The document discusses the history of Flag Day in the United States. It notes that the Continental Congress adopted the U.S. flag in 1777 to replace the Union Jack. In 1949, President Truman established June 14 as an official Flag Day, which was later approved by Congress. On Flag Day, people are encouraged to fly the American flag and be patriotic. While not a federal holiday, some states like Pennsylvania recognize it as a state holiday, and the largest annual Flag Day parade takes place in Troy, New York.
2. Adopting a Flag At the 2 nd Continental Congress, our founding fathers decided to use the U.S. flag instead of the Union Jack that had been used previously.
3. Establishment by President Truman In 1949, President Harry Truman declared June 14 Flag Day. This proclamation was approved by an act of Congress.
4. Behavior Encouraged on Flag Day Be patriotic! If you have an American flag, fly it outside your home or business.
5. Flag Day Celebrations Although it was established by Congress, Flag Day is not a federal holiday. The largest annual Flag Day parade is held in Troy, New York. Also, Flag Day is a state holiday in Pennsylvania.