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Mohammed Ali Mohammed Ahmed Aunallah.
Alwahdah Area.
Baghdad St.
Mobile: 00967 - 734330599 / 733637534 / 736910891
e-mail: aunallah2013@gmail.com
University of Sana’a, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a
BSc in Mechanical Engineering (Good )
School of Al- Forsan, Scientific Section , Sana’a
Certificate General Secondary ( Very Good )
 One year in the installation and maintenance of the elevator
 Two months internship with management consultancy firm supporting small
businesses with guidance on business management and policy
 Three months participated in the “School Kits Distribution Project” targeting
refugee children under UNHCR Education Project which is implemented by
Sustainable Development Foundation (IDF) in Amanat Al-Asema Sana’a.
 Design and programming of Portable CNC Milling Machine.
 Gear box.
 Getting seven certifications in different programs of Mechanical Engineering
with Yemen Engineers Syndicate Includes (Air Conditioning- and fire system,
Engine maintenance, Occupational Safety, Occupational Ethics, Law of Tenders
and Bids, Your own project, C.P.M) ( Sana'a )
 Getting a diploma at Modern management. ( Sana'a )
 station systems especially (Wartsilla generators, heavy fuel
oil (HFO) separators, Boiler and pumps)
Three weeks training by Ministry of electricity ( Sana'a )
 Many Mechanical Systems
One week training by Amran Cement Plant ( Amran ) March 2011
Technical Skills
 Knowledge of Windows programs, Microsoft Office and Internet use.
 Drawing and Design: AutoCAD, Solid Works.
Language Skills
 Arabic Language: Native Speaker.
 English Language: Good in speaking, reading, and writing.
Personal Skills
 Thinking both creatively and logically to resolve problems.
 Ability to work with team.
 Time management.
 Ability to travel and work under pressure.
 I enclosing for you my training certificates with this message.
Key skills and
Personal details
Nov 2012
May 2011
March 2013

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محمد عون الله

  • 1. C.V Mohammed Ali Mohammed Ahmed Aunallah. Alwahdah Area. Baghdad St. Mobile: 00967 - 734330599 / 733637534 / 736910891 e-mail: aunallah2013@gmail.com University of Sana’a, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a BSc in Mechanical Engineering (Good ) 2011-2012 School of Al- Forsan, Scientific Section , Sana’a Certificate General Secondary ( Very Good ) 2004-2005  One year in the installation and maintenance of the elevator  Two months internship with management consultancy firm supporting small businesses with guidance on business management and policy development.  Three months participated in the “School Kits Distribution Project” targeting refugee children under UNHCR Education Project which is implemented by Sustainable Development Foundation (IDF) in Amanat Al-Asema Sana’a.  Design and programming of Portable CNC Milling Machine.  Gear box.  Getting seven certifications in different programs of Mechanical Engineering with Yemen Engineers Syndicate Includes (Air Conditioning- and fire system, Engine maintenance, Occupational Safety, Occupational Ethics, Law of Tenders and Bids, Your own project, C.P.M) ( Sana'a )  Getting a diploma at Modern management. ( Sana'a )  station systems especially (Wartsilla generators, heavy fuel oil (HFO) separators, Boiler and pumps) Three weeks training by Ministry of electricity ( Sana'a )  Many Mechanical Systems One week training by Amran Cement Plant ( Amran ) March 2011 Technical Skills  Knowledge of Windows programs, Microsoft Office and Internet use.  Drawing and Design: AutoCAD, Solid Works. Language Skills  Arabic Language: Native Speaker.  English Language: Good in speaking, reading, and writing. Personal Skills  Thinking both creatively and logically to resolve problems.  Ability to work with team.  Time management.  Ability to travel and work under pressure.  I enclosing for you my training certificates with this message. Academic Qualifications Training Key skills and competencies Personal details Note Work Experience Nov 2012 May 2011 March 2013 Design Projects