Call To Action Inc. Corporate presentationBallVice
The document discusses enhancing a company's value chain. It mentions innovation, technology, marketing, suppliers, resellers, partners, cloud services, virtualization, opportunities for 121 targets in 2 cities with 32 unique customers attending 11 events. The goal is to deliver messages to make investments focus on opportunities.
How to Create things people Love-Edward BoudrotEdward Boudrot
At the end of the day, our goal is creating products (digital or physical) that people love. This presentation covers three main topics: 1) How to develop empathy and needs understanding. 2) Balancing the art and science of design thinking. 3) Creating a team of teams.
How can we har?ness the Human Brain Project to max?i?mize its future health a...SharpBrains
In early 2013, the Euro?pean Union selected the Human Brain Project, coor?di?nated by Lausanne¡¯s Fed?eral Insti?tute of Tech?nol?ogy (EPFL), as the recip?i?ent of over 1 bil?lion euros/ 1.3 bil?lion dol?lars over the next ten years. How can the research agenda of this major ini?tia?tive, and closely related ones, be orga?nized and aug?mented with part?ner?ships with the pri?vate sec?tor and cross-sector stake?hold?ers? How can we start build?ing brain heath inno?va?tion plat?forms and deliv?ery sys?tems at the inter?sec?tion of neu?ro?science, IT, and engineering?
- Chair: Hilal Lashuel, Asso?ciate Pro?fes?sor at the Swiss Fed?eral Insti?tute of Technology-Lausanne (EPFL), YGL Class of 2012
- Sean Hill, co-Director of the Blue Brain Project and co-Director of Neu?roin?for?mat?ics in the Human Brain Project (HBP) at the Swiss Fed?eral Insti?tute of Technology-Lausanne (EPFL)
This session took place at the 2013 SharpBrains Virtual Summit:
Edge Talk 1 April 2016 with Tom Lee of Symplur presentationHorizons NHS
Thomas Lee, Co-Founder of Symplur, LLC, provides an overview of the growth and evolution of the healthcare industry¡¯s adoption of social media. He then leads a guided tour of the internationally recognised ¡°Healthcare Hashtag Project¡± that Symplur curates and explore reasons about why so many patients have engaged on Twitter to discuss their disease. Lastly, as a backdrop to all this, is a look into the emerging field of social media analytics and what can be learnt from the growing amount of digital information generated by these online conversations about our health and well-being.
This document contains the transcript from a motivational seminar by n0z. It discusses several topics related to mindset and behaviors of rich and poor people, including gestures, money management, the subconscious mind, and a quotient called RAISE. It also covers loyalty to companies, obedience, and includes a quote about becoming an admirable person being a choice. The seminar focuses on providing motivation and advice around personal development.
The Emotion Guide Of Popular Brand LogosDesignMantic
Emotional Design is something that enables the customers to connect with the company on a personal level, an image that immediately brings some form of emotional contact, inspires some wonderful feeling of either joy or confidence and pleasure. All such feelings have the quality to create a lasting impact, that when they are generated they form a bond, and whenever the image or the logo is revisited, it triggers the same feelings of closeness and sense of security that the customer has associated with the said brand.
Here is our intuitive guide that will help you recognize and strengthen your connection with the brand. Do tell us what kind of emotion these brand/logo communicate for you.
Computing recommendations at extreme scale with Apache Flink @Buzzwords 2015Till Rohrmann
How to scale recommendations to extremely large scale using Apache Flink. We use matrix factorization to calculate a latent factor model which can be used for collaborative filtering. The implemented alternating least squares algorithm is able to deal with data sizes on the scale of Netflix.
Here I am explaining you that it depends on you were you quit your current job entirely or slowly make your way into it. Quitting entirely is good so you can focus 100% of you attention on the business, but you need enough finances to back you. Slowly making your way into it is the safest method but it can take more time for becoming useful entrepreneur.
If you are a diploma in computer engineering there are newly computer business for the source of income you need to work for how much money you needed and technician of repairing it. Here are some of the things you need to invest for starting your business as a computer repair services DVD-Burners, Power Supplies, Wireless Routers, Wireless USB Dongles, Cables, Cases, Keyboard/Mice and copies of Windows XP/Vista/7. Items like CPUs, Video Cards and Hard Drives should only be bought on an as needed basis if you are a new business since the value drops so quickly.
For machines I have learned and explained for a particular business that starting a business in mechanical engineering need to have sum huge sum of money for the particular device is designed and developed in PVC. Here you want to know about that your family need to support for the particular business and placing the engineers in your shop for the particular work.
In the diploma engineering I have selected the mechanical engineering to explain about starting your own business. Here I have realized the scope of mechanical engineering From machines- automation, biomechanical science, design of implants, injection molding, plastic molds design, plastic components design, manufacturing, maintenance, HVAC, printing and packaging technology, etc- everything dealing in plastics.
Your must have your business cards in your hand when meeting the client bases for the first impression of your own. Were you needed it for your business which the business cards make professionally. If you need to show your business to the worldwide then do not host in free host. Most free hosts allow for lame domain names many of them are ads support here you need to sell the competitors adds in your sites too.
Proposta de 5 disciplinas de DADs - Desafios contempor?neos dos curr¨ªculos de...Daniel Flores
Desafios contempor?neos dos curr¨ªculos de arquivologia:
a quest?o dos documentos arquiv¨ªsticos digitais e suas rela??es interdisciplinares da arquivologia (proposta de 5 disciplinas obrigat¨®rias para contemplar os conte¨²dos de DADs em Arquivologia)
Prof. Dr. Daniel Flores
Grupo de Pesquisa CNPq UFSM Ged/A
Arquivologia - UFSM
05/08/2015 ¨C Quarta-feira
Plen¨¢ria 3 ¨C 8:30 ¨¤s 10:00
Debatedor: Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto ?vila Ara¨²jo (UFMG)
FLORES, Daniel. Desafios contempor?neos dos curr¨ªculos de arquivologia: a quest?o dos documentos arquiv¨ªsticos digitais e suas rela??es interdisciplinares da arquivologia. Jo?o Pessoa - PB. 33 slides, color, Padr?o ºÝºÝߣs Google Drive/Docs 4x3. Material elaborado para a Plen¨¢ria 3 da REPARQ - Reuni?o de Ensino e Pesquisa em Arquivologia, 3 a 6 de agosto de 2015. Dispon¨ªvel em: <http: />. Acesso em: 17 de mar?o 2016.
The Occupational Safety and Health Management Institute of Mongolia (OSHMI) was established in 2010. It aims to be Mongolia's leading organization for enhancing occupational safety and health knowledge, technology, and culture in workplaces. OSHMI provides training and consulting services on occupational safety and health to businesses and individuals. It also promotes awareness, knowledge development, and information sharing through research and publishing journals. OSHMI has 30 staff members and offers a variety of services including OSH training programs, ISO management standard consultancy and implementation, OSH outsourcing, and OSH project management. It has helped over 16 organizations in Mongolia obtain ISO management system certifications.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang peluncuran rencana aksi inovasi di Kabupaten Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Indikator pembangunan Kupang masih di bawah rata-rata nasional untuk kematian ibu dan bayi, serta partisipasi pendidikan. Visi Kupang adalah menjadi salah satu kabupaten unggul pada 2019 dengan mengembangkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dokumen ini mendorong inovasi untuk mengatasi tantangan pemb
How can we har?ness the Human Brain Project to max?i?mize its future health a...SharpBrains
In early 2013, the Euro?pean Union selected the Human Brain Project, coor?di?nated by Lausanne¡¯s Fed?eral Insti?tute of Tech?nol?ogy (EPFL), as the recip?i?ent of over 1 bil?lion euros/ 1.3 bil?lion dol?lars over the next ten years. How can the research agenda of this major ini?tia?tive, and closely related ones, be orga?nized and aug?mented with part?ner?ships with the pri?vate sec?tor and cross-sector stake?hold?ers? How can we start build?ing brain heath inno?va?tion plat?forms and deliv?ery sys?tems at the inter?sec?tion of neu?ro?science, IT, and engineering?
- Chair: Hilal Lashuel, Asso?ciate Pro?fes?sor at the Swiss Fed?eral Insti?tute of Technology-Lausanne (EPFL), YGL Class of 2012
- Sean Hill, co-Director of the Blue Brain Project and co-Director of Neu?roin?for?mat?ics in the Human Brain Project (HBP) at the Swiss Fed?eral Insti?tute of Technology-Lausanne (EPFL)
This session took place at the 2013 SharpBrains Virtual Summit:
Edge Talk 1 April 2016 with Tom Lee of Symplur presentationHorizons NHS
Thomas Lee, Co-Founder of Symplur, LLC, provides an overview of the growth and evolution of the healthcare industry¡¯s adoption of social media. He then leads a guided tour of the internationally recognised ¡°Healthcare Hashtag Project¡± that Symplur curates and explore reasons about why so many patients have engaged on Twitter to discuss their disease. Lastly, as a backdrop to all this, is a look into the emerging field of social media analytics and what can be learnt from the growing amount of digital information generated by these online conversations about our health and well-being.
This document contains the transcript from a motivational seminar by n0z. It discusses several topics related to mindset and behaviors of rich and poor people, including gestures, money management, the subconscious mind, and a quotient called RAISE. It also covers loyalty to companies, obedience, and includes a quote about becoming an admirable person being a choice. The seminar focuses on providing motivation and advice around personal development.
The Emotion Guide Of Popular Brand LogosDesignMantic
Emotional Design is something that enables the customers to connect with the company on a personal level, an image that immediately brings some form of emotional contact, inspires some wonderful feeling of either joy or confidence and pleasure. All such feelings have the quality to create a lasting impact, that when they are generated they form a bond, and whenever the image or the logo is revisited, it triggers the same feelings of closeness and sense of security that the customer has associated with the said brand.
Here is our intuitive guide that will help you recognize and strengthen your connection with the brand. Do tell us what kind of emotion these brand/logo communicate for you.
Computing recommendations at extreme scale with Apache Flink @Buzzwords 2015Till Rohrmann
How to scale recommendations to extremely large scale using Apache Flink. We use matrix factorization to calculate a latent factor model which can be used for collaborative filtering. The implemented alternating least squares algorithm is able to deal with data sizes on the scale of Netflix.
Here I am explaining you that it depends on you were you quit your current job entirely or slowly make your way into it. Quitting entirely is good so you can focus 100% of you attention on the business, but you need enough finances to back you. Slowly making your way into it is the safest method but it can take more time for becoming useful entrepreneur.
If you are a diploma in computer engineering there are newly computer business for the source of income you need to work for how much money you needed and technician of repairing it. Here are some of the things you need to invest for starting your business as a computer repair services DVD-Burners, Power Supplies, Wireless Routers, Wireless USB Dongles, Cables, Cases, Keyboard/Mice and copies of Windows XP/Vista/7. Items like CPUs, Video Cards and Hard Drives should only be bought on an as needed basis if you are a new business since the value drops so quickly.
For machines I have learned and explained for a particular business that starting a business in mechanical engineering need to have sum huge sum of money for the particular device is designed and developed in PVC. Here you want to know about that your family need to support for the particular business and placing the engineers in your shop for the particular work.
In the diploma engineering I have selected the mechanical engineering to explain about starting your own business. Here I have realized the scope of mechanical engineering From machines- automation, biomechanical science, design of implants, injection molding, plastic molds design, plastic components design, manufacturing, maintenance, HVAC, printing and packaging technology, etc- everything dealing in plastics.
Your must have your business cards in your hand when meeting the client bases for the first impression of your own. Were you needed it for your business which the business cards make professionally. If you need to show your business to the worldwide then do not host in free host. Most free hosts allow for lame domain names many of them are ads support here you need to sell the competitors adds in your sites too.
Proposta de 5 disciplinas de DADs - Desafios contempor?neos dos curr¨ªculos de...Daniel Flores
Desafios contempor?neos dos curr¨ªculos de arquivologia:
a quest?o dos documentos arquiv¨ªsticos digitais e suas rela??es interdisciplinares da arquivologia (proposta de 5 disciplinas obrigat¨®rias para contemplar os conte¨²dos de DADs em Arquivologia)
Prof. Dr. Daniel Flores
Grupo de Pesquisa CNPq UFSM Ged/A
Arquivologia - UFSM
05/08/2015 ¨C Quarta-feira
Plen¨¢ria 3 ¨C 8:30 ¨¤s 10:00
Debatedor: Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto ?vila Ara¨²jo (UFMG)
FLORES, Daniel. Desafios contempor?neos dos curr¨ªculos de arquivologia: a quest?o dos documentos arquiv¨ªsticos digitais e suas rela??es interdisciplinares da arquivologia. Jo?o Pessoa - PB. 33 slides, color, Padr?o ºÝºÝߣs Google Drive/Docs 4x3. Material elaborado para a Plen¨¢ria 3 da REPARQ - Reuni?o de Ensino e Pesquisa em Arquivologia, 3 a 6 de agosto de 2015. Dispon¨ªvel em: <http: />. Acesso em: 17 de mar?o 2016.
The Occupational Safety and Health Management Institute of Mongolia (OSHMI) was established in 2010. It aims to be Mongolia's leading organization for enhancing occupational safety and health knowledge, technology, and culture in workplaces. OSHMI provides training and consulting services on occupational safety and health to businesses and individuals. It also promotes awareness, knowledge development, and information sharing through research and publishing journals. OSHMI has 30 staff members and offers a variety of services including OSH training programs, ISO management standard consultancy and implementation, OSH outsourcing, and OSH project management. It has helped over 16 organizations in Mongolia obtain ISO management system certifications.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang peluncuran rencana aksi inovasi di Kabupaten Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Indikator pembangunan Kupang masih di bawah rata-rata nasional untuk kematian ibu dan bayi, serta partisipasi pendidikan. Visi Kupang adalah menjadi salah satu kabupaten unggul pada 2019 dengan mengembangkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dokumen ini mendorong inovasi untuk mengatasi tantangan pemb