How does positive psychology see happiness as stages. Pleasurable life, Good life and Meaningful Life. Can Organisations, cities, countries and the world lead with a goal that is larger than themselves being selfless?
2. Disclaimer
This is NOT psychology Advice
Certainly not for mental illness
TED talk by Positive Psychologist
Martin Seligman inspired me
I have simplified content for our consumption
IT or Agile people
6. Summary
Want Have Need
All you want
Refined Strengths
Time stops
Purpose beyond self
Pleasurable Life Good Life Meaningful Life
Editor's Notes
#3: I summarised someone elses concepts and I am going to provide a perspective related to us. Just because I run Melbourne Psychology and Philosopher Dinners meetups doesnt mean you have to follow this
#4: As many pleasures as possible Money, relationships, power, food, arts, sport and hobbies
Called Pleasurable Life like Celebrities
They probably wont be attending in Conferences
#6: Meaningful Life, beyond you (selfless).
Money, name, fame and anything related to you is not beyond you
#7: What do you choose?
Can company, cities, countries and the planet use this?
I am speaking at EN 101, Lecture hall, 100 Agile is a Philosophy, WTF is Philosophy?