1. The document is a test on volleyball that asks students to identify terms related to volleyball rules, positions, history, and officials.
2. It includes multiple choice and enumeration questions about volleyball terminology like net, center line, referee, scorer, and types of serves.
3. There are also essay questions asking about the difference between a set and a match in volleyball, and the roles and responsibilities of the referee, second referee, and scorer as volleyball officials.
Make a sentences from the pictures and words givenIsmi Huda
The document provides 5 pictures with words to form simple sentences. The pictures show: a boy giving money, two boys playing ball, cycling to school, a cat sleeping under a chair, and playing football on a field.
Engจุฬา beijing olympic sen 2008-08-19mahahaha
[1] Manus Boonjumnong of Thailand punched his way into the Olympic boxing semi-finals, assuring himself of at least a bronze medal and becoming Thailand's first two-time Olympic medalist.
[2] In the quarterfinals, Manus defeated the hot favorite and reigning world champion Serik Sapiyev of Kazakhstan in a thrilling 7-5 victory.
[3] This win earned Thailand its 19th Olympic medal since first taking part in the Olympics in 1952, and guaranteed Manus a place in the semi-finals.
The document discusses the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (FTC), which links differentiation and integration. It defines the FTC in two parts: the first part states that if a function f is continuous on an interval [a,b] and F is defined by integrating f, then F is uniformly continuous and differentiable. The second part states that if f is differentiable on [a,b] and its derivative f' is integrable, then the integral of f' from a to b is equal to f(b)-f(a). Proofs of both parts of the FTC are provided.
This document contains 8 geometry problems: 1) Finding the distance between Town A and the midway point Town B; 2) Determining the shape made by 3 non-collinear trees; 3) Finding the measure of an angle given the measures of its supplement and complement; 4) Finding the value of d given values of a and b in a figure; 5) Finding the value of x to make two lines cut by a transversal parallel; 6) Finding the measures of the remaining angles of a parallelogram given one angle measure; 7) Finding the lengths of unknown sides of a figure given some side lengths; 8) Finding the value of x in a parallelogram figure given two angle measures.
This document provides an overview of basic probability and statistics concepts. It discusses topics like probability, random variables, expectations, important distributions, multiple variables, law of large numbers, central limit theorem, classical inference including maximum likelihood estimation, Bayesian inference, and references several textbooks and online courses for further information. The document is authored by Nguyen Duc Minh Khoi and provides his contact information.
This vocabulary test covers plane geometry terms. It contains multiple choice and problem solving questions. One problem involves a figure with lines AC measuring 65, AD measuring 45, and AB measuring 90 and requires solving.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in plane geometry covered in Chapter 5, including points, lines, planes, angles, parallel and perpendicular lines, triangles, polygons, coordinate geometry, congruence, transformations, and tessellations. Specific topics discussed include classifying angles, properties of parallel lines cut by a transversal, the triangle sum theorem, types of triangles and polygons, finding total angle measures of polygons, and using coordinate geometry. Homework problems are provided at the end of sections for additional practice.
The document discusses the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and provides announcements for an introductory calculus class. It lists the midterm exam results and upcoming exam and movie day. It also provides the dates and times for problem sessions and the instructor's office hours. The outline indicates that the previous class discussed the Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
This document is the preface and table of contents for a book titled "Problems in Plane Geometry" that contains over 600 geometry problems divided into two sections. The preface provides background on the book, noting it contains both simple and more challenging problems, with detailed solutions. The table of contents outlines the chapters and topics covered, including fundamental theorems, loci of points, triangles, circles, polygons, and inequalities. The book is a collection of puzzles aimed at demonstrating elegant techniques in elementary geometry.
This document contains 25 multiple choice questions about education laws and concepts in the Philippines. It tests knowledge of republic acts related to teacher professionalization (RA 7836), technical education (RA 7796/TESDA Law), compulsory study of Jose Rizal (RA 1425), and government assistance to private education (RA 7784). It also contains questions about educational philosophies, theories of learning and instructional strategies, such as the differences between massed and spaced learning.
The document discusses a lesson plan on communication. It begins with an opening prayer and clean-up activity. The teacher then reviews the previous lesson and introduces the new topic of communication and its types. Students are asked questions to engage them in the discussion. Four types of communication are explained: verbal, non-verbal, extra-verbal, and symbolic. The class is divided into groups to do activities applying the lesson before concluding with a quiz.
The document discusses the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and provides announcements for an introductory calculus class. It lists the midterm exam results and upcoming exam and movie day. It also provides the dates and times for problem sessions and the instructor's office hours. The outline indicates that the previous class discussed the Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
This document is the preface and table of contents for a book titled "Problems in Plane Geometry" that contains over 600 geometry problems divided into two sections. The preface provides background on the book, noting it contains both simple and more challenging problems, with detailed solutions. The table of contents outlines the chapters and topics covered, including fundamental theorems, loci of points, triangles, circles, polygons, and inequalities. The book is a collection of puzzles aimed at demonstrating elegant techniques in elementary geometry.
This document contains 25 multiple choice questions about education laws and concepts in the Philippines. It tests knowledge of republic acts related to teacher professionalization (RA 7836), technical education (RA 7796/TESDA Law), compulsory study of Jose Rizal (RA 1425), and government assistance to private education (RA 7784). It also contains questions about educational philosophies, theories of learning and instructional strategies, such as the differences between massed and spaced learning.
The document discusses a lesson plan on communication. It begins with an opening prayer and clean-up activity. The teacher then reviews the previous lesson and introduces the new topic of communication and its types. Students are asked questions to engage them in the discussion. Four types of communication are explained: verbal, non-verbal, extra-verbal, and symbolic. The class is divided into groups to do activities applying the lesson before concluding with a quiz.
NAME: ________________________COURSE:__________DATE: __________SCORE: _________
I. DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer at the pool box. Write it at the
space provided.
1900 3 DIMENSION 13 1910 4 TO WIN THE MATCH 10
______________________1. The axis line that divides playing courtinto two equal courts
measuring 9mx 9meach.
______________________ 2. He has authority over all officials and members of a team.
______________________ 3. The year that the point systemwas adopted.
______________________ 4. The year that the volleyball introduce in the Philippines.
______________________ 5. They are considered part of the net of the net and haveside
______________________ 6. This means is to rally the ball and scorepoint in a set with a
______________________ 7. Prior to each set he gives the scorer or the 2nd
line-up sheets dully in and signed.
______________________ 8. Itis won by the team that scores first25 points a minimum
lead of two points
______________________ 9. This formerly known played by means of hitting the ball
with use of the long handed racket.
______________________ 10. Itis won by the team that wins three sets out of five set
______________________ 11. He sits on the team bench but has no write to intervene in
the match.
______________________ 12.hereplace the 1st
refereeif he cannot continue his work
______________________ 13. The playing courtis a rectangular measuring 18mx 9m
surrounded by a free zone.
3. ______________________ 14.
______________________ 16.
______________________ 17.
______________________ 18.
______________________ 19.
___________________ 2.
___________________ 3.
___________________ 4. Name the position of the player.
___________________ 5.
___________________ 6.
___________________ 7.
___________________ 8. The four officiating official in the volleyball?
___________________ 9.
___________________ 10.
___________________ 11. He introduced volleyball in the Philippines?
___________________ 12.
___________________ 13. Name the person who invented volleyball and the
place whereit originated.
___________________ 14.
___________________ 15. TWO TYPES OF SERVE?
III. ESSAY( 5 point Each)
1. What is the difference between a SET in a MATCH
2. What are the roles of the referee, 2nd
refereeand the scorer of the
volleyball officials? (Discuss their duties and responsibility of
volleyball games).