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Farei tudo adoração e adoradoresIMQO documento encoraja os leitores a crer em Deus e orar a Ele, prometendo que Ele atenderá suas orações e lhes dará força para fazer grandes obras e glorificar o Pai.
Sesion inesd ijulio2014Rafael Linares PalomarEl documento habla sobre transmedia y proyectos relacionados. Menciona datos sobre recaudación de películas, describe brevemente los ARG (Juegos de Realidad Alternativa), y promociona un cortometraje de Creta Producciones llamado "Pelucas" que trata sobre los efectos del cáncer y fue patrocinado por Svenson. También incluye información de contacto para Rafael Linares Palomar.
ݺߣshare sept 18Michael CollanFerroCare/MediTec is a Swedish company with over 20 years of experience producing heme iron supplements to treat iron deficiency. Their flagship product, OptiFer tablets, use natural bovine heme iron that is more easily absorbed than other forms of iron, allowing for long-term therapy in small doses without risk of overdose. Heme iron has been safely and widely used in Scandinavia to efficiently maintain optimal iron levels.
Mentally Strong PeopleMirza Bilal Asad BaigThis document discusses 13 things that mentally strong entrepreneurs avoid in order to build mental strength. It begins with an introduction stating that mental strength is important for entrepreneurs and can be established by avoiding things that mentally strong individuals avoid. It then lists the 13 things as: wasting time feeling sorry for themselves, giving away their power, shying away from change, wasting energy on things they can't control, worrying about pleasing others, fearing taking calculated risks, dwelling on the past, making the same mistakes over and over, resenting other people's success, giving up after failure, fearing alone time, feeling the world owes them anything, and expecting immediate results. It concludes with thanking the audience.