Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Kathmandu, Nepal
siMpLe peRsON.::..i Luv My RoOm (yeah doN't wAnNa gET Out oF TheRe) .::..i Live My Life ONe day at a tiMe. .::..i Luv tO sTaY in DarK. .::..iMMa cHoCohOlIc AnD LivE fOR juNk fOOd.... .::..iMMa day dReaMeR.... .::..My eyes give Me away aLMOst eveRy tiMe! .::..StaRe at Me aNd I'LL staRe Right back at ya... .::..iMMa NOt yOuR typicaL asiaN giRL... .::..i say the RaNdOMest thiNgs at the RaNdOMest tiMes. .::..I LosE My TeMpeR VeRy FaSt (daMn I gOtTa dO SoMetHiNg aBOuT ThAT).::..i dON't sugaRcOat. .::..i caN be mean if i have tO, but it's just NOt My styLe...::..