The document discusses different aspects of distributed systems including remote procedure calls, asynchronous communication, and fault tolerance techniques. It provides details on implementing remote method invocations with at-least-once semantics and how assuming a maximum time for communication and execution can simplify the implementation by avoiding late replies. It also discusses techniques for asynchronous data transfer like dual-rail encoding and single-rail bundled data with request-acknowledge handshaking. Finally, it mentions how the Akeeba Backup software splits backups into chunks to prevent failures from timeouts or protections by having minimum and maximum step durations.
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Discuss the invocation semantics that can be achieved when the request-reply protocol is implemented over a TCP/IP connection
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University with potential for excellence
Team No: 10
Team members:-
a. Ram Narayan Kumar.(B244038)
b. Pawan Kumar Singh.(B244033)
c. Vikash Kumar Dubey.(B244060).
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5:- The Election interface provides two remote methods:
vote: with two parameters through which the client supplies the name of
a candidate (a string) and the‘voter’s number’ (an integer used to ensure
each user votes once only). The voter’s numbers are allocated sparsely
from the range of integers to make them hard to guess.
result: with two parameters
through which the server supplies the client with the name of a candidate
and the number of votes for that candidate.Which of the parameters of
these two procedures are input and which are output parameters?
vote: input parameters: name of candidate, voter’s number;
result: output parameters: name of candidate, number of votes
A request-reply protocol is implemented over a communication
service with omission failures to provide at-least-once RMI
invocation semantics. In the first case the implementor assumes an
asynchronous distributed system. In the second case the
implementor assumes that the maximum time for the
communication and the execution of a remote method is T. In what
way does the latter assumption simplify the implementation?
In the first case, the implementor assumes that if the client observes an
omission failure it cannot tell whether it is due to loss of the request or
reply message, to the server having crashed or having taken longer than
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Therefore when the request is re-transmitted the client may receive late
replies to the original request. The implementation must deal with this.
the implementor assumes that if the client observes
an omission failure it cannot tell whether the omission is because of loss
of the request or reply message, or because of the server having crashed
or having taken longer than usual. Therefore when the request is re-
transmitted the client may receive late replies to the original request. The
implementation must deal with this.
In the second case, an omission failure observed by the client cannot
be due to the server taking too long. Therefore, when the request is
re-ransmitted after time T, it is certain that a late reply will not come
from the server. There is no need to deal with late replies. In
this way, the implementation is simplified.
an omission failure observed by the client cannot be due to the server
taking too long.
Invocation semantics
• Local invocations are executed exactly once
• Remote invocations cannot achieve this. Why not?
– the Request-reply protocol can apply fault-tolerance measures
Fault tolerance measures
or retransmit reply
Not applicable
Retransmit reply At-most-once
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Remote and local method invocations
Therefore when the request is re-transmitted after time T, it is certain
that a late reply will not come from the server. There is no need to deal
with late replies.
Asynchronous communication is typically performed on channels.
Communication is used both to synchronize operations of the concurrent
system as well as to pass data. A simple channel typically consists of
two wires: a request and an acknowledge.
In a '4-phase handshaking protocol' (or return-to-zero), the request is
asserted by the sender component, and the receiver responds by asserting
the acknowledge; then both signals are de-asserted in turn. In a '2-
phase handshaking protocol' (or transition-signalling), the requester
simply toggles the value on the request wire (once), and the receiver
responds by toggling the value on the acknowledge wire. Channels can
also be extended to communicate data.
invocation invocation
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Asynchronous datapaths are typically encoded using several schemes.
Robust schemes use two wires or 'rails' for each bit, called 'dual-rail
encoding'. In this case, first rail is asserted to transmit a 0 value, or the
second rail is asserted to transmit a 1 value. The asserted rail is then
reset to zero before the next data value is transmitted, thereby indicating
'no data' or a 'spacer' state. A less robust, but widely used and practical
scheme, is called 'single-rail bundled data'. Here, a single-rail (i.e.
synchronous-style) function block can be used, with an
accompanying worst-case matched delay. After valid data inputs arrive,
a request signal is asserted as the input to the matched delay. When the
matched delay produces a 'done' output, the block guaranteed to have
completed computation. While this scheme has timing constraints, they
are simple, localized (unlike in synchronous systems), and one-sided,
hence are usually easy to validate.
Client-side implementation of minimum execution time Akeeba Backup
splits the backup process into smaller chunks, called backup steps, to
prevent backup failure due to server time-out or server protection
reasons. Each backup step has a minimum and maximum duration
defined by the Minimum Execution Time, Maximum Execution Time
and Execution Time Bias parameters in this Configuration page. If the
step takes less time to complete than the minimum duration Akeeba
Backup will have to wait.
When this box is unchecked (default) Akeeba Backup will have the
server wait until the minimum execution time is reached. This may
cause some very restrictive servers to kill your backup. Checking this
box will implement the waiting period on the browser, working around
this limitation.