The document discusses strengths-based leadership. It defines strengths as pre-existing capacities that are authentic and energizing, enabling optimal performance. Strengths are developed using positive psychology research showing high achievers spend most time in their strengths areas. A strengths perspective focuses on talents rather than deficits, and building on strengths promotes more success than fixing weaknesses. There are four domains of leadership strengths: strategic thinking, executing, relationship building, and influencing. The document provides examples of strengths that may naturally conflict and encourages developing a personal action plan to better leverage one's strengths.
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013 devos four domains of leadership
1. Strengths-Based Leadership
DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative
Noel Academy for Strengths-Based Leadership and Education
2013 Reunion
Presenter: Karen Lindsey-Lloyd
3. Todays Agenda
Defining Strength
History of Strengths
Understanding Strengths
Leading with Strengths
4. What is a Strength?
A strength is "a pre-existing
capacity for a particular way of
behaving, thinking, or feeling
that is authentic and energizing
to the user, and enables optimal
functioning, development, and
performance (Linley, 2008, p.9)
Talent: naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied.
5. History of Strengths
Developed using theoretical foundation of
positive psychology based on the research of
Seigelman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000.
Leadership is relational so you must
understand yourself before you can lead
6. History of Strengths
Research on High Achievers
Dr. Don Clifton, Gallup Organization
250,000 interviews of high achieving
Spend most of their time in areas of
7. History of Strengths
Research on High Achievers
Have learned to delegate or partner
Apply their strengths to overcome
Invent ways of capitalizing on their
strengths in new situations
8. (Talent + Energy) x (Knowledge + Skill) =
The Strengths Equation
9. Process information
Experience others
View time and structure
Accommodate change
Our strengths affect the way we
10. A Strengths Perspective
Not about the tool
Not about the labels
Not about the deficits
Definitely about knowing your God-given talents
and using them to the fullest covered in prayer
11. Individuals already have within
themselves what they need to
Individuals gain more when they
build on their talents, than when
they make comparable efforts to
improve their areas of weakness.
Clifton & Harter, 2003, p. 112
What is a Strengths Perspective?
12. A Strengths Perspective
Supervisors spend most of their time working
with the weakest performers and zeroing in on
Parents and teachers focus on students lower
grades rather than on their highest.
Weakness fixing prevents failure strengths
building promotes success
13. S t ra t e g i c T h i n k i n g
Focus on what could be. Analyze information and
help the team consider future possibilities and
making prudent decisions.
Analytical, Context, Futuristic, Ideation, Input,
Intellection, Learner, and Strategic
E xe c u t i n g
Know how to make things happen. Implement plans
and get things done. Take plans from ideas to reality.
Focus on task completion and goal achievement.
Work diligently to
Achiever, Arranger, Belief, Consistency, Deliberative,
Discipline, Focus, Responsibility, and Restorative
Re l a t i o n s h i p B u i l d i n g
Skilled at creating synergy within the team and/or
organization. Keep morale of team members high.
Consider needs of team members. Minimize
Adaptability, Developer, Connectedness, Empathy,
Harmony, Includer, Individualization, Positivity, and
I n f l u e n c i n g
Help the team reach a broader audience. Give voice
to teams ideas, plans, and vision. Skilled at taking
charge, speaking up, and getting others inside and
outside the organization to buy-in.
Activator, Command, Communication, Competition,
Maximizer, Self-Assurance, Significance, and Woo
Rath and Conchie, 2008
Four Domains of Leadership Strength
15. Strengths That Naturally Conflict
Activator Deliberative, Analytical
Responsibility, Belief Adaptability
Discipline Input
Communication Intellection
16. There are almost as many definitions of leadership
as there are people who have tried to define it.
(Stogdill, 1974, p. 7)
What about leadership?
17. Personal Action Plan
My Top Five How I use it (currently) Place an X here for the
strength you use most
What three things can I do when I return that will better leverage my strengths?
(Make them SMART)
Who will hold me accountable?