El documento presenta una introducci¨®n a la historia de la arquitectura y el urbanismo durante la ¨¦poca de Roma y la Alta Edad Media. Explica el desarrollo de las ciudades romanas y su planificaci¨®n, as¨ª como los ambientes humanos rurales del feudalismo durante la Alta Edad Media, caracterizados por castillos, fortalezas y la expansi¨®n de la iglesia.
This document discusses the journey to cloud computing and addresses common questions about moving to the cloud. It uses the example of Desktop as a Service (DaaS) versus traditional Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) to show how DaaS can provide benefits like lower costs, easier management, and quicker deployment compared to building an internal VDI solution. The document cautions that cloud migration requires addressing compliance, governance, security, and customization needs.
This document outlines an outgoing preparation seminar that took place from the 14th to the 15th of December 2012 in Ostrava. It introduces the facilitator, Kuba, and poses three questions: who the seminar organizers are (a large international student organization), why they are doing this seminar (to share a video about their mission), and why attendees are there (to prepare for upcoming international opportunities). The document emphasizes enjoying and learning as much as possible from the experience.
The document appears to be from a seminar about preparing for an internship abroad. It discusses setting goals for the internship, including SMART goals and identifying the 3-5 most important skills to learn. It prompts attendees to consider what success would look like, their fears, and who can help in preparing for the overseas experience. The presentation emphasizes defining goals for the internship.
The document announces an Outgoing Preparation Seminar being held in Ostrava, Czech Republic from December 14-15, 2012 and May 11-12, 2012. It asks participants about their expectations of the seminar and what they learned. It emphasizes that the internship is just beginning and includes a reference to a video about marshmellows.
The document outlines 3 preliminary proposals for amending the DMCA:
1. Clarify safe harbor for YouTube-like sites and increase requirements for providing repeat infringer information.
2. Create separate safe harbor provisions for sharing sites that require non-anonymous user identification and banning repeat infringers.
3. Create a new section within the DOJ to review copyright law, implement an online response system, clarify liability standards, and require ISP filtering and education campaigns.
This document introduces a family including a father, mother, sister and brother. It then introduces Lisa who plays with her brother. Pictures and numbers are included to demonstrate formatting.
The document discusses techniques for selling yourself during a preparation seminar for an outgoing exchange program. It provides tips on focusing on benefits rather than attributes, using a "golden circle" video to structure promises, and controlling body language and mood during interviews. Participants are advised to confront fears by completing simple tasks and are reminded that first impressions form quickly. Exercises are included to practice storytelling and argumentation skills.
Te¨®rico 08 2011 renacimiento en am¨¦ricaGaston Ramos
El documento habla sobre el Renacimiento en Am¨¦rica. El estilo arquitect¨®nico del Renacimiento se extendi¨® a las colonias espa?olas y portuguesas en Am¨¦rica durante los siglos XVI y XVII, influyendo en la construcci¨®n de iglesias, palacios y casas se?oriales. Se utilizaron materiales y t¨¦cnicas locales para crear versiones del estilo renacentista europeo que se adecuaran al nuevo continente.
El documento describe la ciudad barroca en Europa durante los siglos XVII y XVIII. Explica conceptos como el absolutismo mon¨¢rquico y la contrarreforma cat¨®lica, y analiza las ciudades de Par¨ªs, Versalles y Roma durante este per¨ªodo. Tambi¨¦n aborda temas como la pol¨ªtica, la econom¨ªa, la sociedad, la religi¨®n e ideolog¨ªas como la ilustraci¨®n. Incluye im¨¢genes que muestran el desarrollo urbano de estas ciudades durante la ¨¦poca barroca.
El documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre la historia y la organizaci¨®n social, pol¨ªtica, econ¨®mica y religiosa de Grecia y Roma antiguas. Resume las principales ¨¦pocas hist¨®ricas de Grecia como la Edad Arcaica, Cl¨¢sica y Helen¨ªstica, destacando el Siglo de Pericles. Describe aspectos como la polis, la democracia, los dioses y templos griegos. Del mismo modo, resume las etapas de Roma como la Monarqu¨ªa, Rep¨²blica e Imperio, y conceptos como la ciudadan¨ªa,
Horace Mann wrote twelve annual reports on education as Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education between 1837-1848. The reports addressed essential needs of public schools like good facilities, local oversight, universal commitment, and qualified teachers. Mann's reports also discussed teaching methods for reading, spelling and composition. He advocated establishing free public libraries to support public schools. The reports examined school infrastructure issues and teacher qualifications. Mann's later reports presented his vision of education reform and its power to improve society. His final report synthesized his philosophy that universal public education can redeem social problems.
Goddard Industries provides information on new build and renovation projects including a 1.5 story new build with maple cabinets, island, and tile countertops plus a main floor bathroom with soaker tub. Renovation projects on Regina, Alder, and Vancouver Streets are also mentioned. Contact information is provided for Vern Goddard of Goddard Industries in Cranbrook, BC.
El agua representa los 2/3 de la superficie del planeta y nuestro cuerpo est¨¢ compuesto principalmente de agua. Las c¨¦lulas necesitan aproximadamente 2,5 litros de agua incolora, inodora y sin sabor por d¨ªa para metabolizar toxinas, y beber agua pura es la mejor forma de ayudar a las c¨¦lulas a hacer esto.
This document provides a list of common adjectives and asks the reader to choose between opposing adjectives such as hot or cold, small or big, short or tall, and good or bad. It presents pairs of adjectives and asks the reader to select the one that best describes whatever is being referred to, such as whether something is hot or cold.
El documento describe la ciudad ideal del Renacimiento seg¨²n los tratadistas de la ¨¦poca como Filarete, con trazados regulares y plazas centrales. Tambi¨¦n examina las transformaciones de ciudades existentes en Italia como Florencia, Ferrara y Pienza durante este per¨ªodo, con nuevos desarrollos arquitect¨®nicos y urbanos influenciados por el resurgimiento de las ideas cl¨¢sicas. Asimismo, analiza el modelo de ciudad estelar que se construy¨® en lugares como Palmanova y Bourtange entre los siglos XVI y XVII.
Este documento presenta una introducci¨®n al curso "Historia de la arquitectura y el urbanismo B". Explica que el objetivo es promover el conocimiento hist¨®rico cr¨ªtico de la arquitectura y el urbanismo. Describe que el eje del curso es la historia ambiental urbana y que se abordar¨¢ a trav¨¦s de la agregaci¨®n de informaci¨®n en variables interdependientes y la interacci¨®n de campos de an¨¢lisis a diferentes escalas. Finalmente, detalla la organizaci¨®n del curso en unidades did¨¢cticas y trabajos pr¨¢cticos que aplicar¨¢n el
The document outlines 3 preliminary proposals for amending the DMCA:
1. Clarify safe harbor for YouTube-like sites and increase requirements for providing repeat infringer information.
2. Create separate safe harbor provisions for sharing sites that require non-anonymous user identification and banning repeat infringers.
3. Create a new section within the DOJ to review copyright law, implement an online response system, clarify liability standards, and require ISP filtering and education campaigns.
This document introduces a family including a father, mother, sister and brother. It then introduces Lisa who plays with her brother. Pictures and numbers are included to demonstrate formatting.
The document discusses techniques for selling yourself during a preparation seminar for an outgoing exchange program. It provides tips on focusing on benefits rather than attributes, using a "golden circle" video to structure promises, and controlling body language and mood during interviews. Participants are advised to confront fears by completing simple tasks and are reminded that first impressions form quickly. Exercises are included to practice storytelling and argumentation skills.
Te¨®rico 08 2011 renacimiento en am¨¦ricaGaston Ramos
El documento habla sobre el Renacimiento en Am¨¦rica. El estilo arquitect¨®nico del Renacimiento se extendi¨® a las colonias espa?olas y portuguesas en Am¨¦rica durante los siglos XVI y XVII, influyendo en la construcci¨®n de iglesias, palacios y casas se?oriales. Se utilizaron materiales y t¨¦cnicas locales para crear versiones del estilo renacentista europeo que se adecuaran al nuevo continente.
El documento describe la ciudad barroca en Europa durante los siglos XVII y XVIII. Explica conceptos como el absolutismo mon¨¢rquico y la contrarreforma cat¨®lica, y analiza las ciudades de Par¨ªs, Versalles y Roma durante este per¨ªodo. Tambi¨¦n aborda temas como la pol¨ªtica, la econom¨ªa, la sociedad, la religi¨®n e ideolog¨ªas como la ilustraci¨®n. Incluye im¨¢genes que muestran el desarrollo urbano de estas ciudades durante la ¨¦poca barroca.
El documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre la historia y la organizaci¨®n social, pol¨ªtica, econ¨®mica y religiosa de Grecia y Roma antiguas. Resume las principales ¨¦pocas hist¨®ricas de Grecia como la Edad Arcaica, Cl¨¢sica y Helen¨ªstica, destacando el Siglo de Pericles. Describe aspectos como la polis, la democracia, los dioses y templos griegos. Del mismo modo, resume las etapas de Roma como la Monarqu¨ªa, Rep¨²blica e Imperio, y conceptos como la ciudadan¨ªa,
Horace Mann wrote twelve annual reports on education as Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education between 1837-1848. The reports addressed essential needs of public schools like good facilities, local oversight, universal commitment, and qualified teachers. Mann's reports also discussed teaching methods for reading, spelling and composition. He advocated establishing free public libraries to support public schools. The reports examined school infrastructure issues and teacher qualifications. Mann's later reports presented his vision of education reform and its power to improve society. His final report synthesized his philosophy that universal public education can redeem social problems.
Goddard Industries provides information on new build and renovation projects including a 1.5 story new build with maple cabinets, island, and tile countertops plus a main floor bathroom with soaker tub. Renovation projects on Regina, Alder, and Vancouver Streets are also mentioned. Contact information is provided for Vern Goddard of Goddard Industries in Cranbrook, BC.
El agua representa los 2/3 de la superficie del planeta y nuestro cuerpo est¨¢ compuesto principalmente de agua. Las c¨¦lulas necesitan aproximadamente 2,5 litros de agua incolora, inodora y sin sabor por d¨ªa para metabolizar toxinas, y beber agua pura es la mejor forma de ayudar a las c¨¦lulas a hacer esto.
This document provides a list of common adjectives and asks the reader to choose between opposing adjectives such as hot or cold, small or big, short or tall, and good or bad. It presents pairs of adjectives and asks the reader to select the one that best describes whatever is being referred to, such as whether something is hot or cold.
El documento describe la ciudad ideal del Renacimiento seg¨²n los tratadistas de la ¨¦poca como Filarete, con trazados regulares y plazas centrales. Tambi¨¦n examina las transformaciones de ciudades existentes en Italia como Florencia, Ferrara y Pienza durante este per¨ªodo, con nuevos desarrollos arquitect¨®nicos y urbanos influenciados por el resurgimiento de las ideas cl¨¢sicas. Asimismo, analiza el modelo de ciudad estelar que se construy¨® en lugares como Palmanova y Bourtange entre los siglos XVI y XVII.
Este documento presenta una introducci¨®n al curso "Historia de la arquitectura y el urbanismo B". Explica que el objetivo es promover el conocimiento hist¨®rico cr¨ªtico de la arquitectura y el urbanismo. Describe que el eje del curso es la historia ambiental urbana y que se abordar¨¢ a trav¨¦s de la agregaci¨®n de informaci¨®n en variables interdependientes y la interacci¨®n de campos de an¨¢lisis a diferentes escalas. Finalmente, detalla la organizaci¨®n del curso en unidades did¨¢cticas y trabajos pr¨¢cticos que aplicar¨¢n el