MAC-2012-006 用三個人的力量去關愛地球人 (Love Others by the Power of Three Persons)Design for Change Macau
Love Others by the Power of Three Persons
We often saw some children being isolated and turned down in the school. They didn’t have care from their parents, or any concern from the teachers. We often saw some aged people kept alone in the street. They hadn’t got love from their children because they had to go to work and some hadn’t even accompanied with any relative. We felt heart-broken to all these. Therefore we paid a visit to the elderly, homes for the elderly, and kindergartens. We didn’t only let them feel that there’s still love in the world, but also taught them to bless other people with love by creating paper-planes and blessing cards. Also, we brought them joy and happiness by sending them presents.
This document shares reflections on living life to the fullest. It encourages embracing life's ups and downs with love, enjoying each moment, and supporting friends. It advises making the most of each day by living and loving without regret, as life is reality without an eraser. The document reminds us that the nicest things happen when least expected, and to share life's lessons with friends.
The document provides interactive instructions for bringing a winter scene to life through clicking different elements like the chimney, sky, Christmas tree star, and choir. Clicking the chimney starts a fire, clicking the sky makes it snow, clicking the star brightens the Christmas tree lights, and clicking the choir plays their song. The document ends by allowing the user to exit the scene by clicking a button.
1. 前 言 人生就像一場戲、因為有緣才相聚 相扶到老不容易、是否更該去珍惜 為了小事發脾氣、回頭想想又何必 別人生氣我不氣、氣出病來無人替 我若氣死誰如意、況且傷神又費力 鄰居親朋不要比、兒孫瑣事由他去 吃苦享樂在一起、神仙羨慕好伴侶 上頭是街道上的警世格言,唸起來頗順口,也頗有人生哲理。目前友人寄來十句很有意思的「紙與人生」,我把它作成 Power Point 。看完後請好好傳閱。謝謝! Patrick Tsay PS. The slide will automatically roll in every 20 seconds.