H I N D A R I ------- G H I B A H
Like tones_D0-RE-MI-FA-SOL-LA-SI-DO!!!
Do_:Doyan teLfon.an..
Re_:Rebahan d.pLau kapuk bca bku+dgerin musik
Mi_:Minum fanta teruz???
Fa_:Faster in spend m*n*y.
Sol_:Solidaritas tinggi .
La_:Langkah mjdi mature girL tngah dLm proses .
Si_:Si motivator diri sendiri .ha.
Do_:Doa slalu terjaga dlm meLangkah k.dpn .
AKU ???
I'm Just an Ordinary Girl .
doesn't have anything, n' I believe that onLy God who has everything in this world.
I just express thanks to Him, caused I'm still can holding up in this world, with breathing n' so on..
surely, I'm looking for d.best way for my