This document discusses Java Server Pages (JSP) and how to perform searches on a database using JSP. It covers key aspects of JSP including using JSP tags to generate HTML, the JSP lifecycle, and separating dynamic and static content. It then discusses using SQL queries in JSP, including SELECT, WHERE, LIKE, and other SQL statements. It provides code examples for the JSP search page, Java classes for accessing the database and returning results, and the servlet used to handle searches. The main topics covered are using JSP, SQL queries in JSP, and building a search feature to look up records from a database table.
YUM es una herramienta para gestionar paquetes en formato RPM en CentOS. Permite instalar, actualizar y desinstalar paquetes de software de forma autom¨¢tica mediante la resoluci¨®n de dependencias. Algunos comandos clave de YUM son yum install para instalar paquetes, yum update para actualizar el sistema a la ¨²ltima versi¨®n disponible, y yum remove para desinstalar paquetes.
This document provides an overview of CentOS Linux 6.0, including what CentOS is, its relationship to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, how to download CentOS, and basic system configuration after installation such as setting the hostname and IP address. It also briefly discusses differences between Linux and Windows and using virtualization with Linux.
This document discusses Java Server Pages (JSP) and how to perform searches on a database using JSP. It covers key aspects of JSP including using JSP tags to generate HTML, the JSP lifecycle, and separating dynamic and static content. It then discusses using SQL queries in JSP, including SELECT, WHERE, LIKE, and other SQL statements. It provides code examples for the JSP search page, Java classes for accessing the database and returning results, and the servlet used to handle searches. The main topics covered are using JSP, SQL queries in JSP, and building a search feature to look up records from a database table.
YUM es una herramienta para gestionar paquetes en formato RPM en CentOS. Permite instalar, actualizar y desinstalar paquetes de software de forma autom¨¢tica mediante la resoluci¨®n de dependencias. Algunos comandos clave de YUM son yum install para instalar paquetes, yum update para actualizar el sistema a la ¨²ltima versi¨®n disponible, y yum remove para desinstalar paquetes.
This document provides an overview of CentOS Linux 6.0, including what CentOS is, its relationship to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, how to download CentOS, and basic system configuration after installation such as setting the hostname and IP address. It also briefly discusses differences between Linux and Windows and using virtualization with Linux.
???????????????????????????? "???????? Web Application ????????????? Open Source" ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? LAMP training
4. ??????????????????????????????
Network Operating System : NOS Operating System : OS
- Unix (Sun solaris, HP Unix, System V, - Windows 95
AIX, AT&T, MINIX) - Windows 95-OSR2
- Linux (RedHat (Fedora), Slackware, - Windows 98
Mandrake, SuSE, Debian, Linux TLE, - Windows 98 SE
Linux-SIS, Burapa Linux, Kaiwal Linux, - Windows ME
Ziif Linux, Grand Linux, Opena, Debiun, - Windows XP
Ubuntu, ...) - Windows Vistra
- FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD - Linux TLE
- OS/2
- Netware
- Windows NT Workstation/Server
- Windows 2000 Professional/Server
- Windows Server 2003
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5. ??????????????????????????????
? Note.
???????? Web Hosting ?????? ???? ?????????? ????? ???????
? ?
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- Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003
- Linux (RedHat, Fedora, Mandrake, Slackware)
- FreeBSD
6. ?????????????????????? ???????? ??????????
? - Apache ??? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ??????????? ??????????
?? ????? ?????????????? ????????????????? ???? ???? Unix, Linux,
? ?
FreeBSD, Windows
? - IIS (Internet Information Server) ??? ???????????????? ?????????? ?
??? ????????????? ???????????????????? Windows NT 4.0,
Windows 2000, Windows XP ??? Windows Server 2003
???????????????????????? ???
? - PWS (Personal Web Server) ??? ???????????????? ????????????????
?????????? ???????????????????? Windows 95/98/ME ???????
??????? ??????????????? ?? PC ??? ???????????????? ????????????????? ASP ??
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