Tatiana Danu, Energia din reactiile nucleare.
Lucrare finala elaborat? ?n cadrul cursului e-learning ?Didactica Fizicii ̄ pe platforma de colaborare interna?ionala www.civicportal.org (29.X-25.XII.2012).
Moderator - Viorel Bocancea, conferentiar univeristar, Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol (cu sediul la Chisinau).
There are several things to be taken into account, when choosing fire extinguisher: fire ratings, fire classes, fire agent and its conformity with environmet where it is placed. This is short guide to see main things to be evaluated before final choise.
The document provides information on fire safety and fire extinguisher training. It discusses the fire triangle, fuel classifications, and the three most common types of fire extinguishers - water, carbon dioxide, and dry chemical. It explains how to identify the appropriate extinguisher based on the fuel source and use the PASS method to operate an extinguisher. Guidelines are provided on when it is safe to fight a small fire and when to evacuate instead.
- Fires can start from a combination of oxygen, heat, and fuel. They spread rapidly through chemical reactions.
- Over 2.8 million fires occur in the UK each year, but only 1 in 5 are reported. Fires cause hundreds of deaths annually.
- New legislation was introduced after deadly fires at Woolworths in 1979 and Bradford City Football Club in 1985 to improve fire safety standards.
- Proper fire safety procedures include knowing fire classifications, what to do upon discovery of a fire or hearing an alarm, evacuation routes, and extinguisher use. Training staff and having emergency plans are important.
Fire fighting, types of fires, types of fire extinguishers, building management systems, sprinkler systems, heat and smoke sensors.
La escuela primaria y secundaria Iana est│ explorando fuentes de energ┴a renovables y no contaminantes como la energ┴a solar y e┏lica para reducir su huella de carbono y dependencia de los combustibles f┏siles. El director de la escuela cree que adoptar estas tecnolog┴as beneficiar│ al medio ambiente y servir│ como ejemplo para que los estudiantes aprendan sobre la importancia de la sostenibilidad.
Tatiana Danu, Energia din reactiile nucleare.
Lucrare finala elaborat? ?n cadrul cursului e-learning ?Didactica Fizicii ̄ pe platforma de colaborare interna?ionala www.civicportal.org (29.X-25.XII.2012).
Moderator - Viorel Bocancea, conferentiar univeristar, Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol (cu sediul la Chisinau).
There are several things to be taken into account, when choosing fire extinguisher: fire ratings, fire classes, fire agent and its conformity with environmet where it is placed. This is short guide to see main things to be evaluated before final choise.
The document provides information on fire safety and fire extinguisher training. It discusses the fire triangle, fuel classifications, and the three most common types of fire extinguishers - water, carbon dioxide, and dry chemical. It explains how to identify the appropriate extinguisher based on the fuel source and use the PASS method to operate an extinguisher. Guidelines are provided on when it is safe to fight a small fire and when to evacuate instead.
- Fires can start from a combination of oxygen, heat, and fuel. They spread rapidly through chemical reactions.
- Over 2.8 million fires occur in the UK each year, but only 1 in 5 are reported. Fires cause hundreds of deaths annually.
- New legislation was introduced after deadly fires at Woolworths in 1979 and Bradford City Football Club in 1985 to improve fire safety standards.
- Proper fire safety procedures include knowing fire classifications, what to do upon discovery of a fire or hearing an alarm, evacuation routes, and extinguisher use. Training staff and having emergency plans are important.
Fire fighting, types of fires, types of fire extinguishers, building management systems, sprinkler systems, heat and smoke sensors.
La escuela primaria y secundaria Iana est│ explorando fuentes de energ┴a renovables y no contaminantes como la energ┴a solar y e┏lica para reducir su huella de carbono y dependencia de los combustibles f┏siles. El director de la escuela cree que adoptar estas tecnolog┴as beneficiar│ al medio ambiente y servir│ como ejemplo para que los estudiantes aprendan sobre la importancia de la sostenibilidad.
1. 4
Termica Turbi Schimb termocuplu Corp Furnal Supernova
na cu ator de incandescent
abur caldura
Electrica Moto Reziste Transform Dioda elctroliza Sincrotron
r nta atorul luminiscenta
electr electric electric
ic a
Radiatie Vela Panou Panou Optica neliniara fotosinteza
electromag solara solar solar
netica termic
Chimica musc Ardere Pila de Reactie chimica
??S???苜 ??S???苜
hii combustie
??? ???
Nucleara Radia soare Radiatie Radiatia gamma Izomerie
tie beta nucleara
gravitationala C energia unui obiect sau a unei substante datorita pozitiei sale fata de
Energia nucleara
2. C energia stocata in nucleul unui atom ce tine neutronii si protonii in nucleu;