The document provides marketing materials for a school district that has undergone a transformation through increased technology use. It highlights the district's transition from being labeled a "dropout factory" to achieving higher graduation rates and test scores through initiatives like a one-to-one laptop program. The materials are meant to promote the district's success and encourage continued enrollment through banners, ads and an emphasis on innovative online learning opportunities.
3. Your School Name Here Of鍖ce of Public Information
Your School
Logo Here
Our tech-savvy graduates are prepared to create their own future!Our tech-savvy graduates are prepared to create their own future!
Your district name and city here
Your website name here
5. ELL 4 Hour Model
S.B. 1070 anti-immigration
49th out of 50th in State Funding
Dropout Factory image
Low literacy rates
No sense of urgency
Challenges and Barriers
YOUR DISTRICT HERE Of鍖ce of Public Information
Your district Logo Here
6. Demographics
Your Name Here Of鍖ce of Public Information
Schools 22
Elementary (K-5) 13
Middle (6-8) 5
High (9-12) 3
Pre K 1
Homeless 5.8%
Graduation Rate 70%
Certi ed Sta 1,128
School Administrators 37
Central Administrators 29
Support Sta 1,044
District Enrollment 17,763
Hispanic 87.7%
Anglo 5.6%
Native American 4.1%
African American 2.1%
Asian/Paci鍖c Islander 0.5%
English Language Learners
Grades K-5 42.1%
Grades 6-8 23.4%
Grades 9-12 16.2%
K-12 31.6%
Eligible for Free or Reduced Meals
14,434 students 86%
7. A netbook computer will be provided
for every incoming freshman student
who achieves the 4 As by the end of
the rst semester:
Achievement 2.5 GPA
Attitude positive, good citizenship
and no disciplinary issues
Attendance 95%
Activities participation in at least
one extracurricular activity
YOUR DISTRICT HERE Of鍖ce of Public Information
8. ProjectGraduation:
a focus on seniors and freshmen
a site based graduation plan
a comprehensive attendance component,
credit recovery
Freshman intervention
awards laptops to students who maintain the 4-As
assists 8th grade students with the transition to high school.
The initiative has captured the imagination of business and
community leaders, who have joined forces for the common cause
of student success, family empowerment and community progress.
A multi-phased, research-based effort aimed at
significantly preventing high school dropouts and
increasing the graduation rate.
YOUR DISTRICT HERE Of鍖ce of Public Information
17. Keep Sunnyside students
attending Sunnyside Schools.
Mission: Increase and maintain student enrollment through a strategic marketing campaign that highlights Sunnysides strengths
Choose Sunnyside Campaign 2013
SUNNYSIDE Of鍖ce of Public Information
----- SAMPLE -----
18. Online learning for anyone
anywhere anytime.
Choose Sunnyside Campaign 2013
We will become more
We will become more
We are taking learning to
anyone, anywhere,
YOUR DISTRICT HERE Of鍖ce of Public Information
----- SAMPLE -----
20. Expansion of One-to-One Computing
5th Grade Digital Explorers - 2010/11
13 elementary schools
all 5th grade students
9th Grade Digital Honors - 2010/11
Honors Math, Science, Language Arts
6th Grade Digital Innovators - 2011/12
5 middle schools
all 6th grade students
Los Amigos Technology Academy
2012-13 One-to-One grades 4 through 9
SUNNYSIDE Of鍖ce of Public Information
----- SAMPLE -----