Team FREDNET aims to land a robot on the moon by 2012 to demonstrate open source space exploration. It has three teams: an open source development team that creates space technologies; an open participation mission team that plans the lunar mission; and a business development team that promotes and funds the organization. The overall goal is to establish open source as a viable approach to space exploration and development.
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09 07-21 frednet
1. Team FREDNET GLXP Mission Concept
Fred J. Bourgeois, III , Sean C. Casey, and Team FREDNET
Abstract: Team FREDNET ( is demonstrating that Open Source development is a viable way to solve complex real-world
problems. FREDNET Mission teams are based upon the efforts of volunteers from all over the world. By employing Web 2.0 technologies, we are
establishing a development environment where disciplined experts collaborate in teams to address technically challenging mission objectives.
Our principle mission is to land a robot on the moon and return HD images and video of the lunar surface by December 2012. This mission is, however,
just a 鍖rst step in demonstrating the successful integration of open source technologies for space exploration, and lays the groundwork for an ongoing
open-space development organization. Through continuous multinational collaborations, Team FREDNET intends to develop the means for the peaceful
exploration of solar system resources and seeks to reduce the load on our fragile Earth-bound environment.
Three FREDNET Rover Proto-types
Three Teams, Many Goals, One Primary Mission
Team FREDNET is really three very different Teams, each focused on completing different
and extremely important functions, and each of those functions are essential to the
development, success, and completion of each of the other Teams. These Teams are (1) the
Open Source Development Team, (2) the Open Participation GLXP Mission Team, and (3)
the Business Development Team. Not one of these Teams can exist without the cooperation
and support of the other Teams, and the whole of Team FREDNET cannot succeed without
the success of all three of these essential internal sub-Teams. For a simple sports analogy,
think of these as Offense, Defense, and Coaching.
Open Source Development Team
Jaluro v0.1 - Drive-by-wire The new body support for the WRV1 lunar rover.
The Open Source Development Team is the most visible of our organization. This is the Picorover Demo 1.3 degrees in action. 270 grams
place where most people want to work, the area where all the cool gizmos and essential and 292 spikes - third attempt works - max slope
operating software will be discussed, requirements laid out, specs defined, designs drawn 10尊
up, and code generated. Initially, this Team gets all the attention, all the buzz, and in the
long run this Team develops most of the stuff we need to complete the primary Open Participation GLXP Mission Team
mission. That stuff falls into many categories, including hardware, software, systems,
code, as well as things more esoteric, like management software, collaboration tools, and The second internal division is the Open Participation GLXP Mission Team (or just
means and methods for working together over great distances with the most efficiency and "Mission Team"), which is somewhat less visible at this point in our mission
best results. In the long run though, not every item developed by this Team will be used in development. Like the Open Source Development Team, the Mission Team invites
our primary mission. In fact, this Team's charter is to "Make Cool Stuff" that can either be anyone to join and participate in the Mission development process. While this
used in Space, or helps make things that can someday be used in Space. The goal is to Team's development product will also be published as an "Open Source" product, the
build a catalog of Space Components, all the things that are necessary to make Space specifics of what is included within the Mission are a little more closely held, until
Commercialization more Open, Cost-Effective, Productive, and Accessible. This Team we reach the point of Mission Execution. That is, the specific plans for which Open
also has the huge burden of working within all of the laws of all of the countries that the Source products will be used in the Mission are considered confidential until such
participants live within. time as we launch the Mission and subsequently land the Mission on the Moon to
win the Google Lunar X PRIZE.
The Teams motto is "Make Cool Stuff, Make Space Exploration More Accessible, Have
Fun, and Stay Out of Jail! After we've put things together, tested them, and proved they can work, we then
release that integrated design for the rest of the world to review, contribute to,
change, or enhance. We hope to see another competitor use our already-
FREDNET Lander Conponents successfully-completed Mission as a template they use to take Second Prize in the
GLXP. That would be the ultimate validation that our Open Source methodology
Business Development Team
Finally, in order to build the technologies and execute the Mission, we
have an Open Participation Business Team. Their job and long range goal
is to create, shape, manage, market, describe, promote, and fund the
activities of Team FREDNET, thereby producing an integrated package
that we can present to our Sponsors, Partners, Investors, and Clients that
demonstrates our vast range of capabilities. This package will show that
(1) the GLXP Mission is a not-for-profit demonstration of the advantages
and capabilities of a new-style Space Development business, (2) Space
Commercialization can be accomplished in newer, better ways using
Conceptual avionics component Open Source techniques customized for the Space
The RFX1200 and RFX2400 daughter boards provide RF interface
architecture for the Environment, and (3) Open Space Development can be beneficial and
(RX+TX) for the 1.2 and 2.4 GHz bands. The receivers have an
Team FREDNET profitable for all of our peoples, nations, and economies.
AGC range of 70dB. The TX and RX frequencies can be controlled
Lunar Lander. separately (split mode) and the board are even capable of full duplex
Example avionics architecture for the Team FREDNET Lunar Lander. We are demonstrating that Open Source development is the best way to solve complex real world
problems. We're doing something important here, this stuff matters! The Moon is just our next
stepping off point, to start developing the means and methods to develop and utilize our nearby Space
Resources, reducing the load on our fragile Earth-bound environment. Besides, what kid (or adult)
doesn't want to drive a rover on the Moon?! It may sound a little corny, and I've said it before and will
keep saying it: we are one people, one planet, working together to solve complex, real world
problems. Ask not what your planet can do for you, but ask what you can do for your planet. Join
Team FREDNET and help us win this race!
Lunar Science Workshop, NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, CA Jul. 21-23, 2009