Grafico diario del dax perfomance index para el 09 04-2013Experiencia TradingEste documento presenta un análisis técnico del índice Dax Performance del 9 de abril de 2013. Proporciona niveles de soporte y resistencia clave y posibles escenarios futuros dependiendo de si el índice supera o pierde ciertos umbrales. También incluye una explicación de las medias simples representadas en el gráfico y cómo se pueden usar para identificar tendencias alcistas y bajistas a corto, medio y largo plazo. El objetivo es observar cómo las medias pueden orientar el comportamiento del merc
Understanding the Business Case for AgileSeapine SoftwareThe document discusses the business case for adopting agile methods. It outlines how business environments have become more dynamic and uncertain, requiring more flexible approaches. Agile prioritizes individuals, interactions, working software and responding to change over rigid processes and documentation. Common myths about agile are addressed, and how agile approaches help manage risk and deliver value incrementally through iterative development and feedback loops. The document advocates that both teams and enterprises need to change to become more collaborative, customer-centric and quality-focused to succeed with agile.
Leveraging Social Media for Learning and Development by Tom Gram and Dan Pont...lslackThe document discusses leveraging social media for learning and development. It outlines an agenda that includes discussing social media and learning, four ways to use social media for learning, implementing social media at TELUS, and a question and answer session. The four ways are augmenting formal learning, collaborative learning, communities of practice, and learning in the workflow. TELUS implemented social media gradually over time and saw employee engagement rise from 53% to 70% from 2007 to 2011.
One Page CV Paul LeenardsPaul LeenardsThe document provides information on an IT professional with over 20 years of experience helping organizations translate business objectives into digital strategies and transform their IT departments. He has a Master's degree in IT Management and certifications in ITIL, MOF, CMM, Prince2, and IPMA. Some of his accomplishments include establishing a new advisory department at KPN Consulting, developing an innovative healthcare framework, and creating a new IT service management portfolio.
Killer Growth Hacking Trends to Adopt in 2016Ladybugz Interactive Agency Boston MASEO, content creation, and metrics are identified as important growth hacking trends for 2016. SEO involves creating quality content to improve search engine rankings and visibility. Content should add value for customers rather than just promoting products. Metrics are crucial for testing strategies and identifying what drives growth.
Talent Canvas- SEO ServicesNandini AlagarTalent Canvas ndeavors to deliver quality services to all its domestic as well as international clients in the fields of HRM, Resume Writing, Social Media Profiling, SEO and Content Writing Services respectively.
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Forrester Wave™: Gestion de la mobilité d'entreprise, Q3 2014SymantecNous sommes heureux de partager avec vous la nomination de Symantec en tant que leader par Forrester Wave™ : Gestion Mobile d'Entreprise pour Q3 (3e trimestre) 2014 ! L'étude menée par Forrester Research, Inc. a évalué Symantec et 14 autres fournisseurs sur leur offre, stratégie et présence sur le marché selon 27 critères.
Symantec figure parmi l'un des dix fournisseurs en « tête du peloton ». Les leaders se sont démarqués des autres fournisseurs par un fort historique de sécurité sans interruption pour l'employé. Forrester définit les leaders comme des fournisseurs capables d'obtenir un bon équilibre entre les fonctionnalités de gestion des systèmes d'exploitation (OS), des applications et des données, et d'offrir des options de compartiments flexibles et des applications de productivité et de proposer une vision et une ligne directrice solides pour aider les clients à combiner leurs stratégies de gestion de PC et mobile.
Etapas de la planificacionBanesa RuizEl documento ofrece reflexiones sobre cómo tomar el control de la propia vida y hacer buenas decisiones, como evitar tomar decisiones cuando se está enojado. Luego describe las etapas para la planificación de la evaluación, incluida la identificación de objetivos, determinación del propósito de la evaluación, selección de criterios e instrumentos, recolección e análisis de información, y toma de decisiones basadas en los resultados. Finalmente, comenta que seguir estas etapas es importante para obtener la información requerida de manera sistemática.
Mass customisation in emerging marketsThe Economist Media BusinessesFore more information, please visit:
The opportunities and challenges of product customisation and personalisation in emerging markets.
Satellite tv software computerJohn RutherfordThere are three main methods to watch TV on a PC: using a PCTV device that streams live channels via the internet, watching online TV channels through websites like IvyTV, or using satellite TV software that allows access to thousands of channels without additional hardware for a one-time fee. TV on PC software has become popular as it provides access to many satellite channels for free in different languages and from different countries.
Corporate Social ResponsibilitySandeep Singh SainiThe document discusses corporate social responsibility from several perspectives:
1. It defines CSR as a business's commitment to operate in an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable manner while balancing stakeholder interests.
2. Businesses traditionally focused on profit maximization and shareholder value, but now have broader responsibilities to stakeholders and society through ethical practices, legal compliance, and contributing to economic development.
3. CSR has evolved from profit-centric and stakeholder models to one where businesses proactively address social issues like poverty, education, health, and the environment to improve quality of life.
Schöne neue Welt von HTML5 - MultimediaTreff 28 - Köln 03.12.2011Patrick LaukeThe document discusses the current state and capabilities of HTML5. It provides an overview of new HTML5 elements that add semantics, improved form controls, multimedia elements like video and audio, and the canvas element. While browser support for HTML5 is still evolving, many features can be used today through progressive enhancement. Feature detection and polyfills can help support older browsers. The document advocates an approach of giving developers choice between HTML5 and other technologies like Flash.
The Personality PuzzleDiane Hamilton, Ph.D.Presentation created for Roya Mahboob's Citadel of New York company. This is part of the training provided by Dr. Diane Hamilton as part of her work with her company, which is a corporate training and education-based company. This presentation is part of a training program for thousands of girls and young women.
NUESTROS ADULTOS SE MUEVENJosé Francisco AlcaideEl documento describe una colaboración entre el Centro Guadalinfo de Paradas y el SEPER "Maestro Castejón" en cuatro áreas: impartiendo cursos básicos de informática, cursos sobre redes sociales y aplicaciones web 2.0, apoyo a estudiantes en el módulo de TAE centrado en informática, y trabajo administrativo como crear y mantener la página web del SEPER y asesorar a profesores en tecnología.
Etica y MoralJohender LopezEste documento trata sobre la ética y la moral en el contexto de la ingeniería y las organizaciones empresariales. Explica que la ética establece las obligaciones de los ingenieros hacia la sociedad, los clientes y la profesión. También destaca que la ética y los valores son importantes para las empresas porque determinan su enfoque y pueden limitar su responsabilidad legal. Además, señala que existen diferentes tipos de ética como la normativa, descriptiva y metaética que se aplican en la toma de decisiones éticas de una organización.
Interoperability and the Blue ObeliskbaoilleachThis document summarizes several projects that aim to improve interoperability in the field of chemistry and cheminformatics. It discusses Open Babel, which allows interconversion between 111 chemical file formats. It also mentions the Chemical Markup Language (CML), which is an XML format for exchanging chemical information. Additionally, it describes cinfony, which makes it easy to access different cheminformatics toolkits without vendor lock-in. Finally, it briefly outlines cclib, which facilitates algorithms on computational chemistry results across different packages. The overall goal of these projects is to build bridges between different chemical data standards and applications through open-source software and open data efforts.
Рівень використання правових можливостей в Україні (Україномовна версія)Vitalij MisjatsРівень використання правових можливостей населенням України: доступність та ефективність правових послуг
Forrester Wave™: Gestion de la mobilité d'entreprise, Q3 2014SymantecNous sommes heureux de partager avec vous la nomination de Symantec en tant que leader par Forrester Wave™ : Gestion Mobile d'Entreprise pour Q3 (3e trimestre) 2014 ! L'étude menée par Forrester Research, Inc. a évalué Symantec et 14 autres fournisseurs sur leur offre, stratégie et présence sur le marché selon 27 critères.
Symantec figure parmi l'un des dix fournisseurs en « tête du peloton ». Les leaders se sont démarqués des autres fournisseurs par un fort historique de sécurité sans interruption pour l'employé. Forrester définit les leaders comme des fournisseurs capables d'obtenir un bon équilibre entre les fonctionnalités de gestion des systèmes d'exploitation (OS), des applications et des données, et d'offrir des options de compartiments flexibles et des applications de productivité et de proposer une vision et une ligne directrice solides pour aider les clients à combiner leurs stratégies de gestion de PC et mobile.
Etapas de la planificacionBanesa RuizEl documento ofrece reflexiones sobre cómo tomar el control de la propia vida y hacer buenas decisiones, como evitar tomar decisiones cuando se está enojado. Luego describe las etapas para la planificación de la evaluación, incluida la identificación de objetivos, determinación del propósito de la evaluación, selección de criterios e instrumentos, recolección e análisis de información, y toma de decisiones basadas en los resultados. Finalmente, comenta que seguir estas etapas es importante para obtener la información requerida de manera sistemática.
Mass customisation in emerging marketsThe Economist Media BusinessesFore more information, please visit:
The opportunities and challenges of product customisation and personalisation in emerging markets.
Satellite tv software computerJohn RutherfordThere are three main methods to watch TV on a PC: using a PCTV device that streams live channels via the internet, watching online TV channels through websites like IvyTV, or using satellite TV software that allows access to thousands of channels without additional hardware for a one-time fee. TV on PC software has become popular as it provides access to many satellite channels for free in different languages and from different countries.
Corporate Social ResponsibilitySandeep Singh SainiThe document discusses corporate social responsibility from several perspectives:
1. It defines CSR as a business's commitment to operate in an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable manner while balancing stakeholder interests.
2. Businesses traditionally focused on profit maximization and shareholder value, but now have broader responsibilities to stakeholders and society through ethical practices, legal compliance, and contributing to economic development.
3. CSR has evolved from profit-centric and stakeholder models to one where businesses proactively address social issues like poverty, education, health, and the environment to improve quality of life.
Schöne neue Welt von HTML5 - MultimediaTreff 28 - Köln 03.12.2011Patrick LaukeThe document discusses the current state and capabilities of HTML5. It provides an overview of new HTML5 elements that add semantics, improved form controls, multimedia elements like video and audio, and the canvas element. While browser support for HTML5 is still evolving, many features can be used today through progressive enhancement. Feature detection and polyfills can help support older browsers. The document advocates an approach of giving developers choice between HTML5 and other technologies like Flash.
The Personality PuzzleDiane Hamilton, Ph.D.Presentation created for Roya Mahboob's Citadel of New York company. This is part of the training provided by Dr. Diane Hamilton as part of her work with her company, which is a corporate training and education-based company. This presentation is part of a training program for thousands of girls and young women.
NUESTROS ADULTOS SE MUEVENJosé Francisco AlcaideEl documento describe una colaboración entre el Centro Guadalinfo de Paradas y el SEPER "Maestro Castejón" en cuatro áreas: impartiendo cursos básicos de informática, cursos sobre redes sociales y aplicaciones web 2.0, apoyo a estudiantes en el módulo de TAE centrado en informática, y trabajo administrativo como crear y mantener la página web del SEPER y asesorar a profesores en tecnología.
Etica y MoralJohender LopezEste documento trata sobre la ética y la moral en el contexto de la ingeniería y las organizaciones empresariales. Explica que la ética establece las obligaciones de los ingenieros hacia la sociedad, los clientes y la profesión. También destaca que la ética y los valores son importantes para las empresas porque determinan su enfoque y pueden limitar su responsabilidad legal. Además, señala que existen diferentes tipos de ética como la normativa, descriptiva y metaética que se aplican en la toma de decisiones éticas de una organización.
Interoperability and the Blue ObeliskbaoilleachThis document summarizes several projects that aim to improve interoperability in the field of chemistry and cheminformatics. It discusses Open Babel, which allows interconversion between 111 chemical file formats. It also mentions the Chemical Markup Language (CML), which is an XML format for exchanging chemical information. Additionally, it describes cinfony, which makes it easy to access different cheminformatics toolkits without vendor lock-in. Finally, it briefly outlines cclib, which facilitates algorithms on computational chemistry results across different packages. The overall goal of these projects is to build bridges between different chemical data standards and applications through open-source software and open data efforts.
Forrester Wave™: Gestion de la mobilité d'entreprise, Q3 2014Symantec
Рівень використання правових можливостей в Україні (Україномовна версія)Vitalij MisjatsРівень використання правових можливостей населенням України: доступність та ефективність правових послуг