<3 I d0n't liKe t0 c0mMit mYseLf aBouT hEaVen aNd heLl -- yOu sEe, I haVe friEnDs in bOth plAceS....!!! <3
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
<3 THe reAson I tAlk to mYself is tHat I'm tHe OnLy oNe Wh0se AnSweRs I aCcePt...!!! <3
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<3 I rEstOre mYseLf wHen I'm alLoNe...!!! <3
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<3 I doN't fIt iNto aNy steReotYpes. ANd I liKe myself tHat waYyY...!!! <3
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<3 <3 <3
<3 My f0rmUla f0r liVinG iS qUitE siMpLe, I gEt uP In tHe mOrniNg aNd I gO t0 bEd At NigHt, In bEtwEen, I oCcuPy mysElf aS bEst I cAn...!!! <3
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
<3 I woUld RathEr b Al0ne Wd My DigniTy tHan in A reLationShip....(y)
c0x That RequiRs Me To0 SecrifICe my Self RespEct.......!!!♥ <3 <3