Shared document discusses the concept of center of mass and how it relates to stability and the application of force. It defines center of mass as the point at which a body is balanced in all directions. It notes that for uniform symmetrical objects, the center of mass is at the geometric center, while for human bodies it can vary due to movement. Stability depends on factors like the position of an athlete's center of mass, their base of support, and their line of gravity. The direction of applied force in relation to the center of mass determines if the resulting motion is linear or angular.
Passive ip traceback disclosing the locations of ip spoofers from path backsc...Shakas TechnologiesIt is long known attackers may use forged source IP address to conceal their real locations. To capture the spoofers, a number of IP traceback mechanisms have been proposed. However, due to the challenges of deployment, there has been not a widely adopted IP traceback solution, at least at the Internet level. As a result, the mist on the locations of spoofers has never been dissipated till now
thing i likeguesta8b2b4Bob Marley is the subject's favorite singer, and they list some of their other favorite things like drinks, a picture, stuff, and candy in a short list.
Film magazinesshartshornemediaFilm magazines typically feature a main image of a character from an upcoming film, with the film title placed above or behind the image. They also include a main feature article, direct addresses to readers, identifying information like the title, date and issue number, and promotional elements such as pull quotes, buzz words, and coverlines to attract audiences. Additional elements are a barcode, a strip listing the magazine's contents, the website URL, and consistent typography.
Ave maria materialistasFatozeO documento discute os materialistas modernos que tentam negar a existência do espírito. Afirma que eles se concentram nos sentidos físicos para entender o universo e veem os humanos apenas como primatas complexos. Também criticam suas tentativas de eliminar noções de alma e responsabilidade moral, especialmente entre os jovens. O documento defende que o Espiritismo ajuda a anular o materialismo ao ensinar a dignificação do futuro e a liberdade de seitas e privilégios.
історія виникнення астрономії щ е_11аВиктория БузькоАстрономія, історія астрономії
Santos y doctores de la iglesia catolica.pdfRaquel ZEste documento proporciona información sobre los santos y doctores de la Iglesia Católica. Explica el origen de la palabra "santo" y lo que se necesita para ser considerado un doctor de la Iglesia. Luego lista a la mayoría de los santos y los 33 doctores reconocidos actualmente por la Iglesia Católica, incluidos sus nombres y breves detalles sobre cada uno.
Job stressPriyanwada VidanapathiranaThis document outlines a research proposal on stress levels among front office bank employees. It introduces the problem of stress in the banking sector due to increased targets, customer demands, and competition. It proposes researching whether front office workers experience more stress than back office workers, and what factors like role ambiguity and workload contribute to stress levels. The objectives, hypotheses, literature review, methodology, and data analysis plan are described at a high level. Random sampling will be used to collect primary data through observations, questionnaires and interviews of 60 bank employees total to analyze stress levels and their causes.
Criterios a tener en cuenta para seleccionar un sistema de gestión de proyect...gedpro project management expertsPresentación de la charla del 20 de diciembre de 2011 en el capítulo de PMI Madrid en el que se explicaron los criterios a tener en cuenta para seleccionar un sistema de gestión de proyectos con software libre
Principles of Nutrition By NHISant Agarwal Here are the protein values of some cooked preparations:
Samosa - 3g
Sandwich - 3g
Sevian - 3g
Idli - 5g
Dosa - 6g
Vada - 6g
Dahi vada - 11g
Upma - 5g
Masala omlettee - 7g
Coconut chutney - 2g
Coriander chutney - 1g
Mint chutney - Trace
Tomato chutney - 1g
Handi Chicken - 26g
Fish cutlet - 14g
Fried fish - 18g
Liver - No value provided
2B Phonics Practice Set #1Beaverton School DistrictThis document contains a list of words with different phonetic patterns for practicing 2B phonics. The words are grouped into categories like verbs ending in -ed, nouns ending in -y, plurals formed by adding -s or -ies, and verbs ending in -y. It aims to provide a range of examples to help students learn the phonics patterns.
Job stress Edureka!This document discusses job stress and its causes and effects. It begins by defining stress as a state of tension from extraordinary demands or opportunities. There are two types of stress - eustress, which is positive stress from challenges and excitement, and distress, which is negative stress that is disturbing and anxiety-arousing. Stress can come from organizational factors like role conflicts or personal factors like life changes. Consequences of stress include subjective effects like anxiety, behavioral effects like excessive drinking, cognitive effects like inability to concentrate, and physiological effects like increased heart rate. The document provides strategies for managing stress individually through hobbies and relaxation, and organizationally through role clarity and support. It defines burnout as total depletion from unrealistic work goals and
African Dairy Genetic Gains Program: Innovative private-public partnership fo...ILRIThis project aims to improve dairy productivity in Ethiopia and Tanzania through genetic gains and farmer support services. It will establish performance recording centers to select superior dairy cows and bulls. These will be used in artificial insemination and natural mating programs to demonstrate genetic improvement. The project also aims to provide farmer information and management support services to 59,000 farmers, and potentially one million farmers. It involves partnerships between ILRI, universities, and companies to deliver these services sustainably and scale them up through private sector involvement over time.
measuring service quality and customer satisfaction in Fast food restaurants ...Rahel HailuThis document discusses a survey measuring service quality and customer satisfaction in fast food restaurants in South Korea. It provides an overview of the fast food industry globally and in Korea. Six major fast food chains were surveyed. The survey measured customer perceptions of service, food quality, location/facilities, and price across various dimensions on a 5-point scale. Results found service to have the highest mean score while price was lowest. Key factors like food freshness, location proximity, and value emerged as important. The implications suggest restaurants focus on affordability, comfort, and food quality to improve performance and customer satisfaction.
Services Marketing - Service Encounter Failure & RecoveryHimansu S MahapatraServices Marketing
Service Encounters, Service Failure and Recovery
Service Recovery Strategies
Most companies have to learn the importance of excellent service recovery for disappointed customers and practice them.
This in reality is a combination of several different strategies that need to work together, as given below in the presentation
Ave maria materialistasFatozeO documento discute os materialistas modernos que tentam negar a existência do espírito. Afirma que eles se concentram nos sentidos físicos para entender o universo e veem os humanos apenas como primatas complexos. Também criticam suas tentativas de eliminar noções de alma e responsabilidade moral, especialmente entre os jovens. O documento defende que o Espiritismo ajuda a anular o materialismo ao ensinar a dignificação do futuro e a liberdade de seitas e privilégios.
історія виникнення астрономії щ е_11аВиктория БузькоАстрономія, історія астрономії
Santos y doctores de la iglesia catolica.pdfRaquel ZEste documento proporciona información sobre los santos y doctores de la Iglesia Católica. Explica el origen de la palabra "santo" y lo que se necesita para ser considerado un doctor de la Iglesia. Luego lista a la mayoría de los santos y los 33 doctores reconocidos actualmente por la Iglesia Católica, incluidos sus nombres y breves detalles sobre cada uno.
Job stressPriyanwada VidanapathiranaThis document outlines a research proposal on stress levels among front office bank employees. It introduces the problem of stress in the banking sector due to increased targets, customer demands, and competition. It proposes researching whether front office workers experience more stress than back office workers, and what factors like role ambiguity and workload contribute to stress levels. The objectives, hypotheses, literature review, methodology, and data analysis plan are described at a high level. Random sampling will be used to collect primary data through observations, questionnaires and interviews of 60 bank employees total to analyze stress levels and their causes.
Criterios a tener en cuenta para seleccionar un sistema de gestión de proyect...gedpro project management expertsPresentación de la charla del 20 de diciembre de 2011 en el capítulo de PMI Madrid en el que se explicaron los criterios a tener en cuenta para seleccionar un sistema de gestión de proyectos con software libre
Principles of Nutrition By NHISant Agarwal Here are the protein values of some cooked preparations:
Samosa - 3g
Sandwich - 3g
Sevian - 3g
Idli - 5g
Dosa - 6g
Vada - 6g
Dahi vada - 11g
Upma - 5g
Masala omlettee - 7g
Coconut chutney - 2g
Coriander chutney - 1g
Mint chutney - Trace
Tomato chutney - 1g
Handi Chicken - 26g
Fish cutlet - 14g
Fried fish - 18g
Liver - No value provided
2B Phonics Practice Set #1Beaverton School DistrictThis document contains a list of words with different phonetic patterns for practicing 2B phonics. The words are grouped into categories like verbs ending in -ed, nouns ending in -y, plurals formed by adding -s or -ies, and verbs ending in -y. It aims to provide a range of examples to help students learn the phonics patterns.
Job stress Edureka!This document discusses job stress and its causes and effects. It begins by defining stress as a state of tension from extraordinary demands or opportunities. There are two types of stress - eustress, which is positive stress from challenges and excitement, and distress, which is negative stress that is disturbing and anxiety-arousing. Stress can come from organizational factors like role conflicts or personal factors like life changes. Consequences of stress include subjective effects like anxiety, behavioral effects like excessive drinking, cognitive effects like inability to concentrate, and physiological effects like increased heart rate. The document provides strategies for managing stress individually through hobbies and relaxation, and organizationally through role clarity and support. It defines burnout as total depletion from unrealistic work goals and
African Dairy Genetic Gains Program: Innovative private-public partnership fo...ILRIThis project aims to improve dairy productivity in Ethiopia and Tanzania through genetic gains and farmer support services. It will establish performance recording centers to select superior dairy cows and bulls. These will be used in artificial insemination and natural mating programs to demonstrate genetic improvement. The project also aims to provide farmer information and management support services to 59,000 farmers, and potentially one million farmers. It involves partnerships between ILRI, universities, and companies to deliver these services sustainably and scale them up through private sector involvement over time.
measuring service quality and customer satisfaction in Fast food restaurants ...Rahel HailuThis document discusses a survey measuring service quality and customer satisfaction in fast food restaurants in South Korea. It provides an overview of the fast food industry globally and in Korea. Six major fast food chains were surveyed. The survey measured customer perceptions of service, food quality, location/facilities, and price across various dimensions on a 5-point scale. Results found service to have the highest mean score while price was lowest. Key factors like food freshness, location proximity, and value emerged as important. The implications suggest restaurants focus on affordability, comfort, and food quality to improve performance and customer satisfaction.
Services Marketing - Service Encounter Failure & RecoveryHimansu S MahapatraServices Marketing
Service Encounters, Service Failure and Recovery
Service Recovery Strategies
Most companies have to learn the importance of excellent service recovery for disappointed customers and practice them.
This in reality is a combination of several different strategies that need to work together, as given below in the presentation
1. Модуль
фрагмент программного текста, являющийся строительным блоком для физической
структуры системы. Как правило, модуль состоит из интерфейсной части и части-
2. Информационная закрытость означает
все модули независимы, обмениваются только информацией, необходимой для работы;
доступ к операциям и структурам данных модуля ограничен.
Достоинства информационной
обеспечивается возможность разработки модулей различными, независимыми
обеспечивается легкая модификация системы (вероятность распространения ошибок
очень мала, так как большинство данных и процедур скрыто от других частей системы).
3. Связность модуля (Cohesion) — это
мера зависимости его частей.
внутренняя характеристика модуля
Чем выше связность модуля, тем лучше результат
4. Существует 7 типов связности:
Связность по совпадению (СС=0).
Логическая связность (СС=1).
Временная связность (СС=3).
Процедурная связность (СС=5).
Коммуникативная связность (СС=7).
Информационная (последовательная) связность (СС=9).
Функциональная связность (СС=10).
6. Сцепление (Coupling) — мера
взаимозависимости модулей поданным
Сцепление по данным (СЦ=1).
Сцепление по образцу (СЦ=3).
Сцепление по управлению (СЦ=4).
Сцепление по внешним ссылкам (СЦ=5).
Сцепление по общей области (СЦ=7).
Сцепление по содержанию (СЦ=9).