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Organization / Workplace
Manila, Philippines
Staff Nurse
..Aquarius, thats my z0diac!B0rn in the m0nth 0f L0vE, February..F0r some, thEy namEd 0ffspRings b0rn 0n this m0nth as "kulang-kulang"..but f0r me, it is m0re appr0priatE t0 use the term "gifted"...c0nsidered as 0ne of the unpREdictabLE sign that s0metyms y0u cant figurE 0uT!stRangE isnt it? Being an aquarian, i reaLLy L0ve my freed0m..being als0 an aquarian, i can say that i'm in the eLectRic, invisibLE rEalm of air which cant be fenced als0 every0nEs buddy! but seriously, i want to make friends than to make l0ve., i like t0 be in a gr0up, particularly 0ne pushing a wOrthy cause..wELL, what m0re about me,..Ahmm..i feel quite at h0me when im surrounded by people, remaining detached fr
Users following Vanessa Berza