This document is a 616-word draft essay on the process of sketching. It begins with an introduction that defines sketching and notes why people sketch. The body then outlines the four main steps to producing an attractive sketch: 1) preparing tools and materials, 2) choosing a subject, 3) elaborating the sketch through shading, shadow, and blending, and 4) cleaning up the sketch. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of focus and attention in sketching and encouraging readers not to give up if their sketches fail initially.
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Lu siau vay_616_wds_
NAME: Lu Siau Vay
STUDENT ID NO: 0318567
WORD COUNT: 616 words
ENGLISH 1 (ELG 30505)
2. Draft:
- What is sketching?
- According to dictionary
- Why people sketch
- Quote
- First step, preparation of tools and materials
- Second step, choose a subject. Rough drawing
- Third step, elaborate the sketch. Shading – shadow – blending.
- Last, clean up, rub off the unnecessary lines.
- My opinion about sketching
- Focus, attention is important
- Quote from famous artist
3. Steps involved in producing an attractive sketch
What is sketching? According to the Oxford dictionary, sketching is said to
be a rough or unfinished drawing or painting, often made to assist in making a
more finished picture. But in another interesting way, people sketch their mood,
their hearts. Some people does not know how to tell what they want to say in
words, so they sketch. Some people have stress, so they express the stress on
sketching. Vincent Van Gogh who was a post-Impressionist painter of Dutch said
that, ‘The only time I feel alive is when I'm painting.’
There is a Chinese proverb which says that, ‘One must have good tools in
order to do a good job.’ So, to produce an attractive sketch, you have to prepare
all the tools of sketching at first. Basically, you have to prepare a sketchbook or
drawing book and tracing paper for technical drawing. You can also draw on a
blank paper if you don’t have any books. A set of pencils is necessary to sketch
nicely. Then, prepare an eraser in case for mistakes and blending tools like
tissues, cotton buds. These are just the basic tools and materials, if you want to
know more about it, please do a research before buying the materials. Please
make sure that you get all the right materials before starting to sketch.
After getting all the right materials, you have to choose a subject. The
subject you must be interested with it and try to pick a simple subject. No matter
what you choose is a model or an image or a small object, just choose a place
where is plenty of light. Why? Because adding the light into your sketch will be
more attractive and eye-catchy. Then, you can start to sketch and remember not
to draw too heavily. Do a rough drawing first or you have to erase the mistake
4. hardly if you do mistake.
Next, you can start to elaborate your sketch to be more attractive. Draw
with shading which means the difference in the light and colour. Bring out the
darker line and erase the lines that you do not need. I would like to add the
shadow of the object on my drawing, you will see how real the object is after
adding the shadow. For sure that you have to pay fully attention on sketching the
shadow because if you want to erase the mistake, the paper will become dirty
and the sketching will become ugly. So I suggest that you sketch the shadow in a
very focus situation to avoid mistake. For shadow, you can use the blending tool
like tissue and cotton buds to blend the shadow. You can try to do it on a paper
first. The last step that you have to do on your sketching is to clean up your
drawing and rub off all the unnecessary lines.
Sketching can be fun if you focus in it. Many people think that they can’t
draw, can’t even draw a thing. I can’t draw and I do not like drawing but I believe
that if I try my best to calm down and sketch attentively, my sketching will be
attracted too, not expert, not perfect, not even beautiful, but everyone can do it if
you trust yourself and be serious with it. ‘Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff.
Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others
quickly copy it. Then you do something else. The trick is the doing something
else’, said Leonardo Da Vinci. Art is always a beautiful thing, do not give up if you
fail, do not think you drawing is ugly. Everyone is an artist.