This document discusses how social media can be used to influence social change. It provides examples of social movements that were influenced by social media, such as the Egyptian revolution. It also discusses psychological factors like envy and presenting an ideal self that influence how social media impacts social change. The document argues that social media can influence but not directly create social change, and emphasizes that change starts with individuals taking action based on their interests rather than just observing on social media. It concludes by offering to discuss offline how NGOs can use social media to initiate social change.
6. What is ALS?
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
ALS is a neurodegenerative disorder that is characterised by muscle spasticity and rapidly
progressive weakness . This results in difficulty speaking, swallowing, and breathing.
Average Age : 55 +
People with ALS die within 4 years of the onset of the disorder
8. What is CHANGE in our context?
Act Participation
Realization Support
Thought Level
Action Level
9. Who are we talking to?
The Ultras
The Followers
The Observers
The Dippers
Change Starts here
Wael Gnohim sees a
Picture on Facebook
He Creates a
Facebook Page We
are all Khaled Said
Silent Stands
againts the ruling
Historic Rally at
Tahir Square
Resignation of Hosni
23. Is it TRUE?
Are you YOURSELF on your Social Assets? Or your Ideal Self?
Are you faking EXPERIENCES?
Do you ENVY when a friend posts about how HAPPY he / she is?
Arent you the OBSERVER or the FOLLOWER most of the time?