The document summarizes SPINS, a set of security protocols for sensor networks proposed by Perrig et al. SPINS includes SNEP for point-to-point data confidentiality, authentication and replay protection, and 亮TESLA for authenticated broadcast. 亮TESLA uses one-way key chains and delayed key disclosure to provide authentication with low overhead. SPINS aims to provide security services like data authentication and confidentiality while meeting the constraints of sensor networks, such as limited resources and communication patterns between sensor nodes and base stations.
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1. SPINS: Security Protocols for Sensor Networks Authors: Adrian Perrig, Robert Szewczyk, Victor Wen,David Culler and J.D.Tygar Presented By :c.manohar babu (Some slides have been taken from authors sites)
2. Outline Security for sensor networks - Research Problem Proposed Techniques - SPINS building blocks Applications Related Work Discussion Conclusion
3. Sensor Networks are emerging Many applications - Real-time traffic monitoring - Military applications - Emergency and critical systems etc. Need secure communication protocols
4. Security for Sensor Networks Data Authentication Data Confidentiality Data Integrity Data Freshness - Weak Freshness - Partial message ordering, no delay information - Useful for sensor measurements - Strong Freshness - Total ordering on req-res pair, delay estimation - Useful for time synchronization
5. Challenge: Resource Constraints Limited energy Limited computation(4MHz 8-bit) Limited memory(512 bytes) Limited code size(8 Kbytes) Limited communication(30 byte packets) Energy consuming communication
7. System Assumptions Communication patterns -Node to base station (e.g. sensor readings) - Base station to node (e.g. specific requests) - Base station to all nodes Base Station - Sufficient memory, power - Shares secret key with each node Node -Limited resources, limited trust A B D E F G C Base Station
8. Notation A, B Principals( nodes) N A Nonce generated by A C A Counter generated by A AB Master secret key between A and B ( no direction information) K AB Secret encryption key between A and B (depends on direction) K AB Secret MAC key between A and B (depends on direction) {M} KAB Encryption of message M with K AB {M} <KAB,IV> Encryption of message M using key KAB and initialization vector IV MAC(K AB ,M) Message authentication code (MAC) of M
9. SNEP Data Confidentiality (Semantic Security ) Data Authentication Replay Protection Weak Freshness Low Communication Overhead
10. Key Generation /Setup Nodes and base station share a master key pre-deployment Other keys are bootstrapped from the master key: Encryption key Message Authentication code key Random number generator key Counter RC5 Block Cipher Key Master Key MAC Key Encryption Key random
11. Authentication, Confidentiality Without encryption can have only authentication For encrypted messages, the counter is included in the MAC Base station keeps current counter for every node Node A M, MAC(K AB , M) {M} <KAB, CA> , MAC(K AB , C A || {M} <KAB, CA> ) Node B
12. Strong Freshness Nonce generated randomly Sender includes Nonce with request Responder include nonce in MAC, but not in reply Node A Request, N A {Response} <KBA, CB) , MAC(K BA , N A || C B || {Response} <KBA, CB> ) Node B
13. Counter Exchange Protocol Bootstrapping counter values Node A C A C B , MAC(K BA , C A ||C B ) Node B MAC(K AB , C A ||C B ) To synchronize: A -> B : N A B -> A : C B , MAC (K BA ,N A || C B ).
14. 袖意掘皆晦粥 : Authenticated Broadcast TESLA : efficient source authentication in multicast for wired networks. Problems with TESLA - Digital Signature for initial packet authentication 袖意掘皆晦粥 uses only symmetric mechanism -Overhead of 24 bytes per packet 袖意掘皆晦粥 discloses key once per epoch -One way key chain is too big 袖意掘皆晦粥 restricts number of authenticated senders
15. Key Setup Main idea: One-way key chains K 0 is initial commitment to chain Base station gives K 0 to all nodes K n K n-1 K 1 K 0 X . F(Kn) F(K1) F(K2)
16. TESLA Quick Overview I Keys disclosed 2 time intervals after use Receiver knows authentic K3 Authentication of P1:MAC( K5 ,P1) K4 K5 K6 K7 t Time 4 Time 5 Time 6 Time 7 K3 P1 K3 P2 K5 F F Authenticate K5 Verify MAC F K6 F K5
17. TESLA Quick Overview II Perfect robustness to packet loss K4 K5 K6 K7 t Time 4 Time 5 Time 6 Time 7 K3 P5 K5 P3 K3 P2 K2 P1 K2 Verify MACs P4 K4 F F Authenticate K5
18. TESLA Properties Asymmetry from delayed key disclosure Self-authenticating keys Requires loose time synchronization Low overhead (1 MAC) - Communication (same as SNEP) - Computation (~ 2 MAC computations) Independent of number of receivers
19. Applications Authenticated Routing Node to Node Agreement A B: N A , A B S: N A ,N B , A, B, MAC(K BS , N A || N B || A || B) S A: {SK AB } KSA , MAC(K SA ,N A || A || {SK AB }K SA ) S B: {SK AB } KSB , MAC(K SB ,N B || B || {SK AB }K SB )
20. Related Work in Broadcast Authentication Symmetric schemes - Link-state routing updates - Multi-MAC Asymmetric schemes - Merkle hash tree Chained hashes - EMSS Hybrid schemes -Stream signature -K-times signature
21. Discussion: Drawbacks The TESLA protocol lacks scalability - require initial key commitment with each nodes, which is very communication intensive SPINS uses source routing, so vulnerable to traffic analysis
22. Discussion: Risks Un-addressed Information leakage through covert channels No mechanism to determine and deal with compromised nodes. Denial of service attacks No Non-repudiation
23. Conclusion Strong security protocols affordable - First broadcast authentication Low security overhead - Computation, memory, communication Apply to future sensor networks -Energy limitations persist -Tendency to use minimal hardware Base protocol for more sophisticated security services