23 years’ experience in mining industries (bauxite, gold and mineral iron):
•Bauxite Plant operation management(crushing, drying, kiln, and shipping bauxite) form 1989 to 1999 in Companies des bauxites de Guinée(CBG) own by Guinean government 51% and HALCO(41%); Capacity of production -14 000 000tpa 3%H20.
•Environment management from 1999 to 2008 (CBG)- Environmental aspects management, EIA, dryers ‘s dust management project, sewage treatment project, landfill management, mining rehabilitation(1000 hectares) and quarries management, waste dump
•Occupation health, safety and environment management from 2009 to now – Société minière de Dinguiraye (SMD), gold mine Own by NORDG