This presentation report focuses on the creation of hydrology of an area
A geographic information system (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data.
3. 4. To ensure thatyour map can show the firstorderstreamswithoutbeingtoocluttered,setthe flow
accumulationtovalue asclose to that fromtoposheetaspossible. Here:
Go to Map AlgebrainSpatial Analysttoolsetandgive Flow_acccu> 500 (without
Setoutputas flow_accu1
5. OpenStreamordertool fromHydrologytoolset.
Give inputfile asFlow_Accu1,inputflow directionasFlow_dirand
Setoutputfile asstream_order.
ClickOK.Nowwe get streamorderas a rasterfile
6. To convertthe stream_order rasterto vectorfile:
OpenStreamto feature,
5. Give inputas stream_order,inputflow directionasflow_dirand
Setoutputas stream_order_v.
7. To see the attribute fields,rightclickonthe vectorfile layerinTable of Contentspanel andselect
OpenAttribute table.The Gridcode representsthe streamorder.Youcan categorize the map
accordingto streamorder bygoingto Properties ->SymbologyandcategorizingbyGridCode.
6. 8. To generate the watershedbasin,OpenBasintool fromHydrologytoolsetandgive inputas