Dokumen ini membahas tentang perubahan mindset guru untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan keterampilan melalui pelatihan. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas implementasi kurikulum dan tingkat keberterimaan siswa melalui lima tahapan yaitu menerima, merespon, menghargai, mengorganisasi, dan mengkarakterisasi. Guru dituntut memiliki kemauan dan kegigihan untuk melatih diri selama pelatihan dengan
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perubahan mindset, kualitas proses, dan kompetensi guru dalam merancang, melaksanakan, dan mengevaluasi kurikulum serta aktivitas belajar untuk meningkatkan sikap dan tingkat penerimaan siswa.
Este documento presenta un proyecto para utilizar las TIC como herramienta de apoyo en la formaci坦n de valores en la Sede Educativa El Comienzo en Sardinata, Norte de Santander. El proyecto tiene como objetivo principal propiciar un espacio de conocimiento y reflexi坦n sobre valores mediante las TIC para fortalecer las relaciones psicosociales y morales. Los objetivos espec鱈ficos son potenciar valores individuales, familiares y sociales con ayudas tecnol坦gicas; reafirmar relaciones de autoayuda; y prevenir ant
This document is a CV for Emad Ezzat Ghazaly Mahmoud. It outlines his personal information including his date of birth, marital status, and contact details. It then details his education history including graduating from Tanta University in 2010 with a BSc in Chemistry. It lists his professional experience including current roles as Lab Director at Alfa Masr paints since 2015 and previous roles at Alfa Masr and Ideal Standard International Egypt. Finally, it provides an overview of trainings he has completed in areas like paint chemistry, laboratory management systems, and quality management.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang materi ajar mata kuliah Pendidikan Pancasila di perguruan tinggi. Dibahas pula dasar-dasar pendidikan Pancasila secara filosofis, sosiologis, dan yuridis untuk melestarikan nilai-nilai Pancasila dari generasi ke generasi."
Este documento presenta un cuadro de categor鱈as para dise単ar estrategias did叩cticas y proyectos que promuevan el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El cuadro incluye seis proyectos sobre temas como el art鱈culo, los cuentos latinoamericanos, los derechos humanos, la mesa redonda, y c坦mo hablar; y objetivos espec鱈ficos como conocer signos de puntuaci坦n y reglas ortogr叩ficas a trav辿s de ejercicios. Cada proyecto contiene un 鱈ndice, prop坦sitos, apre
The document discusses paging examples with a 15-bit logical address space and 1K page size. It explains that with these parameters:
- There are 32 pages in the system (2^5)
- Pages are 4K in size (2^12) since 3 bits are needed for the 8 logical pages
- To find the physical address for logical address 1025: convert it to binary, identify the page number and offset, use the page number to index the page table, and concatenate the physical page number and offset. The physical address for 1025 is byte 1.
Criminal law originated from early codes of conduct that aimed to regulate human behavior and avenge harm, such as the Code of Hammurabi. It evolved through various legal codes over centuries, including the Hittite laws, Code of Drakon, laws of Solon, and Rome's Twelve Tables. The Revised Penal Code of the Philippines was approved in 1930 and remains the primary source of criminal law today, consisting of definitions of crimes and corresponding punishments organized into titles. Criminal law has characteristics such as general applicability, territorial jurisdiction, prospective application, specificity, uniformity, and penal sanctions. Crimes are further classified as felonies, which can be intentional or culpable, and have circumstances that can aggra
Declaring bankruptcy means selling all of one's assets. If the sales of assets do not cover the total debt, the remaining debt is discharged. The person who declared bankruptcy has to rebuild their credit over time after bankruptcy.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang materi ajar mata kuliah Pendidikan Pancasila di perguruan tinggi. Dibahas pula dasar-dasar pendidikan Pancasila secara filosofis, sosiologis, dan yuridis untuk melestarikan nilai-nilai Pancasila dari generasi ke generasi."
Este documento presenta un cuadro de categor鱈as para dise単ar estrategias did叩cticas y proyectos que promuevan el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El cuadro incluye seis proyectos sobre temas como el art鱈culo, los cuentos latinoamericanos, los derechos humanos, la mesa redonda, y c坦mo hablar; y objetivos espec鱈ficos como conocer signos de puntuaci坦n y reglas ortogr叩ficas a trav辿s de ejercicios. Cada proyecto contiene un 鱈ndice, prop坦sitos, apre
The document discusses paging examples with a 15-bit logical address space and 1K page size. It explains that with these parameters:
- There are 32 pages in the system (2^5)
- Pages are 4K in size (2^12) since 3 bits are needed for the 8 logical pages
- To find the physical address for logical address 1025: convert it to binary, identify the page number and offset, use the page number to index the page table, and concatenate the physical page number and offset. The physical address for 1025 is byte 1.
Criminal law originated from early codes of conduct that aimed to regulate human behavior and avenge harm, such as the Code of Hammurabi. It evolved through various legal codes over centuries, including the Hittite laws, Code of Drakon, laws of Solon, and Rome's Twelve Tables. The Revised Penal Code of the Philippines was approved in 1930 and remains the primary source of criminal law today, consisting of definitions of crimes and corresponding punishments organized into titles. Criminal law has characteristics such as general applicability, territorial jurisdiction, prospective application, specificity, uniformity, and penal sanctions. Crimes are further classified as felonies, which can be intentional or culpable, and have circumstances that can aggra
Declaring bankruptcy means selling all of one's assets. If the sales of assets do not cover the total debt, the remaining debt is discharged. The person who declared bankruptcy has to rebuild their credit over time after bankruptcy.