you to try Pet Pooja, as your
baby is only –x– months old.
? For a Mother whose baby is six months old & beyond - The
next screen will show the ingredients that are available at home
for the mother to prepare a nutritious food for the baby.
While selecting the DOB of the baby, we can have a voice over in hindi/Bhojpuri that says the name r month as the user scrolls through it.
We would have three pictorial representation of the above three stages mentioned with the message getting displayed.
First we show them a video of how to add the ingredients and then make them do it. Double messaging and fool proof.
Game – The user can drag & drop the ingredients to know what exactly is needed to cook the meal.
The user can also stir the gruel for more interactivity
The hand is like a cursor. User can use it to dip the hand in the pot to take out some gruel to check consistency.
The user can take the food and check the consistency of it.
This could be a game where we can make the users to select the quantity that they think is sufficient for the baby. Once they select the wrong quantity, the right answer is displayed and conveyed through a voice over.
To make the app more interactive, we can make the user to select the frequency to feed the baby and let them know how many times they should feed their baby a day. This will change depending on the DOB the user has entered previously. This will be very illustrative and user friendly.