Syed Karar Hussain is a civil engineer from Pakistan with over 5 years of experience in both the public and private sectors. He currently works as a Deputy District Officer in the Communication and Works Department of the Punjab government, where he oversees the maintenance of 389 km of roads. Previously he worked as a lecturer and civil engineer at universities in Pakistan and has a MSc in Civil Engineering from Belgium.
This document contains personal and educational information about an individual. It includes their date of birth, national ID, marital status, contact information, education history, and certificates. Specifically, it notes that the individual graduated from the High Institute of Engineering in 2014 with a BSc in Construction and Building Engineering. It also lists managerial experience and competencies, as well as training experience with various construction companies and the Egyptian Armed Forces.
Draft of minutes developmental committeehayat alishah
The 1st meeting of the Developmental Committee of the Tourism Corporation Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (TCKP) was held to discuss the corporation's annual development program (ADP) projects. The assistant chief of tourism presented 12 ADP projects to the committee. The managing director of TCKP suggested merging some projects and continuing others to promote tourism development across all districts of the province. A member of the board of directors recommended streamlining projects, involving the private sector and local communities, and retaining bank guarantees when leasing TCKP properties. The meeting concluded by noting that the ADP is managed separately from the board but that the corporation's development agenda should continue to be funded to promote entrepreneurship in tourism
Crossing the Digital Chasm - Applying Advanced Analytics in acquiring, nurtur...Vishwa Kolla
We are at a point of inflection of embedding Advanced Analytics everywhere.
If you are interested in learning about:
1) Why should we cross the Cigital Chasm
2) Which of the areas should one focus
3) Which of the problems should one focus on
4) What are the opportunities / challenges / mitigations
then this is for you.
El documento describe c坦mo una escuela en Tunja, Colombia ha instalado un punto digital para mejorar la educaci坦n mediante el uso de la tecnolog鱈a. Aunque los estudiantes est叩n familiarizados con las herramientas digitales, necesitan m叩s orientaci坦n para usarlas con fines acad辿micos como la investigaci坦n y la lectura. La escuela usa recursos en l鱈nea para comunicarse con estudiantes, padres y maestros, y asigna proyectos de investigaci坦n individual para fortalecer habilidades de lectura y aprendizaje.
El documento describe las habilidades acad辿micas y tecnopedag坦gicas que los participantes desarrollar叩n en el m坦dulo, incluyendo reflexionar sobre creencias educativas, analizar factores que influyen en el aprendizaje, desarrollar principios de literacidad cr鱈tica digital, realizar b炭squedas estrat辿gicas, autoevaluarse, realizar proyectos, promover intervenciones educativas y construir un portafolio. Tambi辿n describe materiales de apoyo como direcciones electr坦nicas, programas y rubricas para
Las redes sociales pueden conectar a las personas y ayudar a las empresas a encontrar clientes nuevos. Sin embargo, tambi辿n requieren cuidado para proteger la privacidad y evitar el fraude o la desinformaci坦n. En general, las redes sociales funcionan mejor cuando se usan para compartir y conectar de manera positiva.
Petro marine energy services ltd oracion a_mi_mismo-9017Petromarine Energy
Este documento es una reflexi坦n personal sobre c坦mo vivir la vida de una manera m叩s plena y consciente. En menos de 3 oraciones, el autor propone: mirar, escuchar y so単ar m叩s, hablar y llorar menos; permitirse experimentar los sue単os posibles e imposibles; y aprender a amar y ser amado, a炭n sin ser correspondido.
Este documento 辿 um contrato de fornecimento de materiais de sinaliza巽達o e baterias para ve鱈culos celebrado entre a Vale Mo巽ambique S.A. e a Nova Vida Limitada. O contrato tem dura巽達o de 3 anos e descreve os pre巽os, condi巽探es de pagamento, obriga巽探es das partes e fiscaliza巽達o do fornecimento dos materiais.
The document is a collection of lines that are repeatedly stating "Presented by" with no other substantive information provided. It does not contain a narrative or meaningful content beyond attributing the information to the given website.
Este documento presenta una actividad de investigaci坦n y pr叩ctica sobre dominios y e-marketing. Incluye una tabla con los nombres, precios y proveedores de dominios. Tambi辿n enumera los 10 mejores proveedores de alojamiento web gratuito e instrucciones para registrar un dominio gratis. Por 炭ltimo, solicita visitar un sitio de e-marketing e investigar los beneficios para una empresa.
O documento apresenta uma linha de maquiagem da marca Bellaoggi, incluindo sombras, delineadores, batons e m叩scaras para c鱈lios. S達o descritos 14 tons de esmaltes com efeito gel, quartetos de sombras, delineadores l鱈quidos e a l叩pis, batons com efeito brilho e fosco, e m叩scaras para c鱈lios resistentes 叩gua.
Cp gp day04 cp report-guidelines ncpc reportzubeditufail
The document provides guidelines for writing cleaner production assessment reports for NCPC Sri Lanka. It outlines the required contents and format of the report, including a cover page, acknowledgements, table of contents, executive summary, company profile, scope and objectives, process description, resource flow quantification, material and energy balances, solutions and benefits. All information and data in the report must only come from the assessed site and alterations to the format are strictly prohibited.
En mi viaje a Santiago de Compostela, a disfrutar de la Gala de las Estrellas Michelin, tuve la suerte de compartir un fantastico y moderno Lexus, un auto 叩gil, C坦modo, Divertido, Femenino, Poco gasto de Gasolina, inteligente para maniobrar e interesante para disfrutar conduciendo. Que m叩s se le puede pedir a un auto? Hacer 1400 km en 36 horas sumale, las horas de dormir y de la Gala, te aseguro que cualquiera se espantar鱈a,y sin embargo fue una experiencia maravillosa. Gracias Lexus, Gracias Sr. Burns
Este documento aprueba la pr坦rroga de un convenio entre el Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Occidente y la Municipalidad de Quinta Normal para continuar el Programa Piloto de Control de Salud del Ni単o y la Ni単a Sano en Establecimientos Educativos. El convenio original se prorroga hasta el 31 de mayo de 2013 para alcanzar los objetivos del programa, y se modifican algunas cl叩usulas relativas a las fechas de vigencia.
El bulli el_sabor_del_mediterraneo,_recetas_basicasAlejandra Feldman
Una Joya de la gastronom鱈a!!!! No podr叩s creer que esto pueda leerse sin m叩s. Recetas b叩sicas de elBulli todas para ti!!! Desde Cocina Con Encanto, te premiamos por todos los a単os que nos vienes siguiendo!!!! Que lo disfrutes y prepares platos que dejar叩n a todos boquiabiertos!!
Eliminar calor鱈as a trav辿s de la dieta y quemar m叩s calor鱈as con ejercicio son efectivos para perder peso, pero la combinaci坦n de ambos es el mejor m辿todo. Una dieta baja en calor鱈as junto con rutinas de ejercicio regular ayudan a perder peso de manera 坦ptima al quemar m叩s calor鱈as y construir m炭sculo, lo que permite comer m叩s y mantener un peso saludable a largo plazo.
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre diferentes temas relacionados con la organizaci坦n de empresas y procesos de gesti坦n. Se describen conceptos como empoderamiento, benchmarking, reingenier鱈a, outsourcing, downsizing, clusters, teletrabajo y redes de trabajo. Para cada tema, se proporcionan entre 1 y 3 caracter鱈sticas clave y algunas ventajas y desventajas. El documento provee una introducci坦n general a estos diferentes enfoques organizacionales.
O curr鱈culo apresenta os dados pessoais e profissionais de Bete S. Vieira Soares, incluindo sua forma巽達o como t辿cnica de enfermagem e professora auxiliar, bem como sua experi棚ncia trabalhando em hospital, centro de recrea巽達o e centro psiqui叩trico. Seu objetivo 辿 atuar em uma empresa com disposi巽達o, responsabilidade e compromisso.
OOW15 - Testing Oracle E-Business Suite Best Practicesvasuballa
This session presented by Oracle and a customer, provides an overview of how the quality assurance team tests Oracle E-Business Suite. The session covers main areas that you should consider during functional testing, approaches for new feature and regression testing, how to reduce the test script generation and execution time, experiences on capturing and presenting metrics to showcase the ROI of a testing investment, leveraging automation for testing Oracle E-Business Suite applications, and more.
Shipha Gupta is seeking opportunities in the field of civil engineering. She has a Bachelor of Technology degree in Civil Engineering from IIT Guwahati. During her studies, she completed academic projects on developing high speed rail in India and infrastructure public private partnerships. She has internship experience in planning, quality control, and construction management with L&T Construction. Her skills include programming languages, design software, and office productivity tools. While in school and college, she held leadership positions and participated in extracurricular activities related to performing arts, radio broadcasting, and social work.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Engr. Jerson R. Oducayen, a civil engineer from the Philippines. It summarizes his educational background which includes a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the University of Mindanao and a master's degree from the University of Southeastern Philippines. It also outlines his professional experience over the past several years working on infrastructure projects for the Department of Public Works and Highways and as a project engineer for a construction company. His technical skills include design software like AutoCAD, Primavera, and structural analysis programs.
Hassaan Sagheer is a Pakistani national seeking a graduate training position in construction. He has a Master's degree in Construction Management from Coventry University and a BSc in Civil Engineering from Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology. His professional experience includes roles as an Assistant Project Manager and Junior Engineer where he was involved in project management, planning, scheduling, and quantity surveying. He has strong technical skills in areas like structural design and analysis as well as software skills in programs like ETABS, SAFE, PRIMAVERA P6e, AUTOCAD, and Solibri.
Inam Ul Haq is a 21-year-old civil engineering graduate with experience in construction and education. He completed his B.Sc. in Civil Engineering in 2016 from the University of Engineering and Technology in Lahore, Pakistan. During his studies, he gained skills in structural design, surveying, and project management through coursework and internships. Most recently, he was a Career-Prep Fellow at Amal Academy, an education startup, where he developed business and professional skills. He is proficient in engineering software and seeks to apply his education and skills to benefit organizations.
Muhammad Usman Saleem is a civil engineer from Bahawalpur, Pakistan seeking a position as a civil engineer. He has over 3 years of work experience in construction site supervision and project planning. His experience includes supervising construction of an expressway and airport projects. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from National University of Sciences & Technology. He is proficient in engineering design software such as AutoCAD, Primavera, ETABS and SAP2000.
Shital M Bhagat is an Indian civil engineer seeking immediate employment. He has a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University in India. His experience includes a summer engineering internship in 2013 where he worked on construction projects including structural design, load distribution, and project planning. He is proficient in AutoCAD, STAAD Pro, Microsoft Office, and programming languages like C. He is available to work from his home in Rotterdam, Netherlands and can be contacted by phone or email.
This document contains personal details and background information for Muhamad Shafiq Bin Zakariah. It outlines his education history including attending SMK Bandar Baru Bangi and Universiti Tenaga Nasional. It also lists his competencies in software, activities with the Malaysia Scout Association, and work experiences including an internship at EconPile and positions as an outdoor trainer and tutor. References are provided from his past supervisors and leaders.
Kaushalendra Pal Singh is a civil site engineer with considerable experience working on the Mathura-Jhansi 3rd Rail Line Project. He has a diploma and bachelor's degree in civil engineering and certifications in AutoCAD and Microsoft Office. Singh is currently employed as a site engineer for AECOM Asia Company Limited, where he oversees construction activities and ensures quality and safety standards are followed. He has previously worked as a graduate apprentice trainee for Rail Vikas Nigam Limited and has internship experience with the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation.
Petro marine energy services ltd oracion a_mi_mismo-9017Petromarine Energy
Este documento es una reflexi坦n personal sobre c坦mo vivir la vida de una manera m叩s plena y consciente. En menos de 3 oraciones, el autor propone: mirar, escuchar y so単ar m叩s, hablar y llorar menos; permitirse experimentar los sue単os posibles e imposibles; y aprender a amar y ser amado, a炭n sin ser correspondido.
Este documento 辿 um contrato de fornecimento de materiais de sinaliza巽達o e baterias para ve鱈culos celebrado entre a Vale Mo巽ambique S.A. e a Nova Vida Limitada. O contrato tem dura巽達o de 3 anos e descreve os pre巽os, condi巽探es de pagamento, obriga巽探es das partes e fiscaliza巽達o do fornecimento dos materiais.
The document is a collection of lines that are repeatedly stating "Presented by" with no other substantive information provided. It does not contain a narrative or meaningful content beyond attributing the information to the given website.
Este documento presenta una actividad de investigaci坦n y pr叩ctica sobre dominios y e-marketing. Incluye una tabla con los nombres, precios y proveedores de dominios. Tambi辿n enumera los 10 mejores proveedores de alojamiento web gratuito e instrucciones para registrar un dominio gratis. Por 炭ltimo, solicita visitar un sitio de e-marketing e investigar los beneficios para una empresa.
O documento apresenta uma linha de maquiagem da marca Bellaoggi, incluindo sombras, delineadores, batons e m叩scaras para c鱈lios. S達o descritos 14 tons de esmaltes com efeito gel, quartetos de sombras, delineadores l鱈quidos e a l叩pis, batons com efeito brilho e fosco, e m叩scaras para c鱈lios resistentes 叩gua.
Cp gp day04 cp report-guidelines ncpc reportzubeditufail
The document provides guidelines for writing cleaner production assessment reports for NCPC Sri Lanka. It outlines the required contents and format of the report, including a cover page, acknowledgements, table of contents, executive summary, company profile, scope and objectives, process description, resource flow quantification, material and energy balances, solutions and benefits. All information and data in the report must only come from the assessed site and alterations to the format are strictly prohibited.
En mi viaje a Santiago de Compostela, a disfrutar de la Gala de las Estrellas Michelin, tuve la suerte de compartir un fantastico y moderno Lexus, un auto 叩gil, C坦modo, Divertido, Femenino, Poco gasto de Gasolina, inteligente para maniobrar e interesante para disfrutar conduciendo. Que m叩s se le puede pedir a un auto? Hacer 1400 km en 36 horas sumale, las horas de dormir y de la Gala, te aseguro que cualquiera se espantar鱈a,y sin embargo fue una experiencia maravillosa. Gracias Lexus, Gracias Sr. Burns
Este documento aprueba la pr坦rroga de un convenio entre el Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Occidente y la Municipalidad de Quinta Normal para continuar el Programa Piloto de Control de Salud del Ni単o y la Ni単a Sano en Establecimientos Educativos. El convenio original se prorroga hasta el 31 de mayo de 2013 para alcanzar los objetivos del programa, y se modifican algunas cl叩usulas relativas a las fechas de vigencia.
El bulli el_sabor_del_mediterraneo,_recetas_basicasAlejandra Feldman
Una Joya de la gastronom鱈a!!!! No podr叩s creer que esto pueda leerse sin m叩s. Recetas b叩sicas de elBulli todas para ti!!! Desde Cocina Con Encanto, te premiamos por todos los a単os que nos vienes siguiendo!!!! Que lo disfrutes y prepares platos que dejar叩n a todos boquiabiertos!!
Eliminar calor鱈as a trav辿s de la dieta y quemar m叩s calor鱈as con ejercicio son efectivos para perder peso, pero la combinaci坦n de ambos es el mejor m辿todo. Una dieta baja en calor鱈as junto con rutinas de ejercicio regular ayudan a perder peso de manera 坦ptima al quemar m叩s calor鱈as y construir m炭sculo, lo que permite comer m叩s y mantener un peso saludable a largo plazo.
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre diferentes temas relacionados con la organizaci坦n de empresas y procesos de gesti坦n. Se describen conceptos como empoderamiento, benchmarking, reingenier鱈a, outsourcing, downsizing, clusters, teletrabajo y redes de trabajo. Para cada tema, se proporcionan entre 1 y 3 caracter鱈sticas clave y algunas ventajas y desventajas. El documento provee una introducci坦n general a estos diferentes enfoques organizacionales.
O curr鱈culo apresenta os dados pessoais e profissionais de Bete S. Vieira Soares, incluindo sua forma巽達o como t辿cnica de enfermagem e professora auxiliar, bem como sua experi棚ncia trabalhando em hospital, centro de recrea巽達o e centro psiqui叩trico. Seu objetivo 辿 atuar em uma empresa com disposi巽達o, responsabilidade e compromisso.
OOW15 - Testing Oracle E-Business Suite Best Practicesvasuballa
This session presented by Oracle and a customer, provides an overview of how the quality assurance team tests Oracle E-Business Suite. The session covers main areas that you should consider during functional testing, approaches for new feature and regression testing, how to reduce the test script generation and execution time, experiences on capturing and presenting metrics to showcase the ROI of a testing investment, leveraging automation for testing Oracle E-Business Suite applications, and more.
Shipha Gupta is seeking opportunities in the field of civil engineering. She has a Bachelor of Technology degree in Civil Engineering from IIT Guwahati. During her studies, she completed academic projects on developing high speed rail in India and infrastructure public private partnerships. She has internship experience in planning, quality control, and construction management with L&T Construction. Her skills include programming languages, design software, and office productivity tools. While in school and college, she held leadership positions and participated in extracurricular activities related to performing arts, radio broadcasting, and social work.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Engr. Jerson R. Oducayen, a civil engineer from the Philippines. It summarizes his educational background which includes a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the University of Mindanao and a master's degree from the University of Southeastern Philippines. It also outlines his professional experience over the past several years working on infrastructure projects for the Department of Public Works and Highways and as a project engineer for a construction company. His technical skills include design software like AutoCAD, Primavera, and structural analysis programs.
Hassaan Sagheer is a Pakistani national seeking a graduate training position in construction. He has a Master's degree in Construction Management from Coventry University and a BSc in Civil Engineering from Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology. His professional experience includes roles as an Assistant Project Manager and Junior Engineer where he was involved in project management, planning, scheduling, and quantity surveying. He has strong technical skills in areas like structural design and analysis as well as software skills in programs like ETABS, SAFE, PRIMAVERA P6e, AUTOCAD, and Solibri.
Inam Ul Haq is a 21-year-old civil engineering graduate with experience in construction and education. He completed his B.Sc. in Civil Engineering in 2016 from the University of Engineering and Technology in Lahore, Pakistan. During his studies, he gained skills in structural design, surveying, and project management through coursework and internships. Most recently, he was a Career-Prep Fellow at Amal Academy, an education startup, where he developed business and professional skills. He is proficient in engineering software and seeks to apply his education and skills to benefit organizations.
Muhammad Usman Saleem is a civil engineer from Bahawalpur, Pakistan seeking a position as a civil engineer. He has over 3 years of work experience in construction site supervision and project planning. His experience includes supervising construction of an expressway and airport projects. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from National University of Sciences & Technology. He is proficient in engineering design software such as AutoCAD, Primavera, ETABS and SAP2000.
Shital M Bhagat is an Indian civil engineer seeking immediate employment. He has a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University in India. His experience includes a summer engineering internship in 2013 where he worked on construction projects including structural design, load distribution, and project planning. He is proficient in AutoCAD, STAAD Pro, Microsoft Office, and programming languages like C. He is available to work from his home in Rotterdam, Netherlands and can be contacted by phone or email.
This document contains personal details and background information for Muhamad Shafiq Bin Zakariah. It outlines his education history including attending SMK Bandar Baru Bangi and Universiti Tenaga Nasional. It also lists his competencies in software, activities with the Malaysia Scout Association, and work experiences including an internship at EconPile and positions as an outdoor trainer and tutor. References are provided from his past supervisors and leaders.
Kaushalendra Pal Singh is a civil site engineer with considerable experience working on the Mathura-Jhansi 3rd Rail Line Project. He has a diploma and bachelor's degree in civil engineering and certifications in AutoCAD and Microsoft Office. Singh is currently employed as a site engineer for AECOM Asia Company Limited, where he oversees construction activities and ensures quality and safety standards are followed. He has previously worked as a graduate apprentice trainee for Rail Vikas Nigam Limited and has internship experience with the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation.
This document provides a summary of Mohammed Bader's professional experience and qualifications. It outlines his current role as a Control and Planning Engineer at Consolidated Contractors Company in Oman, with previous experience as a Highways Design Engineer. Key projects are listed, including work on roads, railways, and master planning projects across several countries in the Middle East. Bader holds a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and is a member of engineering associations in Jordan.
This document is a CV for Alok Kumar Puri, a civil engineer with over 30 years of experience managing infrastructure projects. It outlines his professional experience managing design teams, his technical skills in road and infrastructure design, and his work history on various projects in the UAE, Africa, and the Caribbean. It also lists his educational background and professional affiliations.
Muhammad Aqib Rana is applying for the position of Senior Engineer- Assistant Resident Engineer at NESPAK. He has over 9 years of experience in project management, construction management, contract management, and proposal development. He has specialized in infrastructure projects including road networks, water supply systems, and sewerage systems. His experience includes implementing design, construction supervision, payment certification, and liaising with clients. He holds a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering and is a registered Professional Engineer in Pakistan.
Mohd Salman has over 5 years of experience as a civil engineer. He has worked as a site engineer for RC Construction from 2014-2015 and is currently working as a civil engineer for REC PDCL, where he is involved in a 100 crore rural sanitation project across 6 Indian states. Salman received his BTech in civil engineering from Integral University in 2013 and has skills in areas such as planning, surveying, software like MS Project and AutoCAD, and languages like C and C++.
Asif Mohammed Hitawala is a civil engineer and owner of a consultancy firm in Udaipur, India, who has designed 21 residential projects and contracted 2 projects. He has 3 years of work experience as a site engineer and quantity surveyor in Kuwait and India. He is seeking a new job opportunity for professional growth, as he is ambitious and wants to take on greater challenges and responsibilities.
Shannon Volk is a civil engineer seeking employment to further develop skills in civil design, structural design, geotechnical design, project management, and construction management. Volk has a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering from Queensland University of Technology, and experience in construction management, contract administration, quality assurance, and traffic control assessment from previous roles at AECOM and Mooney's Contractors. Volk also has skills in 12D modelling, AutoCAD, modeling software like ANSYS and Strand7, and project management software like SAP2000.
Naveed Ullah provides his curriculum vitae. He has over 10 years of experience in civil engineering projects for organizations like ICRC and ACTED. His roles have included field engineering, construction supervision, and project monitoring. He is currently pursuing an MS in urban infrastructure engineering while working as an assistant divisional monitoring officer for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government.
David Liu is seeking a drafting position where he can utilize his skills in AutoCAD, MS Office, and other technical software. He has a diploma in AutoCAD with honors and a bachelor's degree in civil engineering. His experience includes coordinating campus outreach and filing clerk roles. He is proficient in AutoCAD, has strong communication and problem-solving skills, and received awards for his capstone transportation engineering project.
Masoud rahimzadeh is an Iranian civil engineer with over 10 years of experience in dam and tunnel construction projects. He has worked on several gravity dams in Iran and Sri Lanka as both a senior engineer and deputy project manager. His areas of expertise include RCC and CVC dams, earth dams, and tunneling projects. Currently he is seeking a new position where he can continue utilizing his technical skills and experience managing civil engineering projects.
Abdikani Farah Ahmed is applying for a position as a Civil Engineer lecturer. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from Amoud University and experience working on construction projects in Borama and Erigavo. He is proficient in English, Arabic, and Somali in both writing and speaking. His objective is to enrich students' engineering knowledge through hands-on teaching techniques and help them find solutions to problems.
The document is a curriculum vitae for Arif Hoosain, who graduated from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology with a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering and has practical experience in structural design, transportation engineering, and construction projects.
He is looking for an opportunity that allows him to utilize his education and skills in civil engineering, and has strong foundations in areas like structural analysis, transportation projects, and engineering materials from his coursework.
In addition to his academic qualifications, Arif Hoosain has computer skills in programs like AutoCAD, ETABS, SAP, and MATLAB, as well as work experience as a project service engineer for Bashundhara Group.
1. HUSSAIN, Syed Karar
Ghandhra Road Post Office Madina, Tehsil and District Gujrat
Spot me on LinkedIn
Skype IM : kararshah93
Sex: Male| Date of birth: 18/02/1990 | Nationality: Pakistani
Page 1 / 4
JUL 2013-
To date
Deputy District Officer (Roads) District Mandi Bahaudin
Communication and Works Department, Government of the Punjab
Work on the behalf of Government of the Punjab, Pakistan with the responsibility of
maintaining transportation infrastructure of a districts 389 kilometre roads network. It
includes construction and maintenance supervision of roads, bridges and culverts.
Main tasks include
Mobilization & Survey/Layout
Supervision of Earth Work & Embankment works.
Execution of Culverts, Bridges, Underground utilities e.g. sewer lines and storm
water drainage facilities,
Execution of Pavement Structures
Production of Road Design sheets and preparation of corresponding drawings.
Ensuring Contractor/Consultant staff Coordination.
Ensuring relevance between specifications and actual work done at site.
Business or sector: Public Administration, Design and Execution, Project Management
NOV 2012-
AUG 2013
Lecturer (Teaching Hours:189)
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
Taught varied subjects which form the core of Civil Engineering and Construction
Management to undergraduate students including
Structural Analysis,
Estimation and Planning,
Engineering Procurement
Business or sector Education
SEP 2012-
NOV 2012
Civil Engineer
University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Responsible for all construction and maintenance activities in the campus.
It included
Structural Analysis,
Estimation and Planning of the new academic block building as well as ,
Engineering Procurement
Construction supervision of 2 multi-story academic blocks. (Net Worth: 4 Million
Maintenance of academic buildings & upgradation of the drainage system
(Net Worth: 1 Million USD).
Preparation of Rough & Detailed Cost Estimates for all construction activities in the
Business or sector Construction, Project Management
2. Curriculum Vitae HUSSAIN,Syed Karar
Page 2 / 4
SEP 2013-
FEB 2015
MSc in Civil Engineering Distinction
University of Liege, Belgium
Member of the European Erasmus Mundus Master Course-
Sustainable Constructions under Natural Hazards and Catastrophic Events-
Major Subjects: Conceptual Design of Buildings and Bridges ,Design of
Sustainable Constructions, Seismic Design of Structures, Design for Fire and
Robustness, Rehabilitation of Structures Business and Entrepreneurship,
SEP 2008-
AUG 2012
BSc in Civil Engineering 3.526/4.000
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore (Pakistan)
Major Subjects: Construction & Project Management, Fundamentals
of Transportation Engineering, Planning and Scheduling, Geotechnical
Investigation, Design of Structures, , Plain and Reinforced Concrete,
Steel Structures
Mother tongue(s) Urdu, Punjabi
Other language(s) English, Danish, French
Communication skills Creative and critical thinking ability.
Good Negotiation skills,
Ability to plan and coordinate
Time management
Adaptation to multicultural environments
leadership (currently responsible for a team of 10 people)
Technical skills High command and knowledge of the courses which form the basis of Civil Engineering
(e.g. Construction Management, Structural Mechanics, Transportation Engineering
Hydraulics, Earthquake Engineering, Estimation etc).
Digital competence
Finite Element
Excellent command of office suite (Word, spread sheets, Access, Power Point).
Certification of AUTOCAD 2D at undergraduate level. Also familiar with TEKLA
Have worked on various structural engineering projects using SAP2000, ETABS,
Proficient user of Primavera P6, Microsoft Project Planner.
Used MATLB VecTor2 and ANSYS for Bachelors and Maters Thesis.
3. HUSSAIN, Syed Karar
Page 3 / 4
Internships Drever International Belgium: On Investigations of optimisation solutions for the
Cooling Tower of Steel Manufacturing Plant-Shanghai. The purpose of the study
The weight of the steel structure of the cooling tower should be optimized.
Ensuring the stability of structure with more advanced and economical solutions in
comparison to conventional methods. (AUG 2014)
Engineering Project Development Consultants (EPDC): One-month Internship
in which the internees had the opportunity to oversee the construction of Kalma
Chowk Flyover, execution of a multi-story building & pedestrian bridge.
(AUG 2011)
Honours and awards ERASMUS MUNDUS GRANT for International StudentsBenificiary of the
prestigious International Erasmus Mundus Scholarship by the European
Program Representative for Erasmus Mundus Course SUSCOS. (2013/2015).
Inclusion in Deans honour role for 5 consecutive times during the Bachelors
degree in UET. (2008/2012)
Punjab Educational Endowment Fund Scholarship by the Govt. of the Punjab,
Pakistan. (2008/2012)
position in District Gujrat, Pakistan in the Higher Secondary School
Examination. (2008)
Conferences Participation in EMAs Liaison Group Meeting as Internal Affairs Team Member
held in Vienna, Austria (NOV 2015)
Participation in 11th General Assembly organized by EMA as South Asian
Chapter Delegate held in Ghent, Belgium (OCT 2015).
Participation in 10th General Assembly organized by EMA as SUSCOS
Program Representative held in Krakow, Poland. (JUN 2014).
13th Conference on Geo-Technical Engineering organized by PGES. (MAR
International Conference on Water Resources Engineering and Management
organized by Faculty of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore. (NOV 2011)
Memberships Practicing Engineer and Member of the Pakistan Engineering Council. (DEC
Student member of Institute of Civil Engineers(ICE-UK). (2011-Onwards).
Student member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). (2011-Onwards).
Will be Furnished upon Request