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SenthilNathan Thavasaiyan

Personal Information
Ah !!! Gotcha, you are here, which means that you do want to know about me. (this tells a lot abt me than chatting with me, i have tried my best to put the facts in the frame, Have blabered a lot right from the heart - I bet it's Quite boring) Howdy. About me ? I'm still looking for the answer. Who is Senthil Nathan ? Well, there isn't a biography of mine available, I'm not a celebrity. However, I'm a GEEK, I live, breathe, sleep & talk nonsense which makes lotta sense to me. There's a lot about me that I don't say to anyone out there, a lot I'm afraid to say or may be they might be afraid to hear. anyways, here it is ... B+ve is not only my bloodgroup, but also my attitude, can say I’m i