2. The section provides Standard business capitalization rules as well as practices of major corporations, writers, publishers, and other arbiters of the rules
3. Objective Make correct decisions regarding capitalization using current practices Consistently apply capitalization rules throughout each document
4. Capitalization is important It signals both meaning and emphasis to readers. It allows readers to focus on meaning, not mistakes.
5. Capitalization Should follow a consistent style within each document AND Conform to current standards within the business/ industry/ organization
7. Names Capitalize names of people and organizations exactly as they are written by the owner.
8. Titles Capitalize an official title when it is part of the name. Capitalize such titles as governor and senator when referring to a specific person. Capitalize relationship titles (aunt, uncle) when they are used as part of a persons name.
9. Geographical Place Names Capitalize names of specific locations, but lowercase names of general locations: Detroit city Capitalize regional names when they refer to specific geographical regions. I am moving to the East Coast in September
10. Time Periods Capitalize days of the week and the names of months. Do not capitalize the names of the seasons.
11. Holidays and Special Observances Capitalize names of holidays. Capitalize the names of religious observances. Capitalize the names of cultural observances.
12. Races, nationalities, and ethnic groups Capitalize the names of races, nationalities, and ethnic groups. Capitalize the names of languages .
13. Religious terms In general, capitalize all religious terms that are proper nouns.
14. Capitalize the main words in titles of publications and artistic works Do not capitalize prepositions and articles unless they are the first word of a title or subtitle. Do not capitalize conjunctions unless they appear as the first word of a title or subtitle.
15. Always check capitalization for correctness and consistency Capitalization errors surprise readers. They are likely to ignore your written meaning and begin wondering about your mistakes.