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Zabbix for beginners
01Installing Zabbix
Alireza Rezvani
www.cbt4all.com (Free video trainings and tutorials)
Auckland, New Zealand
 Last video:
 What we do in this series and who is this series for?
 Explained our practical scenario for this series
 There are three ways of getting Zabbix
This video
 Install Zabbix Server
 Login to Zabbix for the first time
Installing Zabbix  Review Scenario
 Monitor Routers interfaces, RAM and
 If the bandwidth is less than my
expectation, if the link is down, if.,
Zabbix should send an alert email
 Create graph of bandwidth usage,
RAM usage, CPU usage, etc.
 Monitor Windows Servers and Linux Server by SNMP
 Monitor Windows Servers and Linux Server by Zabbix Agent
Installing Zabbix  Scenario and Solution
1. Create a Virtual Machine for Zabbix
2. Install Ubuntu Server
 SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
 Zabbix should send an alert email
 SSH: Secure Shell
 Makes configuring easy
3. Verify the IP Address
4. Connect to Zabbix by Putty
5. Change the IP Address, if needed
6. Install SNMP (Simple Network Monitoring Protocol)
 Monitor Routers and Servers by SNMP
7. Update/Upgrade Ubuntu Server
Installing Zabbix  Install Ubuntu
1. Create a Virtual Machine for Zabbix
 I consider 2GB for RAM, 20GB for HDD
 NIC should be bridged to interface which you are connected to Internet through it
 Connect the NIC to GNS3 lab
Installing Zabbix  Install Ubuntu
2. Install Ubuntu Server
 Hostname: ZabbixSrv
 Domain: Your domain, here I put cbt4all.com
 Full name: Your name, here I put Alireza
 Username: Select an Username, here I put cbt4all
 Password: Choose a password, here I choose cbt4all. But as cbt4all is a weak password, Ubuntu warns
me. I choose YES but you would better choose strong password.
 I do not need encrypted home directory, so I choose NO here.
 Choose your time zone. As I live in New Zealand, I choose Pacific
 I prefer to let Ubuntu create partitions for me, so I choose default and confirm it by choosing YES
 I dont use proxy, so I leave it blank
 Although updating always is a good idea, so I choose Not Automatic Update
 Install Open SSH Server and Mail Server
 Select Internet Site
 ZabbixSrv.cbt4all.com sounds nice. Do not worry, it is just a name!
 Choose YES for creating encryption for SSH, and locahost is good but you can change if you like
 Choose YES for installing GLB
Installing Zabbix  Install Ubuntu, con.
3. Verify the IPAddress for ZabbixSrv by ifconfig command
 IP Address:, Subnet Mask:, Gateway:
 DNS Server:
4. Connect to Zabbix by Putty and SSH
5. If you want to change the IP Address, use VI Editor
 sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static
 sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf
 sudo ifup eth0
 sudo ifdown eth0
 sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
 Help for Ubuntu IP setting: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html
 Help for VI Editor: http://www.cs.rit.edu/~cslab/vi.html
 i (to insert), x (to delete), Arrow keys, Esc key (to exit from current mode), : (to go to command mode), q! (to quit
without save), wq (save and exit)
Installing Zabbix  Install Ubuntu, con.
6. Install SNMP
 sudo apt-get install libsnmp-mib-compiler-perl
 sudo apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloader
 sudo apt-get install libsnmp-base
 sudo apt-get install libsnmp-dev
 sudo apt-get install snmp
 sudo apt-get install snmpd
7. Update/Upgrade Ubuntu Server
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Installing Zabbix  Install Ubuntu, con.
 IF you forgot to install Open SSH
Server and Mail Server during
installing Ubuntu Server, you can
use these to install them:
 Installing Open SSH Server
 sudo apt-get install openssh-server
 sudo cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config
 sudo chmod a-w
 Installing Mail Server
 sudo apt-get -y install postfix mailutils libsasl2-2 ca-certificates libsasl2-modules
 sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix
Installing Zabbix
1. Installing repository configuration package and Zabbix :
 sudo wget http://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/2.4/ubuntu/pool/main/z/zabbix-release/zabbix-release_2.4-
 sudo dpkg -i zabbix-release_2.4-1+trusty_all.deb
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install zabbix-agent zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php snmpd php5-mysql php5-curl
2. Configure MySQL
 Choose a password for MySQL. I choose cbt4all
 Select YES to configure MySQL for Zabbix
 Choose a password for Administrator for database in MySQL. I choose cbt4all again!
3. Configuring the config file
 sudo vi /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/zabbix.conf
 Remove # from time zone and add your time zone. As I am in New Zealand, my time zone is Pacific/Auckland
 Find your time zone here: http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
4. Restart the Appache Service
 sudo service apache2 restart
Installing Zabbix- Welcome Wizard
1. Use browser to use Zabbix.
 The address you should use is which is
the Zabbixs IP Address. If you have chosen another IP Address for your Zabbix
Server, use that one.
 Click on Next
2. You have to test connection between Zabbix and MySQL.
 You need to insert the password you chose before. I had chosen cbt4all
 Click on Test Connection
 Click on Next
3. Login to Zabbix
 Default Username is Admin (A in Admin must be capital)
 Default Password is zabbix
Welcome to Zabbix
 Welcome to Zabbix. In next video I will show you how you can
configure the Zabbix.
Time out
 I would welcome the opportunity to have your idea and feedback at
my blog, www.cbt4all.com

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  • 1. Zabbix for beginners 01Installing Zabbix Alireza Rezvani www.cbt4all.com (Free video trainings and tutorials) Auckland, New Zealand
  • 2. Review Last video: 00-Introduction What we do in this series and who is this series for? Explained our practical scenario for this series There are three ways of getting Zabbix
  • 3. This video Install Zabbix Server SSH, SNMP, SMTP Login to Zabbix for the first time
  • 4. Installing Zabbix Review Scenario Monitor Routers interfaces, RAM and CPU by SNMP If the bandwidth is less than my expectation, if the link is down, if., Zabbix should send an alert email Create graph of bandwidth usage, RAM usage, CPU usage, etc. Monitor Windows Servers and Linux Server by SNMP Monitor Windows Servers and Linux Server by Zabbix Agent
  • 5. Installing Zabbix Scenario and Solution 1. Create a Virtual Machine for Zabbix 2. Install Ubuntu Server SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Zabbix should send an alert email SSH: Secure Shell Makes configuring easy 3. Verify the IP Address 4. Connect to Zabbix by Putty 5. Change the IP Address, if needed 6. Install SNMP (Simple Network Monitoring Protocol) Monitor Routers and Servers by SNMP 7. Update/Upgrade Ubuntu Server
  • 6. Installing Zabbix Install Ubuntu Steps: 1. Create a Virtual Machine for Zabbix I consider 2GB for RAM, 20GB for HDD https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/2.4/manual/installation/requirements NIC should be bridged to interface which you are connected to Internet through it Connect the NIC to GNS3 lab
  • 7. Installing Zabbix Install Ubuntu 2. Install Ubuntu Server Hostname: ZabbixSrv Domain: Your domain, here I put cbt4all.com Full name: Your name, here I put Alireza Username: Select an Username, here I put cbt4all Password: Choose a password, here I choose cbt4all. But as cbt4all is a weak password, Ubuntu warns me. I choose YES but you would better choose strong password. I do not need encrypted home directory, so I choose NO here. Choose your time zone. As I live in New Zealand, I choose Pacific I prefer to let Ubuntu create partitions for me, so I choose default and confirm it by choosing YES I dont use proxy, so I leave it blank Although updating always is a good idea, so I choose Not Automatic Update Install Open SSH Server and Mail Server Select Internet Site ZabbixSrv.cbt4all.com sounds nice. Do not worry, it is just a name! Choose YES for creating encryption for SSH, and locahost is good but you can change if you like Choose YES for installing GLB
  • 8. Installing Zabbix Install Ubuntu, con. 3. Verify the IPAddress for ZabbixSrv by ifconfig command IP Address:, Subnet Mask:, Gateway: DNS Server: 4. Connect to Zabbix by Putty and SSH 5. If you want to change the IP Address, use VI Editor sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf nameserver sudo ifup eth0 sudo ifdown eth0 sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart Help for Ubuntu IP setting: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html Help for VI Editor: http://www.cs.rit.edu/~cslab/vi.html i (to insert), x (to delete), Arrow keys, Esc key (to exit from current mode), : (to go to command mode), q! (to quit without save), wq (save and exit)
  • 9. Installing Zabbix Install Ubuntu, con. 6. Install SNMP sudo apt-get install libsnmp-mib-compiler-perl sudo apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloader sudo apt-get install libsnmp-base sudo apt-get install libsnmp-dev sudo apt-get install snmp sudo apt-get install snmpd 7. Update/Upgrade Ubuntu Server sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  • 10. Installing Zabbix Install Ubuntu, con. IF you forgot to install Open SSH Server and Mail Server during installing Ubuntu Server, you can use these to install them: Installing Open SSH Server sudo apt-get install openssh-server sudo cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.original sudo chmod a-w /etc/ssh/sshd_config.origina Installing Mail Server sudo apt-get -y install postfix mailutils libsasl2-2 ca-certificates libsasl2-modules sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix
  • 11. Installing Zabbix 1. Installing repository configuration package and Zabbix : sudo wget http://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/2.4/ubuntu/pool/main/z/zabbix-release/zabbix-release_2.4- 1+trusty_all.deb sudo dpkg -i zabbix-release_2.4-1+trusty_all.deb sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install zabbix-agent zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php snmpd php5-mysql php5-curl 2. Configure MySQL Choose a password for MySQL. I choose cbt4all Select YES to configure MySQL for Zabbix Choose a password for Administrator for database in MySQL. I choose cbt4all again! 3. Configuring the config file sudo vi /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/zabbix.conf Remove # from time zone and add your time zone. As I am in New Zealand, my time zone is Pacific/Auckland Find your time zone here: http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php 4. Restart the Appache Service sudo service apache2 restart
  • 12. Installing Zabbix- Welcome Wizard 1. Use browser to use Zabbix. The address you should use is which is the Zabbixs IP Address. If you have chosen another IP Address for your Zabbix Server, use that one. Click on Next 2. You have to test connection between Zabbix and MySQL. You need to insert the password you chose before. I had chosen cbt4all Click on Test Connection Click on Next 3. Login to Zabbix Default Username is Admin (A in Admin must be capital) Default Password is zabbix
  • 13. Welcome to Zabbix Welcome to Zabbix. In next video I will show you how you can configure the Zabbix.
  • 14. Time out I would welcome the opportunity to have your idea and feedback at my blog, www.cbt4all.com Thanks