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Organization / Workplace
Ukraine Ukraine
Chief Executive Officer at Vizeum Ukraine
Advertising / Marketing / PR
Re-launched and run one of the best localized version of MTV channels in Europe in terms of TV ratings/share (MTV Ukraine). Built the most awarded and the fastest growing media agency in Ukraine (Starcom Ukraine). Created and launched the most successful niche TV channels in Ukraine (Mega and Pixel). Got the highest TV award in Ukraine Teletriumf Gand Prix for creating and launching the best children's TV channel (Pixel). Multi award winning dynamic leader with extensive track record of developing high-impact strategies and achieving results for major companies in entertainment and media, consumer goods, technology, telecommunications and marketing services. Strong combination...
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Monthly Media News. May, 2016
Monthly Media News. May, 2016Monthly Media News. May, 2016
Monthly Media News. May, 2016
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亟亠舒仍仆仂亠 仄亠亟亳舒 舒亞亠仆于仂 (5 仗亳仆亳仗仂于)亟亠舒仍仆仂亠 仄亠亟亳舒 舒亞亠仆于仂 (5 仗亳仆亳仗仂于)
亟亠舒仍仆仂亠 仄亠亟亳舒 舒亞亠仆于仂 (5 仗亳仆亳仗仂于)
亞舒仗舒 2011
亞舒仗舒 2011亞舒仗舒 2011
亞舒仗舒 2011