Aos Amigos moradores de nossa querida cidade de Amparo. A todo o município e para todos os bairros, incluindo nossos distritos de Arcadas e Três Pontes, e a nossa zona rural. Estamos entregando nossa prestação de contas apresentando todo trabalho em prol dos interesses da população, especialmente no trabalho desempenhado por todos os bairros de nossa cidade. Quero esclarecer que a confecção dos demais 72 informativos relativos ao nosso município, ou seja, de nossa cidade de Amparo, foram disponibilizados em jornal físico e PDF, e a partir de 2017, deixaremos a disposição de todos os interessados em um novo site, onde a plataforma possibilitará acompanhar o trabalho do vereador em seus mandatos de 03 mandatos. Anteriormente foi entregue casa a casa. Que os Jornais foram confeccionados por Noedir Colli Peruffo e Miguel Martins. As solicitações foram colhidas por moradores e pelos programas de rádio. Todas as informações ali contidas são de inteiro teor público e justificam mostrar o trabalho do vereador Rogério Catanese.
Snug september 2010Arjan RadderThe document discusses how companies can benefit from social software and smarter collaboration. Case studies are presented on how railroads, utilities, health plans, and manufacturers have realized quantified benefits like cost reductions and increased productivity, as well as qualitative benefits like improved knowledge sharing and workforce engagement, through implementing social software solutions. Benefits estimated over three years include millions of dollars in savings from reduced training, travel, and other expenses as well as increased revenues and productivity.
Provincial health accounts in Kerman, Iran: an evidence of a “mixed” healthca...Mina AnsariProvincial Health Accounts (PHA) as a subset of National Health Accounts (NHA) present financial information for health sectors. It leads to a logical decision making for policy-makers in order to achieve health system goals, especially Fair Financial Contribution (FFC). This study aimed to examine Health Accounts in Kerman Province.
Unisa CertIan BessarabiaIan Benjamin Bessarabia received a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of South Africa on March 18, 1997, having met the requirements of the Act and Statute, as certified by the Dean and Vice-Chancellor and registered by the Registrar.
The Bumpy Road Ahead New Challenges Facing PracticesCureMD Insurance mergers, shift to alternative payment models, Meaningful Use stage 2, preventing data breaches, pressure to consolidate – welcome to 2016.
Your patience is not the only thing at stake when these changes kick in. Your hard earned money will become harder to collect and worse to retain. While we cannot wish these changes away, we can help you fight them.
ICD 10 Updates 2017Sheo Dutt ParvatThe document discusses updates to ICD-10-CM guidelines for coding and reporting mental health disorders in fiscal year 2017. It provides guidance on coding pain disorders related to psychological factors, coding mental disorders due to substance use including remission and abuse vs dependence. It also discusses using etiology/manifestation conventions for coding dementia and Parkinson's disease and use of "code first" and "use additional code" notes as sequencing rules. Finally it lists relevant history Z codes for personal and family history of mental health issues.
Medicaid Managed Care Final RuleEpstein Becker GreenModernizes and More Closely Aligns Medicaid
Managed Care with Medicare Advantage and
Exchange Requirements
Meaningful use basicsJose Ivan Delgado, Ph.D.Meaningful Use Stage 1 establishes the basic concepts and requirements for using electronic health records to qualify for incentive payments, including: establishing core measures of meaningful use; requiring the use of certified EHR systems; and outlining the stages of meaningful use that focus on data capture, clinical processes, and improved outcomes. It also describes the eligible providers, certified EHR criteria, Medicare and Medicaid program differences, and recommendations to familiarize oneself with the requirements to receive incentive payments.
View from Washington Hot Topics in Health Care Regulation CMS & FDAEpstein Becker GreenFrom Epstein Becker Green and EBG Advisors: Policy & Legal Trends Impacting Health Care Investment - for more information, please visit
Pera - Muzis HackathonchatbotscommunityПрезентация команды Pera на #2 Chatbots and AI Hackathons Cup 2016
Guia cr aplicações nacionaishenrique dieselO documento fornece especificações e instruções de instalação para injetores em veículos SsangYong com motores a diesel, incluindo códigos de componentes, torques de aperto e detalhes técnicos para diferentes modelos e anos para garantir o correto funcionamento do sistema Common Rail.
Man Made Non Cellulosic Fiber - NylonBiniya ArakkalNylon is the first synthetic fiber made from petroleum derivatives. It is extruded from a spinneret and drawn into filaments. The two main types used in apparel are nylon 6 and nylon 6.6. Nylon has excellent strength, elasticity, and resilience but loses strength when wet. It is lightweight with good draping qualities, low absorbency making it suitable for rainwear, easy to care for, and resistant to mildew and insects. The manufacturing process involves extruding petroleum derivatives through a spinneret and drawing the filaments.
Provincial health accounts in Kerman, Iran: an evidence of a “mixed” healthca...Mina AnsariProvincial Health Accounts (PHA) as a subset of National Health Accounts (NHA) present financial information for health sectors. It leads to a logical decision making for policy-makers in order to achieve health system goals, especially Fair Financial Contribution (FFC). This study aimed to examine Health Accounts in Kerman Province.
Unisa CertIan BessarabiaIan Benjamin Bessarabia received a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of South Africa on March 18, 1997, having met the requirements of the Act and Statute, as certified by the Dean and Vice-Chancellor and registered by the Registrar.
The Bumpy Road Ahead New Challenges Facing PracticesCureMD Insurance mergers, shift to alternative payment models, Meaningful Use stage 2, preventing data breaches, pressure to consolidate – welcome to 2016.
Your patience is not the only thing at stake when these changes kick in. Your hard earned money will become harder to collect and worse to retain. While we cannot wish these changes away, we can help you fight them.
ICD 10 Updates 2017Sheo Dutt ParvatThe document discusses updates to ICD-10-CM guidelines for coding and reporting mental health disorders in fiscal year 2017. It provides guidance on coding pain disorders related to psychological factors, coding mental disorders due to substance use including remission and abuse vs dependence. It also discusses using etiology/manifestation conventions for coding dementia and Parkinson's disease and use of "code first" and "use additional code" notes as sequencing rules. Finally it lists relevant history Z codes for personal and family history of mental health issues.
Medicaid Managed Care Final RuleEpstein Becker GreenModernizes and More Closely Aligns Medicaid
Managed Care with Medicare Advantage and
Exchange Requirements
Meaningful use basicsJose Ivan Delgado, Ph.D.Meaningful Use Stage 1 establishes the basic concepts and requirements for using electronic health records to qualify for incentive payments, including: establishing core measures of meaningful use; requiring the use of certified EHR systems; and outlining the stages of meaningful use that focus on data capture, clinical processes, and improved outcomes. It also describes the eligible providers, certified EHR criteria, Medicare and Medicaid program differences, and recommendations to familiarize oneself with the requirements to receive incentive payments.
View from Washington Hot Topics in Health Care Regulation CMS & FDAEpstein Becker GreenFrom Epstein Becker Green and EBG Advisors: Policy & Legal Trends Impacting Health Care Investment - for more information, please visit
Pera - Muzis HackathonchatbotscommunityПрезентация команды Pera на #2 Chatbots and AI Hackathons Cup 2016
Guia cr aplicações nacionaishenrique dieselO documento fornece especificações e instruções de instalação para injetores em veículos SsangYong com motores a diesel, incluindo códigos de componentes, torques de aperto e detalhes técnicos para diferentes modelos e anos para garantir o correto funcionamento do sistema Common Rail.
Man Made Non Cellulosic Fiber - NylonBiniya ArakkalNylon is the first synthetic fiber made from petroleum derivatives. It is extruded from a spinneret and drawn into filaments. The two main types used in apparel are nylon 6 and nylon 6.6. Nylon has excellent strength, elasticity, and resilience but loses strength when wet. It is lightweight with good draping qualities, low absorbency making it suitable for rainwear, easy to care for, and resistant to mildew and insects. The manufacturing process involves extruding petroleum derivatives through a spinneret and drawing the filaments.