Chia s? kinh nghi?m h?c c? c¨´ng con - Nguy?n V? K? Anh U8
Tham kh?o:
H?c c? c¨´ng con U6 /vuhung16plus/hoc-co-cung-con
H?c c? c¨´ng con U7 /vuhung16plus/2018-hoc-co-cung-co-nguyen-vu-ky-anh-u7
This document discusses using shaders in cocos2d-x. It begins with an introduction to the speaker and overview of the cocos2d family of frameworks. It then explains the graphics rendering pipeline and key steps like vertex processing and rasterization. The document defines what a shader is and that it is executed for each vertex and pixel. Examples of using shaders in projects like The School of Games and Lines98 are provided to improve performance over traditional techniques. In summary, shaders can enhance games by processing graphics in real-time on the GPU for better memory usage and higher frame rates.
Anti patterns in it project management. Speech at Agile Vietnam 2016 Conference.
20161016 Agile Vietnam Conference 2016
#agilevn16, #agilevietnam2016, #hanoi, #altplus
[AGILE VIETNAM CONFERENCE 2016] - A regional conference on Agile practices, software craftsmanship and organization improvement.
5 years in a row, Agile Vietnam has achieved numerous success and has impacted positively on the community. With that spirit, Agile Vietnam has been very proud to hold Agile Vietnam Conference 2016.
Agile Vietnam Conference 2016 aims to be the best and the biggest event held by Agile Vietnam Community with theme of "LEAPFROG" - with full of exciting activities including keynote speeches, workshops, contests, games, business matching, and networking.
Why you should come to Agile Vietnam 2016 Conference?
? Networking with top experts of the world
? Improve agile process and project outcomes
? Inspire your mind
? Exclusive opportunity for learning
? Attend a world-class conference
¡ñ 07:30 - 17:00, 14th October 2016, Hoa Sen University, Nguyen Van Trang, District 1, HCMC.
¡ñ 07:30 - 12:00, 15th October 2016, Bamboo Green Hotel 177 Tran Phu, Hai Chau, Danang.
¡ñ 07:00 - 17:00, 16th October 2016, Alt Plus Vietnam Company Limited, 31F Keangnam Ha Noi Landmark Tower 72, Lot E6 Pham Hung, Nam Tu Liem, Ha Noi.
¡ñ Eventbrite:
¡ñ Ticket box:
- HCM:
- Ha Noi:
- Da Nang:
???More information:
25. Copyleft is a general method for making a program (or other work) free ( libre ), and requiring all modified and extended versions of the program to be free as well.