I'm very mysterious person " cheerful"natured _Polite
Sometimes gets very angry..
" People watching me" I dont care
"I like simple people who dont have any attitude
''I pre-fer those who giving prefrence 2me----" I hate those person who dont reply me :- ) " fACEBOOK IS THE CITY WHICH NEVER SLEEPS" ----------------- " DO you like water ? YES ? GOOD ! Then you already like 72% of me. "I wish Facebook Notify meeeeeee when someone deletes me thats why I like it:"........." I LOVE MY MOM '' She's one in milions''!!!!!!!!!!!!!
" I dont want 2 bE mature Bcz ImmaturE Already says I M mature____---)
" The best way 2 avoid dissapointment is nothing expect any thing from any