My slides from a talk at Forum 旦ppna data at Swedish innovation agency Vinnova. Talk viewable at:
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OKF intro and CKAN 2.0
1. CKAN: the open source
software powering open
data portals
Open Knowledge Foundation
Irina Bolychevsky (@shevski)
2. Agenda
1. Open Knowledge Foundation
2. Context
3. CKAN overview
4. Discoverability and Data Management
5. Geospatial, Federation, Multilingualism
6. Roadmap
7. Questions
3. We are a global movement to open up
knowledge around the world and see it used
and useful.
The Open Knowledge Foundation
4. We build tools and communities to educate,
empower and connect people.
5. A piece of content or data is open if anyone is free to
use, reuse, and redistribute it subject only, at most,
to the requirement to attribute and share-alike.
What does open mean?
9. To utilize digital information more effectively to improve
governance, the economy and research
Explosion of digital information
Ever improving information technology
For example:
Find a better way to get to work
Build more sustainable cities
Spend government money more effectively and
What problems are we trying to solve?
10. Open Solution
Step 1: get the data openly licensed
Step 2: make it accessible - metadata,
formats, portal (
Step 3: start building, linking and turning data
into something more - information
11. CKAN - Quick Fact Sheet
Open Source - everything developed on GitHub
Extensible flexible componentized architecture
Developer friendly
12. Serves two main use cases
1. search and discoverability for re-users of
2. data management tools for publishers
13. 1. Search and discovery
Online home for data
Central keyword search
Facet by tags, location, format, licence,
publishing department
Browse by groups, keywords, publishers
Standardized interface for viewing
Link to datasets or data directly
Previews and data exploration where possible
18. Visualisation & data explorer functionality:
Previews for many types of data
Data API for .csv & tabular data
Linkable URIs and ability to embed visualisations
20. Data Management for Publishers
Easily store and update metadata records
Workflow and approval
Fine grained authorization controls
Broken link reports
Download and view counts
29. Geo-Search: Filter by location /
draw bounding box
WMS previews
Plotting GeoJSON / Longitude &
Latitude in tabular data
Support for:
ISO 19139
30. Harvesting and normalization
Get metadata from external catalogs and
CKAN will parse, validate and normalise to
create metadata records that look the same to
end users no matter where they came from
We can currently harvest: other CKAN
catalogs, CSW endpoints and WAFs serving
ISO 19139 documents
33. Federation
Search across catalogs in aggregator sites
(such as
Data Catalog Interoperability Protocol: http:
35. Multilingualism
Translated by into over 18 languages
Fully supports all international characters
Added multilingual search, setting dataset
language level, string translations using a
vocabulary & more for the European
Commission Open Data Portal
37. Open Source
All our code is on Github: https://github.
Open issue tracker
Code contributions: https://github.