24. 2. Shirky Law: The Transaction Costs and the Collaboration
Costs Between Individuals became much Lower than the
Organizational Costs
25. 3. Axelrod Law: The Trust Between Users is Prportional to the Number
and Frequency of the Iterations Between Them
26. Deep-learning software attempts to mimic the activity in layers of neurons in the
neocortex, the wrinkly 80 percent of the brain where thinking occurs. The
software learns, in a very real sense, to recognize patterns in digital
representations of sounds, images, and other data.
27. Google has been working on ways to use machine learning and
deep neural networks to solve some of the toughest problems Google
has, such as:
1.Natural language processing,
2.Speech recognition,
3.Computer vision
28. A program maps out a set of virtual neurons and then assigns random numerical values, or
“weights,” to connections between them. These weights determine how each simulated neuron
responds—with a mathematical output between 0 and 1—to a digitized feature such as an edge
or a shade of blue in an image, or a particular energy level at one frequency in a phoneme, the
individual unit of sound in spoken syllables. Axelrod Law of Collaboration from Social to Neural
האורגינל בלי ,פאזל לבנות כמו
29. Programmers would train a neural network to detect an object or phoneme by
blitzing the network with digitized versions of images containing those objects or
sound waves containing those phonemes.
If the network didn’t accurately recognize a particular pattern, an algorithm
would adjust the weights. The eventual goal of this training was to get the network
to consistently recognize the patterns in speech or sets of images that we
humans know as, say, the phoneme “d” or the image of a dog.
This is much the same way a child learns what a dog is by noticing the details of
head shape, behavior, and the like in furry, barking animals that other people
call dogs.
30. Money is starting to be thrown at the question.
1.The European Human Brain Project has a €1 billion ($1.3 billion)
budget over a decade. http://www.humanbrainproject.eu/
2. The American BRAIN initiative’s first-year budget is $100m,