This tutorial teaches how to add markers to maps created with OpenScales 1.2. It explains how to add default style markers by creating a feature layer, defining the projection and style, and adding point features. It also shows how to add another marker and how to add a marker with a custom symbol from a URL.
4. Action Script code to obtain the map4<fx:Script> <![CDATA[importorg.openscales.basetypes.Location;importorg.openscales.core.Map;importorg.openscales.core.feature.CustomMarker;importorg.openscales.core.feature.PointFeature;importorg.openscales.core.layer.FeatureLayer;;importorg.openscales.geometry.Point;import org.openscales.proj4as.ProjProjection; [Bindable] privatevar map:Map = null;privatefunctioninitMap():void { map =;varmarkers:FeatureLayer = newFeatureLayer("NameOfYourLayerWithMarkers");markers.projection = newProjProjection("EPSG:4326");markers.generateResolutions(19); = Style.getDefaultPointStyle();//add the first markervarmarker:PointFeature = PointFeature.createPointFeature(newLocation(4.85680,45.75336));markers.addFeature(marker);//add a second marker marker = PointFeature.createPointFeature(newLocation(4.85780,45.75336));markers.addFeature(marker);//add marker with different symbol, writing url addressmarkers.addFeature(CustomMarker.createUrlBasedMarker("", newLocation(4.85580,45.75336)));//add the layermap.addLayer(markers); } ]]></fx:Script>
5. Add a default style marker (1)A marker is created in the Action Script part of the mxml file.To create a simple marker you need:to create a feature layerto define the system of projection used by the layerto generate the resolutions at which the markers will be visibleto define the default styleto create a point with the correct coordinates (same projection as the layer)5
7. Add another markerWrite these two lines before adding the layer ( )map.addLayer(markers);marker = PointFeature.createPointFeature(new Location(4.85980,45.75336));markers.addFeature(marker);7
8. Add marker with custom symbolSymbol from URL address:Add this import next to the others:Add the marker using the static CustomMarker.createUrlBasedMarker(url, point) before adding the layer ( ):importorg.openscales.core.feature.CustomMarker;markers.addFeature(CustomMarker.createUrlBasedMarker("", new Location(4.85980,45.75336)));8map.addLayer(markers);
9. Here you areRight now, you’re able to add markers to your OpenScales maps.Find sources: