The document discusses the 0/1 knapsack problem and different approaches to find the optimal solution. It describes the problem as filling a knapsack from objects with given weights and benefits to maximize the total benefit within a weight limit. It then summarizes dynamic programming and greedy approaches to solve the problem, and shows the optimal solution is to choose items with weights 3, 4, and 5 to get a total benefit of 9 within the weight limit of 7.
2. The Problem:
We have a knapsack to be filled with enlisted
objects of given weight and benefit ,total weight=7
find the optimal merge pattern to do so .
WEIGHT: 1 3 4 5
BENEFIT: 1 4 5 7
3. Approaches to solve the problem
The Greedy approach:Make the locally optimal choice
at each stage with the hope of finding a global
The brute-force approach:It is a trial and error method
used to find global optimum.(i.e Compute all possible
combinations and search for optimal)
The Dynamic Programming approach:Formula is to
break a large problem down into small sub steps so
that, at any given stage, optimal solutions are known
to sub-problems.
The 4th approach: Discussed at the end of