This document provides details for filming scenes introducing a superhero character. Shot 5 will be an "angel shot" moving up the character's body from boots to chest and logo to establish the costume. Shot 5B/C will show close-ups of parts of the costume, like pants. Shot 5D/E will be an establishing shot of a teenager's room and an iPod to set the scene. Shot 21 will use a POV and match-on-action technique as the character puts an iPod in their pocket after a daydream. The aim is to film the house and introduce the superhero character.
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Shooting schedule day 4
1. <Tilt/close up/ Medium Long Shot><Crew members
House><9.11.2011><09:00 C 10:45>
Details Task: Film House and introduction to super hero scene
Resources/Support Electronic/Digital:
Props/Costumes Props:Ipod Doc
Costumes:SHM& Costume
Evidence Pictures/Videos:
Shot 5 <Angel Shots>
This will be an Angel shot, that will start at the boots and move up the body
and ends focused on the chest & logo, it will
probably consist of multiple takes/takes in
2. Shot 5B/C <Close up>
In between the angel shots will be close ups of the body part/costume in this
case the pants/trousers.
Shot 5D/E <Establishing Shot>
To demonstrate that the story is now taking place in a teenagers room, the
ipod doc will be shown as well as the room itself
Shot 21 <POV>
This will be a combination of POV and match
onactionAs we come out of the day dream
and the main character puts the Ipod in
his pocket