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Valuation of the Super Project

Group Members:
Gordon Schwabe
XXX XXXXX                                27.01.2013

          1. Case summary
          2. Problem statement
          3. Clarifying problems & solutions
          4. Comments on the 3 evaluation approaches
          5. Recommendations on evaluation
          6. Cash flow statement
          7. Conclusion

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 2
Case Summary

        General Foods is a large corporation organized by productl
        Super is a proposed new instant desert, based on a flavored, water-
         soluble, agglomerated powder.
        General Foods has numerous projects with a strict criteria to judge their value
         for the company
        There are basically three types of capital investment proposals at General
                        Increased profit

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 3
Problem Statement

  3 methods, each passes with advantages and disadvantages
  Incremental / Facilities used / Fully allocated
  Memos indicate that General Foods finance personnel are questioning the same
   criterias ability to accurately reflect the value of the Super project
  No precise estimation of company value, because of the high variance in the
   evaluation methods

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 4
Problem Statement  What is ROFE?
      GF uses Return On Funds Employed (ROFE) to evaluate the viability of capital
      projects, and to weigh one project against another to determine prioritization.

                                  ROFE = EBIT / Capital Invested (book value)
  Ratio of EARNINGS created from the book value of capital invested
  Using EBIT, does not capture net operating cash flow
  Uses book value (depreciated value) of capital investments
  If capital assets are depreciated, they appear to create a cash flow
  Depreciation is an accounting expense not a cash flow
  Artificially biases long-term asset-intensive projects, as they have bigger
   apparent depreciation cash flows
  Does not capture the time value of money; interest and inflation
              ROFE is not a tool to evaluate capital projects. Even used as a
              metric to compare capital earnings performance, it has flaws.

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 5
Problem Statement - How we should deal with

  Test-market expenses
  Erosion of Jell-O contribution margin
  Allocation of charges for the use of excess agglomerator capacity
  Overhead expenses

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 6
Test-market expenses

  Should only be taken into account if they can be attributed to the particular
  In the Super case these expenses had been made before the Super project had

  Will not be taken into account in the FCF

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 7
Erosion of Jell-O contribution margin

  Super will displace part of Jell-O卒s market share

  Erosion of Jell-O contribution margin should be taken into account

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 8
Allocation of charges for the use of excess agglomerator capacity

  Not counted in the FCF of the Super Project
  Charges represent opportunity costs for the Jell-O devision or future projects

  Take costs into account on a corporate level

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 9
Erosion of Jell-O contribution margin

  Should be taken into account if they can be attributed to the particular project

  General Foods Corp. already counted theses costs in the CF of Jell-O

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 10
Overhead Expenses

  Should be taken into account if these expenses can be attributed to Super
  Overhead expenses for the Super Project are not clearly defined

  Overhead expenses will be taken into account in the FCF

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 11
Incremental Basis

 This evaluation approach uses only directly identified cash flows
 Only incremental approaches has been taken into account

 Jell-O facilities and production capacity are not relevant for Super because they
  have already been counted in the CF.

This execution of Incremental Basis is flawed because it:
 Includes sunk costs (the marketing study)
 Fails to account for relevant increasing overhead costs.
 Fails to take into account income-tax-reducing depreciation.
 Utilizes ROFE. Again, ROFE is no good for capital budgeting

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 12
Facilities-Used Basis

 Super will use 1/2 of Jell-Os agglomerator
 Super will use 2/3 of Jell-Os building
 Super pro-rata share is $453 K
 Charges Super with the facility overhead ($28k p/y).
 This approach
 In the capital budgeting process only incremental cash flows are taken into
 Only shifts costs ($453K in facilities) to Super, which is an accounting
  maneuver and does not effect the cashflow
 Its a net zero method, it just moves costs
 Useful for accounting, not for capital budgeting

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 13
Fully Allocated Basis

                                   Facilities-Used Basis + overhead expenses

 Overhead expenses:
                 Selling, general and administrative costs

 This approach
 Gives the most inclusive analysis of existing cash flow
 Adds overhead costs correctly

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 14
Evaluation of the Super Project

   GF can do this by:
   1. Taking into account incremental cash flows
   2. Modifying their income statement to deduct depreciation before calculating tax
   3. Ignore sunk costs (marketing test, Jell-O facilities, etc.)
   4. Remove depreciation from capital assets for purposes of evaluation
   5. Accept overhead from growth/doubling powdered dessert line

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 15
Recommendations evaluation of the Super Project

 $200k for high speed filling/packaging equipment, finish packing room
 $360k market test  irrelevant
 Opportunity cost for Jell-Os facilities and equipment
                Not relevant  same opportunity for any project using this building
                From corporate POV, hard to sell to move in some business to utilize
                 temporarily excess Jell-O facilities, low feasibility
 Capital depreciation  non-cash expense  irrelevant
 Capital depreciation expense tax deduction  relevant to operating cash flow
 Shift $453k pro-rata share of Jell-O facilities and agglomerator  Incremental
  test  irrelevant

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 16
Recommendations Evaluation of the Super Project

 $28k avg. yearly depreciation of Jell-O facilities  Incremental test  irrelevant
 $19k business expansion capital for distribution system  Incremental test 
 Expansion capital depreciation expense tax deduction  relevant to operating
  cash flow
 $90k additional yearly overhead expense for business expansion  Incremental
  test  relevant

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 17
Free Cash Flow






                                                    1            2           3            4     5   6   7   8   9      10        11
         FCF Incremental     -200 -518 -5.4 5.17 86.1 246. 221. 233. 245. 263. 303.
         FCF Facility used -453 -518 6.42 16.3 96.7 256. 229. 241. 253. 269. 345.
         FCF Fully Allocated -672 -518 6.42 16.3 96.7 212. 186. 198. 210. 226. 333.

         Valuation of the Super Project                                                                             27.01.2013
         Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft                        Page 18
Free Cash Flow

                                                                                       Net Sales   Net Earnings
                                                              Discount rate            4,66%       7,69%
                                                              NPV                      447,59      248,64
                                                              IRR                      13%         13%

                                                                                       Net Sales   Net Earnings
                                                              Discount rate            4,66%       7,69%
                                                              NPV                      280,38      67,31
                                                              IRR                      9%          9%

                                                                                       Net Sales   Net Earnings
                                                              Discount rate            4,66%       7,69%
                                                              NPV                      -102,79     -286,13
                                                              IRR                      3%          3%
Valuation of the Super Project                                                                               27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft                          Page 19

- An expansion or broadening of market capture by appealing to somewhat
  parallel consumer needs
- Take advantage of short term availability of Jell-O facilities - in the long term it
  is not a better project just because it fits a facility that is temporarily unused

Main Points:
- NPV is in 2 approaches positive
- IRR is in 2 approaches higher than discount rate (decision premise)
- Payback after the 6th year (shorter than normal payback period)

 Do the investment

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 20
Fachbereich Wirtschaft

Thank you for your attention
Appendix  Incremental CF

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 22
Appendix  Facility Used CF

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 23
Appendix  Fully Allocated CF

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 24
Appendix  Excel File

                                                        Excel File

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 25
Appendix - Depreciation

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 26
Appendix  Opportunity costs

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 27
Appendix  Erosion of Jell-O

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 28
Appendix  Tax rate

Valuation of the Super Project                                                         27.01.2013
Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft    Page 29

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Super Project

  • 1. Valuation of the Super Project Group Members: XXX XXXXX XXX XXXXX Gordon Schwabe XXX XXXXX 27.01.2013
  • 2. AGENDA 1. Case summary 2. Problem statement 3. Clarifying problems & solutions 4. Comments on the 3 evaluation approaches 5. Recommendations on evaluation 6. Cash flow statement 7. Conclusion Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 2
  • 3. Case Summary General Foods is a large corporation organized by productl Super is a proposed new instant desert, based on a flavored, water- soluble, agglomerated powder. General Foods has numerous projects with a strict criteria to judge their value for the company There are basically three types of capital investment proposals at General Foods: Safety Quality Increased profit Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 3
  • 4. Problem Statement 3 methods, each passes with advantages and disadvantages Incremental / Facilities used / Fully allocated Memos indicate that General Foods finance personnel are questioning the same criterias ability to accurately reflect the value of the Super project No precise estimation of company value, because of the high variance in the evaluation methods Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 4
  • 5. Problem Statement What is ROFE? GF uses Return On Funds Employed (ROFE) to evaluate the viability of capital projects, and to weigh one project against another to determine prioritization. ROFE = EBIT / Capital Invested (book value) Ratio of EARNINGS created from the book value of capital invested Using EBIT, does not capture net operating cash flow Uses book value (depreciated value) of capital investments If capital assets are depreciated, they appear to create a cash flow Depreciation is an accounting expense not a cash flow Artificially biases long-term asset-intensive projects, as they have bigger apparent depreciation cash flows Does not capture the time value of money; interest and inflation ROFE is not a tool to evaluate capital projects. Even used as a metric to compare capital earnings performance, it has flaws. Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 5
  • 6. Problem Statement - How we should deal with Test-market expenses Erosion of Jell-O contribution margin Allocation of charges for the use of excess agglomerator capacity Overhead expenses Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 6
  • 7. Test-market expenses Should only be taken into account if they can be attributed to the particular project In the Super case these expenses had been made before the Super project had started Will not be taken into account in the FCF Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 7
  • 8. Erosion of Jell-O contribution margin Super will displace part of Jell-O卒s market share Erosion of Jell-O contribution margin should be taken into account Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 8
  • 9. Allocation of charges for the use of excess agglomerator capacity Not counted in the FCF of the Super Project Charges represent opportunity costs for the Jell-O devision or future projects Take costs into account on a corporate level Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 9
  • 10. Erosion of Jell-O contribution margin Should be taken into account if they can be attributed to the particular project General Foods Corp. already counted theses costs in the CF of Jell-O Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 10
  • 11. Overhead Expenses Should be taken into account if these expenses can be attributed to Super Overhead expenses for the Super Project are not clearly defined Overhead expenses will be taken into account in the FCF Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 11
  • 12. Incremental Basis This evaluation approach uses only directly identified cash flows Only incremental approaches has been taken into account Jell-O facilities and production capacity are not relevant for Super because they have already been counted in the CF. This execution of Incremental Basis is flawed because it: Includes sunk costs (the marketing study) Fails to account for relevant increasing overhead costs. Fails to take into account income-tax-reducing depreciation. Utilizes ROFE. Again, ROFE is no good for capital budgeting Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 12
  • 13. Facilities-Used Basis Super will use 1/2 of Jell-Os agglomerator Super will use 2/3 of Jell-Os building Super pro-rata share is $453 K Charges Super with the facility overhead ($28k p/y). This approach In the capital budgeting process only incremental cash flows are taken into account. Only shifts costs ($453K in facilities) to Super, which is an accounting maneuver and does not effect the cashflow Its a net zero method, it just moves costs Useful for accounting, not for capital budgeting Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 13
  • 14. Fully Allocated Basis Facilities-Used Basis + overhead expenses Overhead expenses: Selling, general and administrative costs This approach Gives the most inclusive analysis of existing cash flow Adds overhead costs correctly Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 14
  • 15. Evaluation of the Super Project GF can do this by: 1. Taking into account incremental cash flows 2. Modifying their income statement to deduct depreciation before calculating tax 3. Ignore sunk costs (marketing test, Jell-O facilities, etc.) 4. Remove depreciation from capital assets for purposes of evaluation 5. Accept overhead from growth/doubling powdered dessert line Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 15
  • 16. Recommendations evaluation of the Super Project $200k for high speed filling/packaging equipment, finish packing room $360k market test irrelevant Opportunity cost for Jell-Os facilities and equipment Not relevant same opportunity for any project using this building From corporate POV, hard to sell to move in some business to utilize temporarily excess Jell-O facilities, low feasibility Capital depreciation non-cash expense irrelevant Capital depreciation expense tax deduction relevant to operating cash flow Shift $453k pro-rata share of Jell-O facilities and agglomerator Incremental test irrelevant Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 16
  • 17. Recommendations Evaluation of the Super Project $28k avg. yearly depreciation of Jell-O facilities Incremental test irrelevant $19k business expansion capital for distribution system Incremental test relevant Expansion capital depreciation expense tax deduction relevant to operating cash flow $90k additional yearly overhead expense for business expansion Incremental test relevant Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 17
  • 18. Free Cash Flow 400.00 200.00 0.00 Amount -200.00 -400.00 -600.00 -800.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 FCF Incremental -200 -518 -5.4 5.17 86.1 246. 221. 233. 245. 263. 303. FCF Facility used -453 -518 6.42 16.3 96.7 256. 229. 241. 253. 269. 345. FCF Fully Allocated -672 -518 6.42 16.3 96.7 212. 186. 198. 210. 226. 333. Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 18
  • 19. Free Cash Flow Net Sales Net Earnings Discount rate 4,66% 7,69% NPV 447,59 248,64 IRR 13% 13% Net Sales Net Earnings Discount rate 4,66% 7,69% NPV 280,38 67,31 IRR 9% 9% Net Sales Net Earnings Discount rate 4,66% 7,69% NPV -102,79 -286,13 IRR 3% 3% Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 19
  • 20. Conclusion - An expansion or broadening of market capture by appealing to somewhat parallel consumer needs - Take advantage of short term availability of Jell-O facilities - in the long term it is not a better project just because it fits a facility that is temporarily unused Main Points: - NPV is in 2 approaches positive - IRR is in 2 approaches higher than discount rate (decision premise) - Payback after the 6th year (shorter than normal payback period) Do the investment Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 20
  • 21. Fachbereich Wirtschaft Thank you for your attention
  • 22. Appendix Incremental CF Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 22
  • 23. Appendix Facility Used CF Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 23
  • 24. Appendix Fully Allocated CF Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 24
  • 25. Appendix Excel File Excel File Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 25
  • 26. Appendix - Depreciation Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 26
  • 27. Appendix Opportunity costs Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 27
  • 28. Appendix Erosion of Jell-O Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 28
  • 29. Appendix Tax rate Valuation of the Super Project 27.01.2013 Fachhochschule Brandenburg 揃 University of Applied Sciences 揃 Fachbereich Wirtschaft Page 29