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By POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
DP Hard
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
K覯讌  1
覦磯 覓語 0
Bit DP 2
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
- 企 碁碁 企れ DPれ 覦一.
- 伎覲企 企れ, れ  DPれ 給!
- 蠏碁Μ螻 (螳)襷 蟲 蟆 , 旧 襷れ企企  豢ロ 覓語れ 襷朱, 譯殊蠍 覦.
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
- 蠍磯蓋朱 DP覓語れ 危伎  蠏碁.
- 蠏碁Μ螻 れ  豢ロ 覓語れ,  譴 襯 螻襯企 蟆曙郁 襷給.(  螳,  螳 )
- 危伎 蠍 覓語,  覓語襯 蠍    覓語螳 覦 蟆曙郁 給.
- 蠏碁 企  覓語襯 伎伎 旧 讌 ロ  給.
- 企蟆 ロ企 れ 磯手覃 れ 旧 襷れ企企  襷れ企  給.
れ ?
DP Hard
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
-  螳螳 螳讌螻 螳 覦磯 伎   覓願 豕螳 伎 螻, 殊 螳豺 覓願螳  讌れ
覦磯 l , 螳豺  豕螳 襦 讌 螻襯企 覦覯 谿城 覓語
-  譟壱 豕 覓語
- https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/12865 (螳豺  豢ロ 覓語)
- https://algospot.com/judge/problem/read/PACKING (讌れ 豢ロ 覓語)
覦磯 覓語
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
1. Brute force
- 螳 覓手唄 蟇磯  蟇磯, 豐 2 螳讌 螳 .
- 2^N螳讌 蟆曙 譴, 譟郁唄(覦磯 覓願)襯 襷譟燕覃伎 螳豺螳   蟆 谿場朱 .
- 螳 蟆曙磯 螳豺  蟲伎 覩襦, 螳覲旧° O(N x 2^N)
- 轟壱蟆, 一も
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
2. 覯   覓願 K襯 伎企慨.
- 1覿 i覯讌 覓狩 伎伎 覓願 w襯 襷れり .
- 覓願螳 w螳 る, 1 ~ (i1)覯讌 覓狩 伎伎 w襯 郁, i覯讌 覓狩 讌 蟇磯
- 1 ~ (i-1)覯讌 覓狩 伎伎 w  (i覯讌 覓狩 覓願)襯 襷り, i覯讌 覓狩 覃 .
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
讀, 1 ~ i覯讌 覓手唄 伎伎 覓願 w襯 襷れ , 螳豺 豕螳 れ螻 螳 蟲  .
- D[i][w] = max(D[i  1][w], D[i  1][w  (i覯讌 覓手唄 覓願)] + (i覯讌 覓手唄 螳豺))
- 1 <= i <= N, 0 <= w <= K  讌覃 .
-  覯  , D[i][w] 豕螳 旧朱 豢ロ覃 .
- 螳覲旧° O(NK)
Code Explanation
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
覯 覦磯
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
Q) 覓手唄 螳螳 譟郁襷 襷碁 覃覈襴螳 一. 覃覈襴襯    覦覯 蟾?
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
A) D[K] 覦一企 ′ 豢覿 覓語襯   .
- 螳企慨覃, D[i][w] D[i  1][1w] 螳襷 襦 
- 讀, i覯讌 覓狩 螳豺 螳れ  蟲覃 i  1覯讌 覓狩  螳豺 螳れ 螳 伎.
- 磯殊 D[K]覦一伎 伎磯 朱 讌  .
- 企蟆 覃 覃覈襴襯 1/N 襷   !
- 企ゼ sliding window手 .
Code Explanation
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
覯 覦磯
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
- 螳 覓語 豕  豕螳 覓視 蟆 , K覯讌碁  螳 覓視 蟆曙郁 .
- 譴覲給 覿覿 覓語れ 覃覈伎伎朱 豌襴 蟆 ,  讌 襦 豌襴.
- https://algospot.com/judge/problem/read/MORSE
- https://algospot.com/judge/problem/read/KLIS
Kth solution
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
1. Brute force
- 豐 n螳 レ, m螳  .
- 企る 襷   覈 覿碁 豐 n+mCn 企.
- 覈 覿碁ゼ 覈 襷り, . 蠏 譴 k覯讌 覈る碁ゼ 豢ロ覃 .
- 螳覲旧° O(n+mCn log(n+mCn) )
- 轟壱 一.
Kth solution
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
Kth solution
2. 朱願鍵
-  覈 螳 レ螻  , a螳 レ螻 b螳  り .
-  ル 伎 襷   覈 覿碁 れ螻 螳.
1. 朱  覈 覿 a+b-1Ca螳.
2. レ朱  覈 覿 a+b-1Cb螳.
- 襷 k < a+b-1Cb企, k覯讌 覈 覿碁 レ朱  覈 覿 譴 螻, 覃 朱 
覈 覿 る 蟆   給.
- 企蟆 讌 レ螻  覈   る 覈 覿瑚 旧 蟆   給.
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
Kth solution
 れ螻 螳.
D(a, b, k) : レ a螳,  b螳襦 襷   覈 覿碁 譴 k覯讌.
= - + D(a  1, b, k) (n > 0 and k <= a+b-1Cb)
= o + D(a, b  1, k  a+b-1Cb) (else)
Code Explanation
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
- MORSE 螳 蠏狩覃 .
Q) MORSE 蟆曙,  レ語 語襯 蠍一朱 朱伎. KLIS 覓伎 蠍一朱 朱手?
Kth solution
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
Kth solution
A) i覯讌 襯 朱  LIS 襦 朱企 .
- Count[i] : i覯讌 襯 朱  LIS 
- Lis[i] : i覯讌 襯 朱  LIS 蠍語
- Lis[i] = max(Lis[j] where i<j and S[i]<S[j]) + 1
- Count[i] = sum(Count(j) where i<j and S[i]<S[j] and Lis[i]=Lis[j]+1)
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
Kth solution
- 蟲企 Lis, Count襯 伎覃 れ螻 螳 k覯讌 LIS襯 蟲  .
Kth(i,skip) : i覯讌 襯 朱  LIS 譴 skip 覯讌 LIS.
= S[i] + Kth(j, skip  Count(j))
蠍一 j
- i<j, S[i]<S[j], Lis[i]=Lis[j]+1 襯 襷譟燕螻,
- sum(Count(ij) 譴  譟郁唄 襷譟燕 index) > skip 譴 螳  j
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
- Bitmask襯  DP .
- https://algospot.com/judge/problem/read/RESTORE
Bit DP
Bit DP
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
- 蟆磯覿 襷覃, 誤  覓語(TSP) 螳 覓語.
- 誤  覓語(TSP) : https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/2098
Q) RESTORE覓語襯 誤  覓語襦 豺企慨.
Bit DP
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
Bit DP
- 螳 word襯 朱 .
- i覯讌 word れ j覯讌 word螳 り . 企覃 i覯讌 word 覩語 j覯讌 word  朱螳 蟆轟
蟆企. 企ゼ overlap(i, j)手 .
- ex) word, rdii => overlap(word, rdii) = 2
- i覯讌 word j覯讌 word襯  螳 觜 overlap(i, j)襦 覃 .
- 企ゼ 覈 word  伎 讌覃 .( 蠏碁)
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
Bit DP
- 1 ~ k word襯 危   覈 蟆曙磯ゼ 覲碁.
- 螳 蟆曙磯 overlap sum 螻壱.
- ( 蠍語 )  (overlap )   蟆曙磯ゼ 豢ロ.
- overlap 蟲 O(k), word襯 危 O(k!)
- 螳覲旧° O(k x k!)
- 轟壱 一!
Q) 蠍一 蟆轟 覿覿 覓語螳 螳?
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
Bit DP
2. DP
- 覈覈 れ 螻, 谿  here手 .
-  れ list襯 left手 .
- 螳企慨覃, (here, left)襯 襷譟燕 豕 蟆暑襯 蟲 蟆  讌 り骸 覓願.
- 讀,  覯 蟲覃 螻    => DP
- 磯殊 れ螻 螳  襷  .
D(here, left) :  here襦 螻,   left襯  蟆暑 譴, overlap    蟆暑
= max(overlap(here, next) + D(next, left  next))
Code Explanation
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team
- https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/10937
- https://algospot.com/judge/problem/read/ZIMBABWE
Thank you :-)

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01. dp hard

  • 1. By POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team DP Hard 譟一麹
  • 2. Contents POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team K覯讌 1 覦磯 覓語 0 Bit DP 2
  • 3. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team - 企 碁碁 企れ DPれ 覦一. - 伎覲企 企れ, れ DPれ 給! - 蠏碁Μ螻 (螳)襷 蟲 蟆 , 旧 襷れ企企 豢ロ 覓語れ 襷朱, 譯殊蠍 覦. 螳
  • 4. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team - 蠍磯蓋朱 DP覓語れ 危伎 蠏碁. - 蠏碁Μ螻 れ 豢ロ 覓語れ, 譴 襯 螻襯企 蟆曙郁 襷給.( 螳, 螳 ) - 危伎 蠍 覓語, 覓語襯 蠍 覓語螳 覦 蟆曙郁 給. - 蠏碁 企 覓語襯 伎伎 旧 讌 ロ 給. - 企蟆 ロ企 れ 磯手覃 れ 旧 襷れ企企 襷れ企 給. れ ? DP Hard
  • 5. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team - 螳螳 螳讌螻 螳 覦磯 伎 覓願 豕螳 伎 螻, 殊 螳豺 覓願螳 讌れ 覦磯 l , 螳豺 豕螳 襦 讌 螻襯企 覦覯 谿城 覓語 - 譟壱 豕 覓語 - https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/12865 (螳豺 豢ロ 覓語) - https://algospot.com/judge/problem/read/PACKING (讌れ 豢ロ 覓語) 覦磯 覓語 Knapsack
  • 6. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Knapsack 1. Brute force - 螳 覓手唄 蟇磯 蟇磯, 豐 2 螳讌 螳 . - 2^N螳讌 蟆曙 譴, 譟郁唄(覦磯 覓願)襯 襷譟燕覃伎 螳豺螳 蟆 谿場朱 . - 螳 蟆曙磯 螳豺 蟲伎 覩襦, 螳覲旧° O(N x 2^N) - 轟壱蟆, 一も
  • 7. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Knapsack 2. 覯 覓願 K襯 伎企慨. - 1覿 i覯讌 覓狩 伎伎 覓願 w襯 襷れり . - 覓願螳 w螳 る, 1 ~ (i1)覯讌 覓狩 伎伎 w襯 郁, i覯讌 覓狩 讌 蟇磯 - 1 ~ (i-1)覯讌 覓狩 伎伎 w (i覯讌 覓狩 覓願)襯 襷り, i覯讌 覓狩 覃 .
  • 8. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Knapsack 讀, 1 ~ i覯讌 覓手唄 伎伎 覓願 w襯 襷れ , 螳豺 豕螳 れ螻 螳 蟲 . - D[i][w] = max(D[i 1][w], D[i 1][w (i覯讌 覓手唄 覓願)] + (i覯讌 覓手唄 螳豺)) - 1 <= i <= N, 0 <= w <= K 讌覃 . - 覯 , D[i][w] 豕螳 旧朱 豢ロ覃 . - 螳覲旧° O(NK)
  • 9. Code Explanation POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Code https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/12865 覯 覦磯
  • 10. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Knapsack Q) 覓手唄 螳螳 譟郁襷 襷碁 覃覈襴螳 一. 覃覈襴襯 覦覯 蟾?
  • 11. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Knapsack A) D[K] 覦一企 ′ 豢覿 覓語襯 . - 螳企慨覃, D[i][w] D[i 1][1w] 螳襷 襦 - 讀, i覯讌 覓狩 螳豺 螳れ 蟲覃 i 1覯讌 覓狩 螳豺 螳れ 螳 伎. - 磯殊 D[K]覦一伎 伎磯 朱 讌 . - 企蟆 覃 覃覈襴襯 1/N 襷 ! - 企ゼ sliding window手 .
  • 12. Code Explanation POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Code https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/12865 覯 覦磯
  • 13. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team - 螳 覓語 豕 豕螳 覓視 蟆 , K覯讌碁 螳 覓視 蟆曙郁 . - 譴覲給 覿覿 覓語れ 覃覈伎伎朱 豌襴 蟆 , 讌 襦 豌襴. - https://algospot.com/judge/problem/read/MORSE - https://algospot.com/judge/problem/read/KLIS K覯讌 Kth solution
  • 14. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team 1. Brute force - 豐 n螳 レ, m螳 . - 企る 襷 覈 覿碁 豐 n+mCn 企. - 覈 覿碁ゼ 覈 襷り, . 蠏 譴 k覯讌 覈る碁ゼ 豢ロ覃 . - 螳覲旧° O(n+mCn log(n+mCn) ) - 轟壱 一. MORSE Kth solution
  • 15. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Kth solution 2. 朱願鍵 - 覈 螳 レ螻 , a螳 レ螻 b螳 り . - ル 伎 襷 覈 覿碁 れ螻 螳. 1. 朱 覈 覿 a+b-1Ca螳. 2. レ朱 覈 覿 a+b-1Cb螳. - 襷 k < a+b-1Cb企, k覯讌 覈 覿碁 レ朱 覈 覿 譴 螻, 覃 朱 覈 覿 る 蟆 給. - 企蟆 讌 レ螻 覈 る 覈 覿瑚 旧 蟆 給.
  • 16. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Kth solution れ螻 螳. D(a, b, k) : レ a螳, b螳襦 襷 覈 覿碁 譴 k覯讌. = - + D(a 1, b, k) (n > 0 and k <= a+b-1Cb) = o + D(a, b 1, k a+b-1Cb) (else)
  • 17. Code Explanation POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Code https://algospot.com/judge/problem/read/MORSE MORSE
  • 18. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team - MORSE 螳 蠏狩覃 . Q) MORSE 蟆曙, レ語 語襯 蠍一朱 朱伎. KLIS 覓伎 蠍一朱 朱手? KLIS Kth solution
  • 19. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Kth solution A) i覯讌 襯 朱 LIS 襦 朱企 . - Count[i] : i覯讌 襯 朱 LIS - Lis[i] : i覯讌 襯 朱 LIS 蠍語 - Lis[i] = max(Lis[j] where i<j and S[i]<S[j]) + 1 - Count[i] = sum(Count(j) where i<j and S[i]<S[j] and Lis[i]=Lis[j]+1)
  • 20. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Kth solution - 蟲企 Lis, Count襯 伎覃 れ螻 螳 k覯讌 LIS襯 蟲 . Kth(i,skip) : i覯讌 襯 朱 LIS 譴 skip 覯讌 LIS. = S[i] + Kth(j, skip Count(j)) 蠍一 j - i<j, S[i]<S[j], Lis[i]=Lis[j]+1 襯 襷譟燕螻, - sum(Count(ij) 譴 譟郁唄 襷譟燕 index) > skip 譴 螳 j
  • 21. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team - Bitmask襯 DP . - https://algospot.com/judge/problem/read/RESTORE Bit DP Bit DP
  • 22. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team - 蟆磯覿 襷覃, 誤 覓語(TSP) 螳 覓語. - 誤 覓語(TSP) : https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/2098 Q) RESTORE覓語襯 誤 覓語襦 豺企慨. RESTORE Bit DP
  • 23. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Bit DP A) - 螳 word襯 朱 . - i覯讌 word れ j覯讌 word螳 り . 企覃 i覯讌 word 覩語 j覯讌 word 朱螳 蟆轟 蟆企. 企ゼ overlap(i, j)手 . - ex) word, rdii => overlap(word, rdii) = 2 - i覯讌 word j覯讌 word襯 螳 觜 overlap(i, j)襦 覃 . - 企ゼ 覈 word 伎 讌覃 .( 蠏碁)
  • 24. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Bit DP 1. - 1 ~ k word襯 危 覈 蟆曙磯ゼ 覲碁. - 螳 蟆曙磯 overlap sum 螻壱. - ( 蠍語 ) (overlap ) 蟆曙磯ゼ 豢ロ. - overlap 蟲 O(k), word襯 危 O(k!) - 螳覲旧° O(k x k!) - 轟壱 一! Q) 蠍一 蟆轟 覿覿 覓語螳 螳?
  • 25. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Bit DP 2. DP - 覈覈 れ 螻, 谿 here手 . - れ list襯 left手 . - 螳企慨覃, (here, left)襯 襷譟燕 豕 蟆暑襯 蟲 蟆 讌 り骸 覓願. - 讀, 覯 蟲覃 螻 => DP - 磯殊 れ螻 螳 襷 . D(here, left) : here襦 螻, left襯 蟆暑 譴, overlap 蟆暑 = max(overlap(here, next) + D(next, left next))
  • 26. Code Explanation POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team Code https://algospot.com/judge/problem/read/RESTORE RESTORE
  • 27. POSTECH Computer Algorithm Team - https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/10937 - https://algospot.com/judge/problem/read/ZIMBABWE 企慨蠍