The document lists the names of 27 students in Kelas 6 Jaya 2011. It provides the serial number, full name of each student. There are 23 male students and 4 female students listed alphabetically by their last name.
The document contains two lists of students' names from two classes, 1 Bestari and 1 Wawasan, along with their scores on a Jawi achievement test. The 1 Bestari list includes 29 students' names and their scores in sections A, B and C. The 1 Wawasan list has 29 students' names as well.
This document contains a list of 22 names and their class assignments. The names are numbered and include additional identifying information like father's name. The classes assigned range from 1A to 1E.
This document contains student registration information for various subjects. It lists the names of 26 students and divides them into groups for different skills in English and Malay language arts including listening and speaking, reading, writing, and language art. The students are assigned to different groups for each skill, such as group 1 for writing in Malay.
This document lists 31 students and their names. It does not provide any additional context or information about the students, such as why they are listed or what the purpose of the document is. Each student's name is listed along with a number but no other details are given about them.
The document contains records of student achievement in several subjects - Malay, Mathematics, English and Science - for a class of 36 students in Year 2 of Sekolah Sejahtera in 2010. It includes the students' names and their scores on tests of achievement (TOV), three observation tests (OTI) and their scores for the first and second semesters as well as the final year results (ETR). The records are presented in table format with the students' names listed down the left column and the assessment codes and results listed across the top row for each subject.
This document lists the names and levels of 114 scouts from various levels. It includes scouts from Level 1 to Level 5. For each level, it provides a serial number, name of the scout and their level. For example, for Level 1 it lists 4 scouts - Ameen Iskandar Nurhaqeem bin Mohd Fairuz at Level 1 IS, Aniq Imran bin Azman at Level 3 IS, and so on. Similarly it provides details of scouts from other levels like Level 2, 3, 4 and 5 in a systematic manner with their serial numbers and names.
This document contains records of student attendance and performance checks for several classes at Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Aman in Kota Tinggi, Johor. It lists the names of students in Classes 1 Bestari and 1 Pintar, 2 Bestari and 2 Pintar, 3 Bestari and 3 Pintar, 4 Bestari, and 5 Bestari and 5 Pintar. The records are organized by class and include each student's name and identification number where applicable.
The document lists 20 students' names in alphabetical order. It provides each student's full name along with their father/mother's name. No other information is included about the students.
The newsletter provides information about the JPKU Toastmasters Club for February 2011. It includes the editor's note, contents, articles on patience, love, personal stories, and a Valentine's party experience. It also lists the contest winners, best performers, and club contact details. The newsletter aims to be a platform for members to share their thoughts and experiences.
This document summarizes jQuery, an open source JavaScript library. It simplifies HTML and JavaScript interaction by allowing developers to select elements, handle events, perform animations and AJAX calls with simple and concise code. The document highlights key features like DOM manipulation, events, effects and plugins. It also discusses jQuery's community, adoption by major sites, and future plans.
La vasija agrietada narra la historia de una cargadora de agua china que llevaba dos vasijas, una perfecta y otra con grietas. A pesar de que la vasija agrietada solo pod鱈a transportar la mitad del agua, la cargadora sembraba flores a lo largo del camino que regaba la vasija, por lo que ambas cumpl鱈an un prop坦sito. La cargadora le explica a la vasija agrietada que gracias a sus defectos pudo crear belleza, ense単ando que todos tenemos grietas pero podemos
Importancia de las TIC en la Educaci坦nJ谷fg端v Rizzt
Las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y comunicaci坦n (TIC) son fundamentales para la educaci坦n y la sociedad. El uso de las TIC en la educaci坦n permite mejorar la calidad de la ense単anza y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Las TIC tambi辿n facilitan el acceso al conocimiento y la comunicaci坦n entre las personas en la sociedad actual.
Software Heritage: let's build together the universal archive of our software...Codemotion
Free/Open Source Software is now everywhere, but the risk of losing forever some of it is growing. Shutdowns of once popular forges are early warnings that we should not underestimate. How many million lines of code would we lose if development hubs that are hype today were to disappear 20 years from now? This talk will present Software Heritage, whose aim is to collect, preserve, and share all publicly available source code. Forever. Software Heritage has already archived 3 billion distinct source code files and 650 million commits, spanning more than 25 million development projects.
Desarrollo hist坦rico de la formaci坦n de soci坦logos en la universidadAnny Jimenez Torrano
La formaci坦n de soci坦logos en M辿xico ha pasado por dos etapas principales. En la primera etapa, la sociolog鱈a se incorpor坦 a la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria en 1875, pero no fue hasta 1895 que se estableci坦 como una materia espec鱈fica. En la segunda etapa posrevolucionaria, la sociolog鱈a acad辿mica se consolid坦 con la creaci坦n en 1939 de la Revista Mexicana de Sociolog鱈a y la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Pol鱈ticas y Sociales, que estableci坦 los primeros programas de sociolog鱈a. Hoy en d鱈a, la sociolog鱈a me
The document discusses recent initiatives and improvements at Pakistan International Airlines (PIA). It summarizes efforts by various departments, including introducing automated processes to curb fraudulent bookings by travel agents, deep cleaning missions to improve aircraft cleanliness, making cockpits paperless, and reducing PIA's employee to aircraft ratio through strategic fleet expansion plans. The overall aim is to transform PIA into a more efficient and customer-focused airline.
AIS clubs meet every Wednesday and include dodge ball, art, Vietnamese, and Spanish clubs to provide students more fun and extracurricular activities at AIS. Students can get more information about the clubs by contacting the main office.
Amparo contra el impuesto a la infraestructuraSoledad Lu辿vano
El quejoso demanda amparo contra la aprobaci坦n, sanci坦n, promulgaci坦n, refrendo, publicaci坦n y aplicaci坦n de los art鱈culos 78, 79, 80, 81 y 82 de la Ley de Hacienda del Estado de Zacatecas, argumentando que estos art鱈culos violan el principio de proporcionalidad tributaria establecido en la Constituci坦n, ya que el impuesto adicional para la infraestructura se basa 炭nicamente en la antig端edad del veh鱈culo sin tomar en cuenta su valor real o la capacidad contributiva del propietario.
Discussion on the legitimacy source of Court Judge in TaiwanDennis Chen
This document discusses the legitimacy of the judicial system in Taiwan. It examines examples of judicial systems in other countries like Germany, Italy, Japan, the US, France, and South Korea. It also analyzes the democratic legitimacy of the justice system through the lens of public choice theory. The document considers how external costs and decision-making costs impact individuals' willingness to participate in collective decision-making and influence the choice of constitutional rules. It ultimately aims to determine a framework that balances democratic legitimacy while also protecting minority interests.
NANA Pacific provides voice and data cabling services including engineering, design, installation, and certification of twisted pair, fiber, coax, and Category 5e, 6, 6e cable. They also offer project management to ensure telecommunications projects are completed on time and on budget. Services include cabling for campus backbones, fiber to the desktop, wireless networks, VoIP, and more. NANA Pacific has experience engineering and installing over 5,000 apartment complexes, thousands of wireless cell sites, fiber to cell sites, and wireless data systems.
Furniture-pot is a building block made from recycled materials that allows people to grow plants and vegetables using permaculture and urban agriculture concepts. It addresses issues like poor nutrition, environmental pollution, and unsustainability while providing people with the satisfaction of eating self-produced food. Questions are raised about how initiatives like Veggepot could be improved, how they contribute to change, and whether urban agriculture can help reduce global hunger and malnutrition.
Can the creative industries lead us to a sustainable future? Dan Burgess talk...Dan Burgess
A 10 minute talk where I was invited to stand in at the 11th hour to join a panel of thinkers to answer the question 'Can the creative industries lead us to a sustainable future?'
This document contains a list of 31 students with their names and body temperature readings taken on various dates between March 8th and March 30th. The document records each student's name and temperature measurements on 11 different dates. It appears to be a log of daily temperature readings for a class of students over the course of a month.
This document contains records of student attendance and performance checks for several classes at Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Aman in Kota Tinggi, Johor. It lists the names of students in Classes 1 Bestari and 1 Pintar, 2 Bestari and 2 Pintar, 3 Bestari and 3 Pintar, 4 Bestari, and 5 Bestari and 5 Pintar. The records are organized by class and include each student's name and identification number.
The newsletter provides information about the JPKU Toastmasters Club for February 2011. It includes the editor's note, contents, articles on patience, love, personal stories, and a Valentine's party experience. It also lists the contest winners, best performers, and club contact details. The newsletter aims to be a platform for members to share their thoughts and experiences.
This document summarizes jQuery, an open source JavaScript library. It simplifies HTML and JavaScript interaction by allowing developers to select elements, handle events, perform animations and AJAX calls with simple and concise code. The document highlights key features like DOM manipulation, events, effects and plugins. It also discusses jQuery's community, adoption by major sites, and future plans.
La vasija agrietada narra la historia de una cargadora de agua china que llevaba dos vasijas, una perfecta y otra con grietas. A pesar de que la vasija agrietada solo pod鱈a transportar la mitad del agua, la cargadora sembraba flores a lo largo del camino que regaba la vasija, por lo que ambas cumpl鱈an un prop坦sito. La cargadora le explica a la vasija agrietada que gracias a sus defectos pudo crear belleza, ense単ando que todos tenemos grietas pero podemos
Importancia de las TIC en la Educaci坦nJ谷fg端v Rizzt
Las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y comunicaci坦n (TIC) son fundamentales para la educaci坦n y la sociedad. El uso de las TIC en la educaci坦n permite mejorar la calidad de la ense単anza y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Las TIC tambi辿n facilitan el acceso al conocimiento y la comunicaci坦n entre las personas en la sociedad actual.
Software Heritage: let's build together the universal archive of our software...Codemotion
Free/Open Source Software is now everywhere, but the risk of losing forever some of it is growing. Shutdowns of once popular forges are early warnings that we should not underestimate. How many million lines of code would we lose if development hubs that are hype today were to disappear 20 years from now? This talk will present Software Heritage, whose aim is to collect, preserve, and share all publicly available source code. Forever. Software Heritage has already archived 3 billion distinct source code files and 650 million commits, spanning more than 25 million development projects.
Desarrollo hist坦rico de la formaci坦n de soci坦logos en la universidadAnny Jimenez Torrano
La formaci坦n de soci坦logos en M辿xico ha pasado por dos etapas principales. En la primera etapa, la sociolog鱈a se incorpor坦 a la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria en 1875, pero no fue hasta 1895 que se estableci坦 como una materia espec鱈fica. En la segunda etapa posrevolucionaria, la sociolog鱈a acad辿mica se consolid坦 con la creaci坦n en 1939 de la Revista Mexicana de Sociolog鱈a y la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Pol鱈ticas y Sociales, que estableci坦 los primeros programas de sociolog鱈a. Hoy en d鱈a, la sociolog鱈a me
The document discusses recent initiatives and improvements at Pakistan International Airlines (PIA). It summarizes efforts by various departments, including introducing automated processes to curb fraudulent bookings by travel agents, deep cleaning missions to improve aircraft cleanliness, making cockpits paperless, and reducing PIA's employee to aircraft ratio through strategic fleet expansion plans. The overall aim is to transform PIA into a more efficient and customer-focused airline.
AIS clubs meet every Wednesday and include dodge ball, art, Vietnamese, and Spanish clubs to provide students more fun and extracurricular activities at AIS. Students can get more information about the clubs by contacting the main office.
Amparo contra el impuesto a la infraestructuraSoledad Lu辿vano
El quejoso demanda amparo contra la aprobaci坦n, sanci坦n, promulgaci坦n, refrendo, publicaci坦n y aplicaci坦n de los art鱈culos 78, 79, 80, 81 y 82 de la Ley de Hacienda del Estado de Zacatecas, argumentando que estos art鱈culos violan el principio de proporcionalidad tributaria establecido en la Constituci坦n, ya que el impuesto adicional para la infraestructura se basa 炭nicamente en la antig端edad del veh鱈culo sin tomar en cuenta su valor real o la capacidad contributiva del propietario.
Discussion on the legitimacy source of Court Judge in TaiwanDennis Chen
This document discusses the legitimacy of the judicial system in Taiwan. It examines examples of judicial systems in other countries like Germany, Italy, Japan, the US, France, and South Korea. It also analyzes the democratic legitimacy of the justice system through the lens of public choice theory. The document considers how external costs and decision-making costs impact individuals' willingness to participate in collective decision-making and influence the choice of constitutional rules. It ultimately aims to determine a framework that balances democratic legitimacy while also protecting minority interests.
NANA Pacific provides voice and data cabling services including engineering, design, installation, and certification of twisted pair, fiber, coax, and Category 5e, 6, 6e cable. They also offer project management to ensure telecommunications projects are completed on time and on budget. Services include cabling for campus backbones, fiber to the desktop, wireless networks, VoIP, and more. NANA Pacific has experience engineering and installing over 5,000 apartment complexes, thousands of wireless cell sites, fiber to cell sites, and wireless data systems.
Furniture-pot is a building block made from recycled materials that allows people to grow plants and vegetables using permaculture and urban agriculture concepts. It addresses issues like poor nutrition, environmental pollution, and unsustainability while providing people with the satisfaction of eating self-produced food. Questions are raised about how initiatives like Veggepot could be improved, how they contribute to change, and whether urban agriculture can help reduce global hunger and malnutrition.
Can the creative industries lead us to a sustainable future? Dan Burgess talk...Dan Burgess
A 10 minute talk where I was invited to stand in at the 11th hour to join a panel of thinkers to answer the question 'Can the creative industries lead us to a sustainable future?'
This document contains a list of 31 students with their names and body temperature readings taken on various dates between March 8th and March 30th. The document records each student's name and temperature measurements on 11 different dates. It appears to be a log of daily temperature readings for a class of students over the course of a month.
This document contains records of student attendance and performance checks for several classes at Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Aman in Kota Tinggi, Johor. It lists the names of students in Classes 1 Bestari and 1 Pintar, 2 Bestari and 2 Pintar, 3 Bestari and 3 Pintar, 4 Bestari, and 5 Bestari and 5 Pintar. The records are organized by class and include each student's name and identification number.
This document contains records of student attendance and performance checks for several classes at Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Aman in Kota Tinggi, Johor. It lists the names of students in Classes 1 Bestari and 1 Pintar, 2 Bestari and 2 Pintar, 3 Bestari and 3 Pintar, and 4 Bestari. It also provides records for Classes 5 Bestari and 5 Pintar. The document organizes students into lists according to their class and tracks their attendance and work.
This document lists the names of 23 first year diploma students for Semester 1 of 2016 at MTA, along with their module results. It provides the students' names, modules taken (Theory and Practical), and total credits.
This document contains records of student work/practice checks for several classes at Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Aman in Kota Tinggi, Johor. It lists the students' names in each class, including Classes 1 Bestari and Pintar, Classes 2 Bestari and Pintar, Classes 3 Bestari and Pintar, Classes 4 Bestari, and Classes 5 Bestari and Pintar. The document provides a record of student attendance and performance.
This document contains 3 lists:
1. A list of 29 students in Kelas 6 Uthman, identified by their full names.
2. A blank template for a list of prize recipients for an event called "Yaumul Ihtifal 2012".
3. A blank template for a list of top potential students with grades of 85% or higher.
This document contains a list of students divided into 6 classes (Almon, Balau, Cengal, Jati, Keruing, Meranti). It provides the student name, class in 2013, and class in 2014. Most students remained in the same class for both years, but some moved between classes. The document shows the class placement of students over a 2 year period.
This document contains lists of students classified by their class in 2013 and 2014. It includes 6 tables labeled "ALMON", "BALAU", "CENGAL", "JATI", "KERUING", and "MERANTI" that list the names of students and their class assignments for those two years. The tables show some students remaining in the same class while others switched classes between 2013 and 2014.
This document contains a list of students divided into different classes (Almon, Balau, Cengal, Jati, Keruing, and Meranti) for the years 2013 and 2014. It shows each student's name and the class they were in for each year. The majority of students remained in the same class between 2013 and 2014, but some switched classes.
This document contains a list of students divided into different classes (Almon, Balau, Cengal, Jati, Keruing, and Meranti) for the years 2013 and 2014. It shows each student's name along with their class in 2013 and 2014. The majority of students remained in the same class between 2013 and 2014, but some shifted to a different class.
This document lists the names of 25 students from Sekolah Kebangsaan Ibn Khaldun in 2013. It includes each student's name and space for their signature. The students are listed by number from 1 to 25 with their full name and father's name or mother's maiden name.
This document appears to be a class roster or grade report for a Bahasa Malaysia (Writing) course consisting of 40 students. It lists the students' names in alphabetical order along with columns for Test 1, Test 2, Project 1, and Project 2 grades, though the grades are not included. The document provides a concise listing of students in a class and the assessments for which their grades need to be recorded.
This document contains lists of students participating in various sports and games at Sekolah Kebangsaan Tanah Merah for the year 2021. It includes the students' names, classes, and attendance records for badminton, volleyball, football, and other sports like athletics. There are a total of 38 lists with several students listed in each one along with their attendance being tracked across multiple meetings.
The document lists 41 names. It appears to be a list of students or participants as most of the names follow a convention of "First Name Last Name bin/binti Father's Name". The names are written in a single paragraph with no additional context provided.
The document contains a list of students' names organized by class and house for the year 2022. The names are grouped under the houses of Merah Biru, Hijau Kuning, and the preschool houses. The lists provide the students' full names and the classes they are in, ranging from preschool to Year 6.
The documents contain student enrollment lists from Sekolah Kebangsaan Titi Gantong for the years 2014. The lists provide the names of the students enrolled in years 4, 5 and 6, divided by classes Jauhari, Bestari and Potensi. The lists also specify the gender and total number of students. For example, in year 6 Jauhari class there are 30 students consisting of 6 male students and 24 female students. The documents aim to record the names and details of the students enrolled at the school.
This document contains lists of students divided into four classes - Alfa, Beta, Gamma, and Delta for the years 2013 and 2014. Each entry includes the student's name, class of 2013, and class of 2014. There are a total of 23 students listed for class Alfa, 30 for Beta, 32 for Gamma, 31 for Delta. It provides a roster of students with their assigned class years.
This document contains two lists of students' names from Class 2 Jupiter, taught by Pn Norlela Wa Laila bt Satar. The first list contains 35 students' names along with their identification numbers. The second list simply repeats the names of the 35 students in Class 2 Jupiter without the identification numbers. Both lists do not contain any dates.
1. KELAS 6 JAYA 2011