This document provides information about birdwatching in the Raccoon River Watershed, including common birds found in different ecosystems in the area and recommendations for birdwatching. It lists field guides and resources for identifying birds and recommends exploring one ecosystem at a time. Several local nature areas and parks are described that offer different habitats for birding. Record-keeping activities and websites with additional ornithological information are also mentioned.
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Birds in the Raccoon River Valley, Iowa
1. Birdwatching in the Raccoon River Watershed Belted Kingfisher (male), Waukee, IA Lee Searles, DMACC & Leeward Solutions, LLC All photos by Leland Searles unless otherwise credited
2. Identifying Birds One or more good field guides National Geographic 5th edition available Peterson
26. Ecosystems & Bird Life A good strategy for birdwatching, especially beginners: Explore a single ecosystem Prepare a list of potential common birds Listen to CDs or tapes of bird calls & songs Prepare for two or more ecosystems at a specific location Xavier Avenue, south of Granger, Iowa (Beaver Creek/Des Moines River watersheds)
31. Tallgrass Savannahs Lark Sparrow American Kestrel Red-Tailed Hawk Meadowlarks (2 spp.) Grasshopper Sparrow Savannah Sparrow Lincolns Sparrow Song Sparrow Eastern Bluebird Gray Catbird Brown Thrasher Common Yellowthroat Indigo Bunting
32. Wetlands & Potholes Shorebirds Dowitchers (2 spp.) Yellowlegs (2 spp.) Killdeer American Bittern Least Bittern Red-Winged Blackbird Great Egret Yellow-Headed Blackbird Sora Virginia Rail Marsh Wren Sedge Wren LeContes Sparrow Henslows Sparrow
33. Pastures & Feedlots Introduced species Ring-Necked Pheasant European House Sparrow European Starling Rock Dove (Pigeon) Native species Savannah sparrow Bobolink Eastern & Western Meadowlarks Mourning Dove Lincolns Sparrow Dickcissel Eastern Bluebird Short-Eared Owl
37. Whiterock Conservancy Middle Raccoon River Border between the Wisconsin glacial surface (N & E) & older drift plains Local birding list based on several years observations Wide variety of ecosystems, including riparian, prairie, & savannah restoration Accommodations for overnight & longer visits
38. Des Moines Water Works Park Riverine woods Savannahs & edges Open fields Arboretum with pines & spruces Waterways & ponds
39. Squirrel Hollow Park Greene County Conservation Board Riverine woods Sandbars Major stream reach (riffle-run-pool) Bluff & upland woods Camping
40. Greenwood & Ashworth Parks, Des Moines Urban park land: some landscaping Tallgrass prairie restoration Bluff & breaks woodlands, mostly mixed oak Riparian woods at extreme south end
47. For In-Depth Information Stokes guides to behavior Arthur Cleveland Bents life histories Kent & Dinsmore: seasonality, migration, reported counties, populations Audubon CBC data IOU web site: data, groups, activities, rare bird sightings, & more