La Web 1.0 permit¨ªa solo lectura de contenido, mientras que la Web 2.0 facilita la interacci¨®n y colaboraci¨®n entre usuarios para generar y compartir contenido. La Web 2.0 incluye sitios que permiten a los usuarios interactuar y colaborar como creadores de contenido generado por los usuarios en comunidades virtuales, a diferencia de sitios est¨¢ticos de la Web 1.0 donde los usuarios se limitan a observar pasivamente el contenido creado para ellos. Ejemplos de la Web 2.0 son comunidades web, redes
Este documento resume la evidencia actual sobre el uso de soluciones coloides versus cristaloides para la reanimaci¨®n de pacientes en shock. Analiza varios estudios cl¨ªnicos y meta-an¨¢lisis que muestran resultados similares entre ambos tipos de soluciones, aunque los coloides como el HES se asocian con mayores riesgos de insuficiencia renal, coagulopat¨ªa y mortalidad. La conclusi¨®n es que no hay pruebas concluyentes de que los coloides sean m¨¢s efectivos que los cristaloides, por lo que estos ¨²ltimos son
The Secrets to Building a Dominant Media Property - Confab MN Central 2014Joe Pulizzi
Joe Pulizzi's presentation on how the Content Marketing Institute evolved and built it's media platform into the leading training and education destination for content marketing. Includes the editorial mission statement, leveraging collaborative publishing, a defined influencer strategy and focusing on the revenue goals.
How effective is the combination of your main q4 evallferd
The document discusses the design choices made for a movie poster and film review. Key points include:
- Fonts were chosen to relate to those used in the film and to convey different personalities of characters.
- An image showing characters' expressions was used to hint at the film's humor and relationships between characters.
- Background colors and elements like a blackboard or website address were included to tie the poster and review visually to each other and themes in the film.
Care was taken to not include spoilers and to intrigue the audience through strategic omissions of information. Overall consistency and clues were prioritized to link the texts meaningfully to the movie.
A partir del 2006, Wave es el estudio m¨¢s grande sobre el impacto de los medios sociales en el mercado global de hoy en d¨ªa. Cubriendo 62 pa¨ªses y el 43% de la poblaci¨®n de Internet en todo el mundo, Wave 6 ¨C The Business of Social' - es el estudio m¨¢s ambicioso y sofisticado hasta la fecha. Ofrece una valiosa idea en cuanto a c¨®mo los anunciantes pueden aportar un valor comercial a su negocio a trav¨¦s de estrategias de comunicaci¨®n social. Video Marketing Services are completely immune to such updates and our customers continue to rank very highly within their chosen niche.
Quibb is a service that generates personalized daily newsletters for professionals by curating content shared by colleagues and influencers in their industries. It aims to connect professionals over business news and commentary in every industry. The daily Quibb newsletter has an open rate of 40% and click-through rate of 50%. Customer testimonials praise Quibb for delivering high quality industry discussions and being one of the best sources of professional information.
News Analysis - Is HP getting lean or falling apart?Holger Mueller
Holger Mueller of Constellation Research is chiming in with his top 3 takeaways of the recent HPE 'spin merge' of most software assets with Microsfocus.
Este documento proporciona los resultados de pruebas realizadas en una mezcla de concreto para una cisterna en Lima en marzo. Incluye los tama?os de agregado, las proporciones de cemento, agua y aditivos, as¨ª como los pesos y vol¨²menes de las muestras sometidas a prueba. La resistencia caracter¨ªstica del concreto es de 240 kg/cm2.
Este documento define el adjetivo y describe sus diferentes tipos y usos. Explica que un adjetivo es una palabra que complementa y califica un sustantivo, expresando sus caracter¨ªsticas. Luego enumera y da ejemplos de los diferentes tipos de adjetivos, incluyendo demostrativos, posesivos, numerales, indefinidos, exclamativos/interrogativos, explicativos, especificativos y relacionales. Tambi¨¦n cubre los grados del adjetivo: positivo, comparativo y superlativo.
This document discusses metrics for evaluating entrepreneurial ecosystems. It addresses major themes like policy formulation, networking and collaboration, communication, and governance/leadership. For each theme, it poses questions to determine whether an ecosystem supports opportunities and entrepreneurs in emerging. Key questions include whether institutions collaborate effectively; whether networks and connectors are supported; the role of government in strategic planning, outreach and leadership; and how well communication flows within the entrepreneurial community. is a website devoted to helping people present with personal plea for funds or help through Cyberbegging. iBeggar is a way to ask for monetary help for many diverse reasons whether it be for personal needs or to crowd fund an idea or business start up. The best thing about cyber begging is that no one knows who you are and there is no embarrassment allied with standing up in front of strangers. At, you can not only beg but also find begging tips for better outcomes.
V¨¢? ?ivot je jako zahrada, Zlep?ete si sv?j ?ivot sami, Na?e p?edn¨¢?ky v M¨§stsk¨¦ knihovn¨§ v Praze, bydlen¨ª: Prom¨§¨¾te domov v ¨²rodnou zahradu, TAO - p¨§t f¨¢z¨ª prom¨§ny (p¨§t element?), byznys: Maget na z¨¢kazn¨ªky, Energie dn¨ª na t?den od 19.9., Nov¨¢ kniha: Poznej sv¨¦ prav¨¦ j¨¢
La Cruz Roja Espa?ola ha creado un servicio de teleasistencia m¨®vil junto con la Fundaci¨®n Vodafone para ayudar a personas mayores y vulnerables a permanecer de forma aut¨®noma en su entorno habitual mediante el uso de dispositivos m¨®viles que permiten comunicaci¨®n y localizaci¨®n las 24 horas en caso de emergencia. El proyecto ha beneficiado a m¨¢s de 1500 personas y ahora busca ampliar su alcance a trav¨¦s de iniciativas como el protocolo abierto paSOS. works on Active RFID technology to detect personnel and objects within a pre-determined safety zone around vehicles, machines and hazardous areas.
This document discusses the importance of independent outsourcing assurance for outsourcing success. It recommends establishing an independent assurance function to provide oversight across various phases of outsourcing including foundations, transitions, transformations, and contract terminations. Continuous assurance approaches are also suggested to monitor control effectiveness and ensure contractual obligations are met. Using independent assurance can help minimize risks, select the right suppliers, ensure quality deliverables, and increase the likelihood of achieving outsourcing objectives.
This document outlines Lothian's joint mental health and wellbeing strategy from 2011-2016. It defines mental health as a state of well-being where one can cope with stress, work productively, and contribute to their community. The strategy aims to promote mental well-being, prevent mental health problems, and improve quality of life for those diagnosed. Key goals included building social connections and capital through activities like social prescribing, community gardens, and reducing stigma. The strategy also sought to embed recovery principles, address inequalities, and improve integration of physical and mental healthcare services. Video Marketing Services are completely immune to such updates and our customers continue to rank very highly within their chosen niche.
Quibb is a service that generates personalized daily newsletters for professionals by curating content shared by colleagues and influencers in their industries. It aims to connect professionals over business news and commentary in every industry. The daily Quibb newsletter has an open rate of 40% and click-through rate of 50%. Customer testimonials praise Quibb for delivering high quality industry discussions and being one of the best sources of professional information.
News Analysis - Is HP getting lean or falling apart?Holger Mueller
Holger Mueller of Constellation Research is chiming in with his top 3 takeaways of the recent HPE 'spin merge' of most software assets with Microsfocus.
Este documento proporciona los resultados de pruebas realizadas en una mezcla de concreto para una cisterna en Lima en marzo. Incluye los tama?os de agregado, las proporciones de cemento, agua y aditivos, as¨ª como los pesos y vol¨²menes de las muestras sometidas a prueba. La resistencia caracter¨ªstica del concreto es de 240 kg/cm2.
Este documento define el adjetivo y describe sus diferentes tipos y usos. Explica que un adjetivo es una palabra que complementa y califica un sustantivo, expresando sus caracter¨ªsticas. Luego enumera y da ejemplos de los diferentes tipos de adjetivos, incluyendo demostrativos, posesivos, numerales, indefinidos, exclamativos/interrogativos, explicativos, especificativos y relacionales. Tambi¨¦n cubre los grados del adjetivo: positivo, comparativo y superlativo.
This document discusses metrics for evaluating entrepreneurial ecosystems. It addresses major themes like policy formulation, networking and collaboration, communication, and governance/leadership. For each theme, it poses questions to determine whether an ecosystem supports opportunities and entrepreneurs in emerging. Key questions include whether institutions collaborate effectively; whether networks and connectors are supported; the role of government in strategic planning, outreach and leadership; and how well communication flows within the entrepreneurial community. is a website devoted to helping people present with personal plea for funds or help through Cyberbegging. iBeggar is a way to ask for monetary help for many diverse reasons whether it be for personal needs or to crowd fund an idea or business start up. The best thing about cyber begging is that no one knows who you are and there is no embarrassment allied with standing up in front of strangers. At, you can not only beg but also find begging tips for better outcomes.
V¨¢? ?ivot je jako zahrada, Zlep?ete si sv?j ?ivot sami, Na?e p?edn¨¢?ky v M¨§stsk¨¦ knihovn¨§ v Praze, bydlen¨ª: Prom¨§¨¾te domov v ¨²rodnou zahradu, TAO - p¨§t f¨¢z¨ª prom¨§ny (p¨§t element?), byznys: Maget na z¨¢kazn¨ªky, Energie dn¨ª na t?den od 19.9., Nov¨¢ kniha: Poznej sv¨¦ prav¨¦ j¨¢
La Cruz Roja Espa?ola ha creado un servicio de teleasistencia m¨®vil junto con la Fundaci¨®n Vodafone para ayudar a personas mayores y vulnerables a permanecer de forma aut¨®noma en su entorno habitual mediante el uso de dispositivos m¨®viles que permiten comunicaci¨®n y localizaci¨®n las 24 horas en caso de emergencia. El proyecto ha beneficiado a m¨¢s de 1500 personas y ahora busca ampliar su alcance a trav¨¦s de iniciativas como el protocolo abierto paSOS. works on Active RFID technology to detect personnel and objects within a pre-determined safety zone around vehicles, machines and hazardous areas.
This document discusses the importance of independent outsourcing assurance for outsourcing success. It recommends establishing an independent assurance function to provide oversight across various phases of outsourcing including foundations, transitions, transformations, and contract terminations. Continuous assurance approaches are also suggested to monitor control effectiveness and ensure contractual obligations are met. Using independent assurance can help minimize risks, select the right suppliers, ensure quality deliverables, and increase the likelihood of achieving outsourcing objectives.
This document outlines Lothian's joint mental health and wellbeing strategy from 2011-2016. It defines mental health as a state of well-being where one can cope with stress, work productively, and contribute to their community. The strategy aims to promote mental well-being, prevent mental health problems, and improve quality of life for those diagnosed. Key goals included building social connections and capital through activities like social prescribing, community gardens, and reducing stigma. The strategy also sought to embed recovery principles, address inequalities, and improve integration of physical and mental healthcare services.