SEAJOCO's R&D Department works closely with Sales and Export to develop new aquatic products that retain natural flavors while ensuring nutrition and eliminating unhealthy elements. The department also studies customers' diverse needs to create disruptively new products processed from new raw material sources. Products are designed to maintain flavors over long shelf lives, satisfy varied domestic and international demand, and align with changing consumer behavior.
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Seajoco - Products Reasearch and Development
SEAJOCO is the top Aqua c Processing and Expor ng Company in VN. Its R&D Department has
func on in doing research and co-working with Sale and Export Departments in order to develop
new products. They aim to provide markets with diversity ranges of products those s ll keep its
natural 鍖avors. Besides, R&D Department also cares of the nutri on factors, ensure good health
In addi on, to support SEAJOCO to improve products quality, R&D Department also studies,
creates new and special products those create a suddenly disrup ve needs for themselves in the
markets. In the past years, R&D Department kept con nuing searching for new sources of raw
materials and processing new products with criterion: Products are processed and preserved for
long me but s ll kepttheir typical natural 鍖avors; Products meet customers' demands those are
now more and more diverse; products meet consumer's behavior in domes c as well as
interna onalmarkets.