The document provides information on rolling and crawling/creeping movements. It defines rolling as moving forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or repeatedly turning over, and defines crawling as moving slowly on hands and knees while creeping is slow movement by dragging the prone body. The document outlines the typical development sequence of these movements in infants from 2-10 months. It describes mat activities to strengthen muscles and mobilize the body that incorporate these movements in different positions.
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Mat activities-Rolling & crawling (2)
1. Rolling &
Prepared by :
Aina Nabilah Bt Nasurudin
Aini Najihah Bt Nasurudin
Aifaa Anira Bt Anuar
Wan Nur Amalina Bt Wan Mohd Kamaron
NoorHisyam Bin Roslee
Sulaimi Aisar Bin Sukri
3. Introduction
Move forward along a surface by revolving
on an axis or by repeatedly turning over
It requires a certain level of control over
the head, neck and trunk
4. Therapeutic Goals of Rolling
Strengthening of trunk muscles
Increasing the patients ability to roll
Mobilizing the trunk, scapula, shoulder ,
5. Human development sequence of
2 months
- the first sign of voluntary rolling appear with the
infant turning from its side to its back.
4 months
- the infant can roll from a supine position to the side
and from the prone position to the side.
6 months
- the infant matures and gains greater control of the
hips and shoulders,more advanced abilities such as
rolling from supine to prone.
8 months
- the most difficult task, rolling from the prone to the
supine position.
6. Mat Activities
The mat program involves the patient in activities
incorporating both movements and stability
They range from single movements to complex
combinations requiring both stabilization and motion
The activities are done in different positions for function
and to vary the effects of reflexes or gravity
7. Mat activities of rolling
Rolling is both a functional activity and
an exercise for the entire body
Rolling occur because of facilitation from
the scapula or pelvis.
Combinations of scapula, pelvis, neck or
extremity motions are used to facilitate
8. Rolling (Supine to Prone)
Scapula in anterior depression
Roll forward with trunk flexion.
Facilitate with neck flexion
Pelvis in anterior elevation
Roll forward with trunk flexion.
Facilitate with neck flexion
9. Rolling (Prone to Supine)
Scapula in posterior elevation
Roll back with trunk extension.
Facilitate with neck extension
Pelvis in posterior depression
Roll back with trunk extension.
Facilitate with neck extension
11. Introduction
Act of moving the body along slowly and close to
the ground on the hands and knee
Slow movement by dragging the prone
body along the ground
12. Creeping Pattern
Head move
ipsilaterally with the
Leg move alternately
with the hand
13. Type of crawl
The belly crawl - babies begin crawling by keeping their
tummy against the floor as they move.
The classic crawl baby alternates arms and legs, getting
the arm on one side to hit the floor at
the same time as the leg on the
opposite side.
The bear crawl baby walks on all fours, arm and leg
The crab crawl baby pushes with arm instead of pulls.
The leapfrog crawl baby makes a bridge with his arms
and legs and then thrust forward.
The roll some babies get so good at rolling that it become their
primary way to get around.
The most common style of crawling is classical crawl
14. Human development sequence of
6-8 months- the infants first purposeful efforts at prone locomotion
( creeping )
- infant creep using their arms and legs to
drag the body along a surface.
- the abdomen remains in contact with the surface.
- their leg and back muscles are stong enough to avoid
them from falling when they get on their knees and
8-10 months - occurs 2 months after crawling.
( crawling ) crawl movement involve moving in a prone
position on hands and knees with the abdomen clear
of the surface.
15. Mat activity of crawling
In the crawling position patients can exercise their
trunk, hips, knees and shoulders.
Types of exercise : Balancing in crawling
Therapist must give resistance at scapula or
pelvis, at the neck, and in addition to leg and
arm motion.