Here are some tips for effective field research:
- Talk to a variety of people from different backgrounds
- Go to places where your target users naturally congregate
- Ask open-ended questions and actively listen to understand perspectives
- Consider doing interviews, observations and shadowing to get a holistic view
- Assign clear roles like interviewer, notetaker, photographer to document insights
- Get consent before taking photos or recording interviews
Remember research is about understanding people, not proving your own assumptions. Keep an open mind!
10. Jam Principles & Goals
You are here to...
Keep making something
Challenge yourself, take risks
Learn from each other
Share materials (but dont steal)
Let magic happen
Enjoy the process of jamming
14. Day 1 (Friday, March 1st)
7:00 PM Check-in
7:30 PM Overview, Ice Breakers
8:15 PM What is Service Design
8:30 PM Theme revealed / Ideation
9:00 PM Present & re鍖ne ideas, form teams
9:30 PM Group work time, Research preparation
10:00 PM Doors closed
15. Important
Check in every morning
Register for Planet Jam & Upload early and often
Mentor check-ins are mandatory
Awards are silly
Tag everything #GSJ13
16. Crash Courses
Friday, 8:15 PM Saturday, 9:15 AM Saturday, 9:30 AM Saturday 6:00 P
What is Service Design Methods for Prototyping Tips for Creating Great
Design? Synthesis & Ideation Techniques Videos
Savitri Lopez-Negrete Christina Tran Tara Greer & Luke Victor Solis & Steven
Stiles (R/GA) Wasserman (Hachitan
@TaraGreer Entertainment, Inc.)
17. Mentors / Judges
Priyanka Kai Marjorie John Muireann
Kakar Gradert Kaye Dao McMahon
@pkspark @kaigradert @marjorie0779
Savitri Dice Suzannah Elana Amy
Lopez Yamaguchi Mathur Glazer Rosenthal
@ElanaUXLA @amyilyse
19. Twin City: Twin Cities (Minneapolis)
Fri Review Pitches
Sat Nudge Card Feedback
Sun Dance Party
20. Copyrights Creative Commons
Please respect copyright on any images, 鍖lms, logos, and music you will use during the jam.
Material you make at the Jam is uploaded under a Creative Commons license and stored on
the Jam server. Only use materials you know are SAFE:
Material you make yourself
Material which you buy online, and where you buy a license to use it
Material published as Public Domain
Material published under an appropriate Creative Commons license (there are several
different licenses, so please check which applies. Some require you credit the creator
upon use.)鏤
34. Group Ideation
1. Word Association / Come up with sectors (10 min)
2. Musical Team Forming - Select top 12 ideas
3. Pitch #1 (LA + Minneapolis ideas)
4. Walk towards your favorite idea
5. Form initial teams
6. Re鍖ne ideas in small groups (10 min)
7. Pitch #2
8. Walk towards your favorite idea
9. Form 鍖nal teams
35. Research Prep
When and how?
Early Jam Mid Jam Late Jam
Explore the theme Test first concept Street cred
Purpose Purpose Purpose
Understand local issues to Understand how people Understand how people
inform your design. respond to your idea before interact with your design.
you invest a lot in it.
How? How?
This is about knowing the How? Walk them through your
people you meet. What do you Describe or walk them through prototype, in a show and tell.
do for a living? What is your a basic prototype, in a show Have a conversation about
family like? Day to day and tell. Have a conversation what they think of it, what they
activities? What are your about what they think of it, like and what they would
dreams and aspirations? What what they like and what they change.
bothers you? would change.
What to do with the
What to do with the What to do with the results
results results Collect the answers, then use
Collect the answers, then Collect the answers, then use them to refine your prototype
reflecte as a group to draw out them to refine your prototype. for the final presentation.
insights which will inform your
first prototype to address the
possibilities and
problems raised.
36. Research Prep
//Service Design Phases
Research, Ideation & Prototyping
Culture Hunt Customer Journey Map Desktop Walk-throughs
Interviews Personas Mock-ups
Shadowing Service Blueprint Role Play
System Maps Storyboarding Testing
37. Field Research Preparation
Who are you going to talk to?
Where are you going to go?
What questions will you ask?
What roles are you going to play? (Interviewer, Notetaker,