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Brazil - An overview
Brazil - An overview
 Brazil is officially called as the Federative
  republic of Brazil.
 It is the worlds fifth largest country both
  by geographical area and population
  with over 193 million people.
 Independence was achieved in 1822
  and became republic in 1889 leaving
  away the constitutional monarchy and
  parliamentary systems.
 Current constitution was formulated
  in1988 defining Brazil as federal republic.
 The Federation is formed by the union of
  the federal Districts, the 26 states.
 Brazil is one of the fastest growing major
 Brazil comes from brazilwood, a tree that
  grew plentifully along the Brazil coast.
 It is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean in
  the east and surrounded by Venezuela
  and Guyana from the part of Northern
 Brazil covers a vast area of 3,287,597
  Square Miles having water of 0.65%.
 Indigenous people of Brazil were
  basically from the Portugal domains and
  enhanced their tradition similar to them.
 Later 1822, Banking was introduced
  which created the root for its
  economical stabilization.
 Legislature is National Congress
     Upper House  Federal Senate
     Lower House  Chamber of Deputies
 Capital  Brasilia
 Largest City  Sao Paulo
 Official Language  Portuguese
 Legislature  National Congress
 Currency  Real (R$)
 President  Dilma Rousseff
 Ethnicity  White, Multiracial, Black and
 The Land now called Brazil was claimed
  by Portugal in April 1500.
 In between Napoleons invasion was
  repelled by Portuguese military in 1821.
 Finally Brazilian independence was
  declared by last emperor Dom Pedro.
 Brazil became an independent country
  on 7th September 1822.
 Basically it starts with the people of
  Americans who arrived thousands of
  years ago by crossing the Bering land
 Brazil is one of the three modern states in
  the America to have its own indigenous
  monarchy (other 2 were Mexico & Haiti).
 Populism and development were rapid
  from 1930 to 1964.
Brazil - An overview
 The climate of Brazil comprises a wide
  range of weather conditions, but most of
  the country is Tropical.
 Brazil hosts 5 major climatic conditions
     Highland Tropical
Brazil - An overview
 Brazils large territory comprises of
  different ecosystems such as Amazon
  Forest recognized as having the
  greatest Biological Diversity .
 Biodiversity can contribute significantly to
  Agriculture, livestock, forestry and
  fisheries extraction.
 A single drug for controlling
  hypertension, developed with the
  venom of jararaca would yield about
  $1.5 billion a year.
 The Brazilian Federation is the
  indissoluble union of three distinct
  political entities : the states, the
  municipalities, and the Federal district.
 Together with several smaller parties, four
  political parties stand out : Workers
  party, Brazilian Social Democratic party,
  Brazilian democratic movement party,
  and Democrats.
 Brazil provides a financial aid of $1 billion
  per year for the welfare of Military.
 The armed forces of Brazil consists of the
  Brazilian Army, the Brazilian Navy, and
  the Brazilian Air Force.
 They constitute the largest Army force in
  Latin America, having about 700
  manned aircraft in service.
Brazil - An overview
 Brazil is the largest economy in Latin
  America and Worlds sixth largest
  economy at market exchange rates and
  seventh largest in purchasing power
 Its current GDP per capita is $10,200
  putting Brazil in the 64th position according
  to World Bank data.
 It ha huge and developed Agriculture,
  mining, manufacturing and service
  sectors, as well as large labor pools.
 Brazilian exports are booming, creating a
  new generation of Tycoons.
 Major export products include aircraft,
  electrical equipment, automobiles,
  ethanol, textiles, footwear, iron ore, steel,
  coffee, orange, juice, soybeans and
  corned beef.
 The country has been expanding its
  presence in International finance and
  commodities market, and is one of the
  four emerging economies called BRIC
Brazil - An overview
 The core culture of Brazil is derived from
  Portuguese culture, because of its strong
  colonial ties with the Portuguese Empire.
 Among other influence Portuguese
  introduced Portuguese Language,
  Roman Catholicism, and colonial
  architectural styles.
 Some aspects of Brazilian culture were
  influenced by the contributions of Italian,
  German, and other European countries
  as well as Japanese and Arab
  immigrants who dwells in south region.
 The Music of Brazil was formed mainly
  from the fusion of European and African
 Brazilian music encompasses various
  regional styles influenced by African
  forms and Amerindian.
 It developed in different styles including
  Samba, choro, axe, frevo, lambada,
  maracatu, Brazilian bossa nova etc,.
Brazil - An overview
Brazil - An overview
 The most popular sport in Brazil is
 The Brazilian National Football Team is
  ranked among the best in the world
  according to the FIFA World Rankings.
 It has won the World Cup tournament a
  record Five times in 1958, 1962, 1970,
  1994 & 2002.
 In auto racing three Brazilian drivers have
  won the Formula One world
  championship eight times.
 Volleyball, basketball, auto racing, and
  martial arts also attract large audiences.
 Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian marked by
  deft, tricky movements often played on
  the ground or completely inverted.
 Footvolley was created in 1970, is a mix
  of football and volleyball where players
  must use feet and head to get the ball
  over the net.
 Rugby Union has been played in Brazil
  since 1988, but football domination
  damaged this sport.
Brazil - An overview
Brazil - An overview
 It was developed from indigenous,
  European and African influences.
 Ingredients first used by native peoples in
  Brazil include cassava, guarana, acai,
  cumaru and tacaca.
 When potatoes were not available they
  discovered how to use native sweet
  manioc as a replacement.
 Typical dish called feijoada considered
  as the countrys national dish.
 The national beverage is Coffee and
  cachaca is Brazils native liquor.
 Rice and Beans are an extremely
  common dish, as are fish, beef and pork.
 Sea food is very popular in coastal areas,
  as it is roasted chicken (galeto).
 Barbecue grill is an often ordered dish.
 Brazilians usually eat pizza, pasta, pasta
  salad, various dishes using either potato
  or manioc and polenta as substitutes for
  rice , as well as salads.
 Special ethnic foods and various
  restaurants usually attracts people from
  other continents too.
Brazil - An overview
 Brazilian Industry has its earliest origin in
  Workshops dating from the beginning of
  19th century.
 Production of Soaps, Candles, Snuff,
  Spinning and Weaving, Foods, Melting of
  Iron, Wool and Silk were popularized in
  the field of Industry.
 Brazilian automobile industry began in
  1957 with its production centre's at Sao
  Paulo and Parana.
 Production rate constantly increases at
  the percentage of 12.2
 American Civil War and Paraguayan
  War changed the complete scenario of
  business sector in Brazil.
 1/3rd of the Brazilian GDP constitutes to
  the production of Automobiles,
  Petroleum and Steel Industries.
 During the early 1990s Banking sector
  accounted for as much as 16% of GDP.
 Brazilian government has undertaken an
  ambitious program to reduce the
  dependence on imported Oil and
  planning to make their own.
Brazil - An overview
Brazil - An overview
Brazil - An overview
 Tourism in Brazil is a growing sector and
  key to the economy of several regions of
  the country.
 The country had 5.9 million visitors in 2011
 It is the second main destination in South
  America and third in Latin America after
  Mexico and Argentina.
 Revenues from international tourists
  reached US$ 6.775 billions in 2011
 Brazil offers for both domestic and
  international tourists.
Brazil - An overview
Brazil - An overview
     Amazon rainforest
     Minas Gerias (Historic Museum)
     Typical Cuisine
     Rio de janeiro
     Brasilias Cathedral
     Salsa Dance
Brazil - An overview
Brazil - An overview
Brazil - An overview

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Brazil - An overview

  • 3. Brazil is officially called as the Federative republic of Brazil. It is the worlds fifth largest country both by geographical area and population with over 193 million people. Independence was achieved in 1822 and became republic in 1889 leaving away the constitutional monarchy and parliamentary systems.
  • 4. Current constitution was formulated in1988 defining Brazil as federal republic. The Federation is formed by the union of the federal Districts, the 26 states. Brazil is one of the fastest growing major economies. Brazil comes from brazilwood, a tree that grew plentifully along the Brazil coast. It is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and surrounded by Venezuela and Guyana from the part of Northern side.
  • 5. Brazil covers a vast area of 3,287,597 Square Miles having water of 0.65%. Indigenous people of Brazil were basically from the Portugal domains and enhanced their tradition similar to them. Later 1822, Banking was introduced which created the root for its economical stabilization. Legislature is National Congress Upper House Federal Senate Lower House Chamber of Deputies
  • 6. Capital Brasilia Largest City Sao Paulo Official Language Portuguese Legislature National Congress Currency Real (R$) President Dilma Rousseff Ethnicity White, Multiracial, Black and Asian.
  • 7. The Land now called Brazil was claimed by Portugal in April 1500. In between Napoleons invasion was repelled by Portuguese military in 1821. Finally Brazilian independence was declared by last emperor Dom Pedro. Brazil became an independent country on 7th September 1822.
  • 8. Basically it starts with the people of Americans who arrived thousands of years ago by crossing the Bering land bridge. Brazil is one of the three modern states in the America to have its own indigenous monarchy (other 2 were Mexico & Haiti). Populism and development were rapid from 1930 to 1964.
  • 10. The climate of Brazil comprises a wide range of weather conditions, but most of the country is Tropical. Brazil hosts 5 major climatic conditions Equatorial Tropical Highland Tropical Temperate Subtropical
  • 12. Brazils large territory comprises of different ecosystems such as Amazon Forest recognized as having the greatest Biological Diversity . Biodiversity can contribute significantly to Agriculture, livestock, forestry and fisheries extraction. A single drug for controlling hypertension, developed with the venom of jararaca would yield about $1.5 billion a year.
  • 13. The Brazilian Federation is the indissoluble union of three distinct political entities : the states, the municipalities, and the Federal district. Together with several smaller parties, four political parties stand out : Workers party, Brazilian Social Democratic party, Brazilian democratic movement party, and Democrats.
  • 14. Brazil provides a financial aid of $1 billion per year for the welfare of Military. The armed forces of Brazil consists of the Brazilian Army, the Brazilian Navy, and the Brazilian Air Force. They constitute the largest Army force in Latin America, having about 700 manned aircraft in service.
  • 16. Brazil is the largest economy in Latin America and Worlds sixth largest economy at market exchange rates and seventh largest in purchasing power parity. Its current GDP per capita is $10,200 putting Brazil in the 64th position according to World Bank data. It ha huge and developed Agriculture, mining, manufacturing and service sectors, as well as large labor pools.
  • 17. Brazilian exports are booming, creating a new generation of Tycoons. Major export products include aircraft, electrical equipment, automobiles, ethanol, textiles, footwear, iron ore, steel, coffee, orange, juice, soybeans and corned beef. The country has been expanding its presence in International finance and commodities market, and is one of the four emerging economies called BRIC countries.
  • 19. The core culture of Brazil is derived from Portuguese culture, because of its strong colonial ties with the Portuguese Empire. Among other influence Portuguese introduced Portuguese Language, Roman Catholicism, and colonial architectural styles. Some aspects of Brazilian culture were influenced by the contributions of Italian, German, and other European countries as well as Japanese and Arab immigrants who dwells in south region.
  • 20. The Music of Brazil was formed mainly from the fusion of European and African elements. Brazilian music encompasses various regional styles influenced by African forms and Amerindian. It developed in different styles including Samba, choro, axe, frevo, lambada, maracatu, Brazilian bossa nova etc,.
  • 23. The most popular sport in Brazil is FOOTBALL. The Brazilian National Football Team is ranked among the best in the world according to the FIFA World Rankings. It has won the World Cup tournament a record Five times in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 & 2002. In auto racing three Brazilian drivers have won the Formula One world championship eight times.
  • 24. Volleyball, basketball, auto racing, and martial arts also attract large audiences. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian marked by deft, tricky movements often played on the ground or completely inverted. Footvolley was created in 1970, is a mix of football and volleyball where players must use feet and head to get the ball over the net. Rugby Union has been played in Brazil since 1988, but football domination damaged this sport.
  • 27. It was developed from indigenous, European and African influences. Ingredients first used by native peoples in Brazil include cassava, guarana, acai, cumaru and tacaca. When potatoes were not available they discovered how to use native sweet manioc as a replacement. Typical dish called feijoada considered as the countrys national dish. The national beverage is Coffee and cachaca is Brazils native liquor.
  • 28. Rice and Beans are an extremely common dish, as are fish, beef and pork. Sea food is very popular in coastal areas, as it is roasted chicken (galeto). Barbecue grill is an often ordered dish. Brazilians usually eat pizza, pasta, pasta salad, various dishes using either potato or manioc and polenta as substitutes for rice , as well as salads. Special ethnic foods and various restaurants usually attracts people from other continents too.
  • 30. Brazilian Industry has its earliest origin in Workshops dating from the beginning of 19th century. Production of Soaps, Candles, Snuff, Spinning and Weaving, Foods, Melting of Iron, Wool and Silk were popularized in the field of Industry. Brazilian automobile industry began in 1957 with its production centre's at Sao Paulo and Parana. Production rate constantly increases at the percentage of 12.2
  • 31. American Civil War and Paraguayan War changed the complete scenario of business sector in Brazil. 1/3rd of the Brazilian GDP constitutes to the production of Automobiles, Petroleum and Steel Industries. During the early 1990s Banking sector accounted for as much as 16% of GDP. Brazilian government has undertaken an ambitious program to reduce the dependence on imported Oil and planning to make their own.
  • 35. Tourism in Brazil is a growing sector and key to the economy of several regions of the country. The country had 5.9 million visitors in 2011 It is the second main destination in South America and third in Latin America after Mexico and Argentina. Revenues from international tourists reached US$ 6.775 billions in 2011 Brazil offers for both domestic and international tourists.
  • 38. Attractions Amazon rainforest Beaches Dunes Pantanal Minas Gerias (Historic Museum) Canyons Typical Cuisine Rio de janeiro Brasilias Cathedral Carnivals Salsa Dance